Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work
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Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work
CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITYI. the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitledSYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURESOF RESULT Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work TING COPULAR VERBS IN ENGLISIIAND THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS IN A EITERATERE WORKCÁC ĐẠC ĐIÉM VẺ CỦ PIIAP VÀ NGỪNGIIÌA CUA ĐỌNG TỮ NÓI TRONG TIÊNG ANH VÀ TƯƠNG ĐƯƠNG TRONG TIÊNG VIẸT TRONG MỌT TÁC PIIẢM VÃN HOCsubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work Language. Except where the reference is indicated, no other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement ill the text of the thesis.I lanoSyntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work
i. 2020Thư viện Trường Đại học Mơ Hà NộiI.e Phuong DungApproved bySUPERVISORDr. Dang Ngoc HuongDate: 26/11/2020iACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis thesis could not CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITYI. the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitledSYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURESOF RESULT Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work pervisor. who has given me great help with this paper preparation. Without his experienced guidance, valuable suggestions and dutiful supervision, my research would be far from finished.I would also like to acknowledge my debt of gratitude to Assoc. Prof Dr. Hoang Tuycl Minh and the staff members of Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work Post-graduate Department and the lecturers al Faculty of Foreign Languages Ha Noi Open University for their valuable lectures, which laid the foundatSyntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work
ion of this thesis, and for their knowledge as well as their sympathy.I am also gratetill to the Thanh Iloa students in group of English language courCERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITYI. the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitledSYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURESOF RESULT Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work ts, my brothers, whose support and continual encouragement have been indispensable for the fulfillment of this challenging work.This thesis cannot avoid limitation, so I wish to receive comments and opinions to make it better.iiABSTRACTThe issue of resulting copular verbs in English and in Vietnames Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work e is a very complex one and there are many different views of linguistists. The focus of this thesis is to study on syntactic and semantic tenures ofSyntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work
resulting copular verbs and their Vietnamese equivalents in Vietnamese in a literature work. The research was carried out to answer the research questCERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITYI. the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitledSYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURESOF RESULT Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work pular verbs in English and their Vietnamses equivalents in a literature work?What implication is drawn for teaming resulting copular verbs effectively?The differences between the meanings and uses of the different structures are not easy to analyse and describe clearly. The study attempts to provide Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work readers, particularly students of English, solutions to then- problems when using resulting copular verbs. So. in the last chapter, the common errorsSyntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work
and mistakes made by Vietnamese learners arc highlighted. Then the suggestions for each problem arc presented with examplếằClo help students understaCERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITYI. the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitledSYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURESOF RESULT Syntactic and semantic features of resulting copular verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents in a literature work AND ABBREVIATIONSAAdverbialcComplementCl.ClauseHNHead nounInfInfinitiveCERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITYI. the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitledSYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURESOF RESULTGọi ngay
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