Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

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Nội dung chi tiết: Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity Social Sciences,Tucson, AZ 85721,USA.Tel: (520)-621-3120Fax: (520>621-9559Email: rhealey@email.Arizona.eduAbstract• Many of the key ideas of this pap

er were developed in close collaboration with Jenann Ismael, who shares whatever credit IS due: I reserve to myself the blame foi not making adequate Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

use of her contributions. I thank also Shaughan Lavine, audiences in Oxford and the London School of Economics, and die referees for this journal for

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

their patience and constructive criticisms1Change Without ChangeAll change involves temporal variation of properties. There is change in the physical

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativityrld against two skeptical arguments recently presented by John Earman. Each argument imposes severe restrictions on what maycount as a genuine physica

l magnitude in general relativity. These restrictions seem justified only as long as one ignores the fact that genuine change in a relativistic world Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

is framedependent. 1 argue on the contrary' that there are genuine physical magnitudes whose values typically vary with the time of some frame, and th

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

at these include most familiar measurable quantities. Frame-dependent temporal variation in these magnitudes nevertheless supervenes on the unchanging

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativityrame. Change is a significant and observable feature of a general relativistic world only because our situation in such a world naturally picks out a

relevant class of frames, even if we lack the descriptive resources to say how they are realized by the values of basic underlying physical magnitudes Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

.2change Without changeIntroductionMeldphysics began with Parmenides' denial of change. ĨL is templing today lo dismiss his argument as either fallaci

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

ous or else a reductio ad ubsurdum OÍ its premises. Surely we observe change all around US. Moreover, physical science seems to have provided US witli

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity that has not changed is philosophers' practice of arguing among themselves about the best abstract analysis of change . But contemporary metaphysical

discussions are almost uniformly descriptive rather than revisionary. As with Parmenides, McTaggart's argument for the unreality of time and change i Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

s typically regarded as a simple reductio, resting on either fallacious reasoning or an incorrect analysis of change2. Unlike their illustrious predec

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

essors, today's philosophers complacently take for granted the existence of change, while leaving the investigation of concrete observable changes to

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativityonclusion that all the apparent changes we think we observe arc merely illusions-that no genuine physical magnitude ever changes—and that the lesson t

he general theory of relativity has to leach US is that all observable quantities in fact remain constant and unchanging.’ This shock may be just what Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

is needed to highlight the fact that foundational physics is revisionary metaphysics under the guise of empirical science.Aller recovering from the s

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

hock, the next step must be to try to reconcile the overwhelming appearance of change in the world around US with the absence of any physical change a

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativityto show how real physical change in a general relativistic world can supervene on an unchanging physical basis, so that (to echo Wheeler) there is cha

nge without change. The second stage is to explain how we are able to observe physical change while remaining curiously unaware of its unchanging phys Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

ical basis.The argument that the deep structure of general relativity excludes change in genuine physical magnitudes hinges on technical features not

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

shared by other space-time theories. But it will nevertheless prove useful to begin by discussing the nature of change in a more familiar context of N

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativityhysical magnitudes even though these supervene on unchanging values of more fundamental physical magnitudes.The nature of this supervenience is best e

xplained using the notion of a frame. Applied to a special relativistic world, this notion shows how a four-dimensional “block universe” may admit bot Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

h change and its absence. Local frames are definable in any general relativistic world. Their definition permits one to describe a multiplicity of fra

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

me-dependent changes in such a world. A frame-dependent change is genuine: its occurrence is determined by the unchanging values of basic physical mag

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativityc physical magnitudes whose unchanging values realize our occupation of it.Here's how the sections to follow lay out the argument of the paper. Sectio

n 1 offers a preliminary account of change intended to fit the idea of change in physical magnitudes in the context of contemporary metaphysical analy Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

ses of change. Section 2 uses physical examples to show how special relativity already forces US to get clearer on the notions of properties and times

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

typically invoked by such analyses. Section 3 extends the analysis to general relativity4Change Without Change and shows how a traditional approach t

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativitylated arguments for the conclusion that, in a general relativistic world, no fundamental physical magnitude ever changes. Section 5 responds to the ar

guments by showing how to use fundamental magnitudes to define change in other, equally genuine, physical magnitudes, and explaining how we can observ Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

e their changing values.1. ChangeA physical theory should tell US what kinds of things there are in the world, the properties they possess, and the re

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

lations they bear one another. The goal is to specify a set of basic entities, properties and relations. By permitting unrestrained recombination of t

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativityerties characterize them intrinsically, and the relations specify their arrangement. Any formally appropriate assignment of properties to basic indivi

duals and specification of the external relations among them is allowed here. The physical laws distinguish those worlds that lie within the realm of Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

physical possibility.As a quantitative science, physics typically deals with magnitudes rather than properties. A physical magnitude is nothing more t

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

han a jointly exhaustive, mutually exclusive family of physical properties, with each property corresponding to an assignment of a value of the approp

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity to another incompatible property in the associated family. Since each qualitative property simply corresponds to a 2-valued magnitude whose values ar

e 1 (for “present") and 0 (for “absent”), I will move freely back and forth between talk of properties and talk of magnitudes.5https://khothuvien.cori Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity

!Change Without Change

Change Without ChangeChange Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity^Richard HealeyPhilosophy Department.University of Arizona,213

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