Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

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Nội dung chi tiết: Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agendace Foundation conducted an expert workshop for development of a research agenda for drinking water quality. The steering committee was chaired by Prof

essor Charles N. Haas (Drexel University), and included Professors Menachem Elimelech (Yale University), James Kilduff (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institu Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

te), Benito Marinas (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Philip Singer (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Vernon Snoeyink (Un

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

iversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). The workshop was conducted at the University of Nonh Carolina at Chapel Hill on March 10-12, 2004.The works

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agendaussions were not limited to these research areas - the areas were chosen to organize discussions and encourage broad reflections. For each research ar

ea, a plenary session was conducted in which a resource speaker made a presentation describing current trends in the research area and potential futur Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

e research directions. Question and answer periods followed resource speaker presentations. After plenary sessions, participants divided into four bre

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

akout groups to discuss the research area and formulate researchable questions.Summaries of the research themes identified by workshop participants ar

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agendarane technology, the composition and behavior of natural waters, tailoring research to meet societal needs, and distribution systems. Research questio

ns related to crosscutting topics are also summarized below.BiotechnologyEngineered materials for use as functional components of treatment systemsCan Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

biologically engineered materials be produced to enable new processes or substantially improve processes presently used? What is the durability of su

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

ch materials? How will these materials interact with other components and systems in the drinking water environment, and what are their potential bypr

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agendamployed to develop new sensors for protection, operation and control of water supply, treatment and distribution systems? What are the reliability, ru

ggedness and operability of such new devices?1Use of improved knowledge for control of problem organismsThe advances in molecular biology are facilita Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

ting our understanding of ecologies of complex systems. In the drinking water milieu, biofilms, nuisance algae and persistent pathogens are important

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

problems. Can improvements in molecular biological understanding be used to better characterize and ultimately control such problems in drinking water

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agendar chemical combinations, etc.) in a cost-effective manner?Environmental ChemistryFrom molecular to process modelingHave ob initio (e.g., QSAR, molecul

ar thermodynamic) modeling approaches of chemicals in water matured to a point where they can be part of a first principles analysis of water treatmen Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

t? If not, what are limitations and points of improvement needed for both the molecular scale and process scale models?Advanced characterization of na

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

tural organic matterCan advanced methods in analytical chemistry be used to provide additional information on the characteristics of natural organic m

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda other contaminants?Source prediction and controlUsing real time and/or remote sensing, can the inputs of problem chemicals into water treatment syste

ms be better predicted? Are there features of compounds that are so intrinsically refractor}' to treatment that intensive levels of source protection Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

represent the most practicable means of their control?Novel MaterialsOpportunities for nanoparticle reagentsCan novel, cost effective transformations

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

(e.g., oxidations, reductions) of pollutants in drinking water be achieved using tailored nanoparticles? Can nanomaterials be added to or incorporated

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agendament (e.g., in wastes from consumer products) to adversely impact water supply and treatment? Can nanoparticles harbor or protect undesirable contamin

ants (chemical or microbial)?Innovative detection schemesCan nanomaterials be used to provide new tools for sensing contaminants of interest either in Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

research on water treatment or in operations of water treatment facilities and distribution systems?2Cyber InfrastructureRole of sensor networks in t

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

reatmentCdn large-scale networks ol distributed sensors be effectively deployed in treatment to improve operational performance? Can such systems enab

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agendar networks or remote sensing in assessing source water characteristics, such as contaminant detection and quantitation, on a large-scale regional basi

s and/or on a rapid basis? What data warehousing and analysis techniques would be appropriate for these applications? How can the data from such syste Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

ms be analyzed io yield useful results?Distribution system monitoringCan sensor networks or autonomous sensors be used for routine or emergency monito

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA) Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research Agenda

ring of water distribution systems, c.g.. for early wanting systems? Can such systems monitor materials deterioration (c.g.. corrosion, scale)? Can su

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

Advancing the Quality of Water (AWQA): Expert Workshop to Formulate a Research AgendaReviewed Draft - June 11,2004Executive summaryThe National Scienc

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