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Nội dung chi tiết: EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment


Emergency Homeopathic Treatment CRj)EmergencyHomeopathic TreatmentWhat is homeopathy ?Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the

EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment e whole system. Homeopathy as a science of medical treatment has a philosophy of its own and its therapeutics is based on certain fundamental principl

es. These are: Law of SimiliaLaw of SimplexLaw of MinimumDoctrine of Drug ProvingTheory of Chronic DiseaseTheory of Vital ForceDoctrine of Drug-Dynami EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment

sationThese fundamental principles are elaborated in the following sections.Law of SimiliaHomeopathy is a system of medicine founded on a definite law


'Similia Similibus Curantur' which means 'like cures like'. The word Homeopathy is a Greek derivation where 'homeos' means 'similar and pathos means

Emergency Homeopathic Treatment CRj)EmergencyHomeopathic TreatmentWhat is homeopathy ?Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the

EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment . Paracelus, Hippocrates, and ancient ayurvedic texts have onEmergency Homeopathic Treatmentoccasions mentioned this law. But it was Hahnemann who rec

ognized the universality of this law and lifted it from oblivion to make it the basis of a complete system of medicine. According to this system, the EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment

choice of the medicine is fundamentally based on the principle that the medicine must have the capability of producing most similar symptoms of the di


sease to be cured in healthy persons. In aphorism 26 of 'Organon of Medicine', Hahnemann states this law: "A weaker dynamic affection is permanently e

Emergency Homeopathic Treatment CRj)EmergencyHomeopathic TreatmentWhat is homeopathy ?Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the

EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment w of Simplex - The Single RemedyHahnemann in aphorisms 272-274 of' Organon of Medicine' states that only one single, simple medicinal substance is to

be administered in a given case of time. This is due to the following reasons:The homeopathic remedies were proved singly, and the Materia Medica was EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment

built up on the observed effects of drugs given singly, either in planned provings or in accidental provings. Only one remedy can be the most similar


at any given time to the condition of any given patient.Moreover, if more than one remedy is used the doctor will never know which element was curativ

Emergency Homeopathic Treatment CRj)EmergencyHomeopathic TreatmentWhat is homeopathy ?Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the

EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment ed out, but it cannot be argued that the effect will be the sum total of the effects of the separate drugs. The ingredient drugs may even result in in

teractions that may have adverse effects in the body. A mixture of more than one remedy in a single dose would constitute a new remedy which would req EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment

uire to be proved as such for a proper estimate of its probable effects.Law of MinimumThe suitableness of a medicine for any given case does not depen


d on its accurate homeopathic selection alone, but likpwicp nn thp nrnnpr QÌ7P nf dnsp tnn Ĩ Indpr thic nrinrinlp WPEmergency Homeopathic Treatmentgiv

Emergency Homeopathic Treatment CRj)EmergencyHomeopathic TreatmentWhat is homeopathy ?Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the

EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment east possible excitation of the vital force and yet sufficient to effect the necessary change in it(§ 246). The quantity is minimum, yet appropriate,

for a gentle remedial effect. This concept of minimum dose lead to the discovery of a practical process called potentisation. Administration of the mi EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment

nimum dose has the following advantages:To avoid unwanted aggravationThe specific dynamic action which produces the uncommon, characteristic, distingu


ished symptoms of the drug, is produced by the minimum quantity of drug.The smallness of the dose does not allow the drug to do any organic damage nor

Emergency Homeopathic Treatment CRj)EmergencyHomeopathic TreatmentWhat is homeopathy ?Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the

EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment ium doses paralyze and large doses kill. I other words, the action of small and very large doses of the same substance on living matter is opposite.Th

e Law of Least Action, formulated by Maupertius, the French mathematician, states : "The quantity of action necessary to affect any change in nature i EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment

s the least possible, the decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal." Health is a matter of perfect equilibrium, perfect balance, trifling


circumstances may sway it, and so may it be balanced by the least possible in medication.Doctrine of Drug ProvingIn Homeopathy we prescribe only thos

Emergency Homeopathic Treatment CRj)EmergencyHomeopathic TreatmentWhat is homeopathy ?Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the

EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment power of medicine on healthy human being of different ages, both sexes and of various constitutions. These recordings of drug proving give the only re

liable knowledge of medicines which is very essential to cure disease hnmpnnnthirpllv Diffprpnt mpdirinpQ miiQf hp nrnvpdEmergency Homeopathic Treatme EmergencyHomeopathicTreatment

ntthoroughly in order to obtain full details of their curative properties. The drug must be proved on human beings because: Animals do not give subjec


tive or mental symptoms.Effects of the same drug on animals and on human beings are different.

Emergency Homeopathic Treatment CRj)EmergencyHomeopathic TreatmentWhat is homeopathy ?Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the

Emergency Homeopathic Treatment CRj)EmergencyHomeopathic TreatmentWhat is homeopathy ?Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide the

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