Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

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Nội dung chi tiết: Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working Paper 5828Patterns of Business Creation, Survival and GrowthEvidence f

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa from AfricaLeora KlapperChristine RichmondThe World BankDevelopment Research GroupFinance and Private Sector Development Team40817Patterns of Business

Creation. Survival and Growth: Evidence from Africa’Leora Klapper"Clmstine Richmond’"JEL Classification-. G18. G38. L51. M13Keywords. Business Incorp Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

oration; Net Employment: Regulatory Barners: Economic GrowthWe aie giatefi.ll to Francois Bouiguignon foi providing US the data and Daniel Dia->. Seba

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

stian Edwards. Phil English. Vesela Grozeva. Ed Learner. Phil Kim. Javier Miranda. Nico Voigtlander. Mark Wright. Romain Wacziarg. and seminar partici

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa dation Busmess Creation Symposium. 2009 Northeast Universities Development Consortium. World Bank-Kauffman Foundation Conference on Entrepreneurship a

nd Growth. PACDEV 2010. 5th IZA World Bank Conference on Employment and Development. UCLA, and ICN Nancy for helpfill comments. We also thank Markus F Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

rdlich and two anonymous referees for excellent comments. Financial assistance is gratefully acknowledged from UCLA CIBER by Christine Richmond and fr

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

om the Knowledge for Change (KCP) program by Leora Klappei. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank, its Execu

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa ashington. DC 20433. Tel: +1 202.473.8738; Email:’" International Monetary Fluid. 1900 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.. Washington. DC

20431. Tel: +1.202.623.4864; Email: crichmond@imf. org1. IntroductionFinn entry and exit Schumpeterian "creative destruction" is critical for the con Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

tinued dynamism of the modern economy. Though evidence has linked entrepreneurship and economic growth in developed countrieswe have scarce evidence t

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

hat such a relationship exists in developing countries. For instance, to what extent does formal sector entrepreneurship contribute to job creation in

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa er, we examine job creation and destruction. al both new and mcumbcnl firms. Ill Cole d'hoire. ranked 169 of 181 countries ill the 2011 Doing Business

"Base of Doing Business" ranking (where 1 indicates the most favorable business enviroinnent) (World Bank. 2010a).We use a new and unique database th Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

at includes the complete census of registered firms 111 Cote d'lvone from 1976 through 1997 to answer these questions." This includes data collected a

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

t the time of registration (ownership and sector) as well as aimual reporting of total employment. Unlike comparable studies tliat rely on survey data

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa raction, and survival at incumbent firms Moreover, since we use a census of formal sector films that extends beyond the manufacturing sector, we can a

naly ze the impact of macroeconomic and other shocks on sector distributions.Fust, we examine business dynamics in Cole d'Ivoire. We decompose trends Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

in job creation and gr ow th into entry of new films and expansion of incumbent films, and job destruction into exit and contraction. We also examine

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

the distribution of firms by size, sector, and ownership. We find that job creation by new firms is quite high al 8% on average, but the number of job

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa s, and firm survival. We find that, on average, a 1% increase in GDP growth lowers rhe likelihood of exit by 1.7%, while trade liberalization and fisc

al adjustment episodes raised the overall likelihood of exit but attenuated the probability of exit for small and medium sized firms relative to large Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

firms. AFor example, see Haltiwanger el al. (2009a); Klappei el al. (2006); Djankov et al. (2002).■ Regulatory changes related to the modernization o

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

f the Registrar of Companies in 199S prevent us from extending the time series.2caveat to our survival results, however, is the reliance on time serie

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa velopment strategies. In order for the private sector to act as an 'engine of growth* and advance the development process, it is necessary for firms t

o survive and grow. It is also important for policy makers to understand and consider the impact of government policies on private sector survival and Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

growth.An important caveat is that our analysis covers all formally registered firms, but excludes firms that operate informally, even though the inf

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

ormal economy encompasses an estimated 72% of jobs in Sub-Saharan Africa (OECD. 2009).' Yet it remains important to understand job dynamics among form

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa rld Bank Enterprise Surveys of informal linns in three African countries suggests that most infonnal firms have less than 2 employees and unlikely to

contribute to job creation. For instance. 46% of mfonnal linns 111 Cote d'Ivoire (as compar ed to 39% in Madagascar and 31% in Mauritius) Stan not bec Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

ause the owner sees a good business opportunity, but because the (largest) owner could not find alternative employment opportunities ("unwilling” entr

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

epreneurs). Furthermore. 81% of firms in Cote d'Ivoire (as compared to 72% in Madagascar and 49% in Mauritius) operate within household premises and f

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa an in large informal firms, which in turn have higher productivity than small informal firms (.Amin. 2009) The literature also highlights other potent

ial advantages of formal sector participation for large firms, including police and judicial protection (and less minerability to corruption and the d Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

emand for bribes), access to formal credit institutions, the ability to use formal labor contracts, and greater access to foreign markets (Sclureider

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

and Enste. 2000). Finns that choose to remain informal may be unable to realize their full growth potential. Therefore, “high-growth” entrepreneurship

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa Bourguignon. 1996)4 The Mauritius statistics are statistically different from those of Cote d'Ivoire at the 1% level; the Madagascar statistics are n

ot significantly different from those of Cote d’Ivoire even at the 10°o level.3macroeconomic growth, is most likely to happen through formally registe Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

red firms. These weaknesses in the informal sector suggest that understanding the drivers of formal firm entry and survival are key to promoting econo

Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa

mic growth and employmentThe paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 reviews previous literature related to firm dynamics. Section 3 reviews the relevant

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Patterns of business creation, survival and growth evidence from africa al test methodology, and results. Section 6 concludes.

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