AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab

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Nội dung chi tiết: AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab

AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab

Allegro® PCB Editor Basic TechniquesCourse Version 16.6 QIR8Lab ManualRevision 1.0cadence£ 1990-2015 Cadence Design Systems. Inc. All rights reserved.

AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab.Printed in the United States of America.Cadence Design Systems. Inc. (Cadence!, 2655 Seely Ave.. San Jose. CA 95134. USA.Trademarks: Trademarks and s

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Allegro® PCB Editor Basic TechniquesCourse Version 16.6 QIR8Lab ManualRevision 1.0cadence£ 1990-2015 Cadence Design Systems. Inc. All rights reserved.

AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print labied, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed m any way. without prior written permission from Cadence. This statement grants you perm

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Allegro® PCB Editor Basic TechniquesCourse Version 16.6 QIR8Lab ManualRevision 1.0cadence£ 1990-2015 Cadence Design Systems. Inc. All rights reserved.

AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print labhange without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Cadence. The information contained herein is the proprietary and confidential

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ntations or warranties as to the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of the information contained in tins document. Cadence does not warrant that use

Allegro® PCB Editor Basic TechniquesCourse Version 16.6 QIR8Lab ManualRevision 1.0cadence£ 1990-2015 Cadence Design Systems. Inc. All rights reserved.

AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print labfr om use of such information.Restricted Rights: Use. duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR52.22

7-14 and DFAR252.227-7O13 et se-q. or its successor.2February 9.2015Table of ContentsAllegro PCB Editor Basic TechniquesModule 1:About This Course.... AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab

..............................................................9Lab 1-1Locating C adence Online Support Solutions......................................

AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab

..11Cadence Online Support (COS).......................................................11Product Search...............................................

Allegro® PCB Editor Basic TechniquesCourse Version 16.6 QIR8Lab ManualRevision 1.0cadence£ 1990-2015 Cadence Design Systems. Inc. All rights reserved.

AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab...............................................13Module 2:User Interface....................................................................15Lab 2-1T

aking an Allegr o PCB Editor Tour................................................17choosing Products and Starting Allegro PCB Editor.................. AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab

...............17Setting Your Working Directory, opening a Board Design, and Viewing Tool Sets.....ISExploring the Allegro PCB Editor User Interface..

AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab

.................................19Accessing the Help System.........................................................21Lab 2-2 Navigating the Allegro

Allegro® PCB Editor Basic TechniquesCourse Version 16.6 QIR8Lab ManualRevision 1.0cadence£ 1990-2015 Cadence Design Systems. Inc. All rights reserved.

AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print labing the View Command and Zoom Options...........................................22Using the Middle Mouse Button to Zoom In and Out....................

..............23Using the Worldview Window........................................................24Using Strokes..................................... AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab

................................25Customizing Your View and Toolset.................................................26

Allegro® PCB Editor Basic TechniquesCourse Version 16.6 QIR8Lab ManualRevision 1.0cadence£ 1990-2015 Cadence Design Systems. Inc. All rights reserved.

Allegro® PCB Editor Basic TechniquesCourse Version 16.6 QIR8Lab ManualRevision 1.0cadence£ 1990-2015 Cadence Design Systems. Inc. All rights reserved.

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