phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

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phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

KeyLONGMAN PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBTTESTTOfft *T“ 1« <»• • Mo4»na>* w (eMfiewy ’■»*»« Sc«i4m ỉ!?S*) fWi MlwiM it •*, tn

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8 fTi.ALWAYS LÉARMINGPEARSONMINI-TEST 1READING12C m.nutes]ReadingI Section Directions ITh

es in English.Most questions am worth one point each Some questions are worth more than crie point. The direct'd-IS for tnese questions will state how phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

many oolnts each is worth.You w.l now sta-t the Reading section. You will liave 20 minutes to rertd the passage and answer til* questions.IMIMI TEST

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

1. Reading 377Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.The Lost GoldMost people are familiar with a battle known as the battle of the l i

KeyLONGMAN PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBTTESTTOfft *T“ 1« <»• • Mo4»na>* w (eMfiewy ’■»*»« Sc«i4m ỉ!?S*) fWi MlwiM it •*, tn

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8 nto battle in the valley of the Little Big Horn River in Montara by a thirty-six year old ma.or-general named George Armstrong Custer; or, Juno 24,137

6. these five companies were compctcly overwhelmed and decimated by a huge coalition ot Sioux and Cheyenne. A footnote to this historical event that h phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

as been lost among all the drama arc significance of the battle Itself is the story ot a missing fortune in gold.n2> In the days before the Battle of

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

the Little Big Horn, two separate bands of men on two separate missions came into contact and initialed the events that have ed to the mystery of toda

KeyLONGMAN PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBTTESTTOfft *T“ 1« <»• • Mo4»na>* w (eMfiewy ’■»*»« Sc«i4m ỉ!?S*) fWi MlwiM it •*, tn

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8 a load of miners' gold from Bozeman. Montana, to a freght company in Bismarck. North Dakota.The second of these bands Ơ1 men was on a military suooly

boat that was heading north on the Big Horn River to a designated rendezvous with Custer's commanding officer. This supply boat was under the command phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

0T a Captain Marsh, who was unfamiliar with this stretch ot the Big Horn River and the meeting local on. By the time he realized his mistak

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e, he dctc-mined that ha riad traveled between 15 anc 20 miles north of the designated meeting place.3>- On Juno 26, the day after the battle, ttie tw

KeyLONGMAN PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBTTESTTOfft *T“ 1« <»• • Mo4»na>* w (eMfiewy ’■»*»« Sc«i4m ỉ!?S*) fWi MlwiM it •*, tn

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8 over the shipment of gold and see that it was eventually dolivered tc Bismarck. Captan Marsh agreed and look the shipment on board his vessel, and Lon

gworth and the guards retreated as quick y as possible back toward Bozeman. That evening, when Marsh realized how dangerous the situation actually was phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

, he decided to hide the gold somewhere alone the river. Marsh debarked and headed for shore. taking two of his most trusted officers and the god with

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

him: the trio returned to tne boat some threeand a naif hours later without their valuable cargo.4> E2 Marsh left the dangerous area with his men and

KeyLONGMAN PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBTTESTTOfft *T“ 1« <»• • Mo4»na>* w (eMfiewy ’■»*»« Sc«i4m ỉ!?S*) fWi MlwiM it •*, tn

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8 t of gold, but by that time the company had gone out of bus n ess. ES Marsh left the military and lived the kind of working class life one mght expect

as the captain cf a riverboat. ED The two officers who had Helped Marsh hide the gold continued work ng on the supply boat until they retired some si phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

xteen years later.5> Though what happened tc the gold is not known today. what is stated above is known with a far amount of well-researched certainty

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. There are historical records showing that Longworth Cid leave Bozeman on a mule-train accompanied by two guards and that they were heading for B:sma

KeyLONGMAN PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBTTESTTOfft *T“ 1« <»• • Mo4»na>* w (eMfiewy ’■»*»« Sc«i4m ỉ!?S*) fWi MlwiM it •*, tn

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8 e are records showing that the three men from the supply boat Cid indeed leave their vessel with the geld tor a period of only a few hours and then re

turned empty-handed; there are recorcs shewing that these three lived out their lives without any indication that either they or their descendants f:a phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

d obtained a huge fortune in gold. What is not knosvn is the fate of the gold. Pe'haos a future fortune hunter might Wish to spend time examin:ng reco

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

rds from the period in detail in the hope- of finding a missec clue or. instead simply head to the banks of the Rig Horn River.378 MINI TEST 1: Readin

KeyLONGMAN PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBTTESTTOfft *T“ 1« <»• • Mo4»na>* w (eMfiewy ’■»*»« Sc«i4m ỉ!?S*) fWi MlwiM it •*, tn

phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8 ortance than the Battle of the Little Bighorn© is only one tiny part of the events surrounding the Battle of the Little Bighorn© is one of the most dr

amatic events of the Battle cf thư Little 9’ti2The word coalition in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to© alliance®> societyi © collapse© ambush phillips deborah preparation course for the toefl ibt test 8

3rhe word that in pa'agraph 1 refers to

KeyLONGMAN PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBTTESTTOfft *T“ 1« <»• • Mo4»na>* w (eMfiewy ’■»*»« Sc«i4m ỉ!?S*) fWi MlwiM it •*, tn

KeyLONGMAN PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE TOEFL iBTTESTTOfft *T“ 1« <»• • Mo4»na>* w (eMfiewy ’■»*»« Sc«i4m ỉ!?S*) fWi MlwiM it •*, tn

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