NCKH (3)

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Nội dung chi tiết: NCKH (3)

NCKH (3)

PRACTICE TEST 1PARTI (Track 1)Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words.Yesterday, we talked about how plants can live witho

NCKH (3) out a brain. Today, we’ll cover a few sea (la) that also live without brain, yet belong to the animal kingdom. They do not have sensory organs like h

umans, but they have little problem living well in their own (2).One of the more common types of animal that fits the description is the sea drifter o NCKH (3)

f the ocean, called the jellyfish. It belongs to an animal (3)called the “Phylum Cridaria”. The jellyfish is a very strange animal, because it has no

NCKH (3)

visible senses that humans can (4). This means that jelly fish do not have any eyes, ears, mouth, hands or nose. It doesn’t even have a traditional di

PRACTICE TEST 1PARTI (Track 1)Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words.Yesterday, we talked about how plants can live witho

NCKH (3) these tentacles are their digestive glands. Again, starfish do not have any visible sensory organs like humans, but they still (6)to move around the

ocean floor. They do technically have a mouth, but since the starfish has no (7), the mouth is hidden at the bottom and middle of their body.The starf NCKH (3)

ish can also (8)themselves. This means that if an arm of the starfish is cut off, it will grow back to (9)in a short time. Part of reason is because t

NCKH (3)

he body of the starfish is made of calcium. In some cases, starfish can even make a copy of themselves. The cut part of the starfish will (10)a body a

PRACTICE TEST 1PARTI (Track 1)Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words.Yesterday, we talked about how plants can live witho

NCKH (3) he conversation?2Where would the boss go at two o’clock?3When would the lunch be serves?4What was Mary asked to do for the boss’s guest?5What do you k

now about the guest?2PRACTICE TEST 2PARTI (Track 3)Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words.Where were you when the lights NCKH (3)

went out?In August 2003, a blackout affected 60 million people in the US and Canada, including major cities like New York, Detroit, and Toronto. It ha

NCKH (3)

ppened on one of the hottest days of the year. These are stories from people who were there:*1 remember I was riding the (1), reading a magazine, when

PRACTICE TEST 1PARTI (Track 1)Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words.Yesterday, we talked about how plants can live witho

NCKH (3) worry, folks. It’ll be back on in a couple of minutes.”. A couple of minutes! That’s funny! Over an hour later, we were still sitting in the train. An

d it was the hottest day in New York! When they finally opened the door at the end of the car, we (4)down, walked along the tracks, and climbed up on NCKH (3)

the platform at the next station.*1 was driving home from work when I stopped at a light. Suddenly, the power went out. So, of course, the (5)went out

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, too. Traffic froze because no one knew what to do. I was listening to a music station on the radio when the (6)said: “We’re getting reports of a maj

PRACTICE TEST 1PARTI (Track 1)Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words.Yesterday, we talked about how plants can live witho

NCKH (3) ghts on, so I didn’t (9)it was the power. I thought it was probably a problem with the TV. So I was (10)and banging on it when the telephone rang. It

was my daughter calling to make sure I was OK. She told me there was a blackout in New York. I remember thinking, “So what? I live in Detroit!”3PART 2 NCKH (3)

(Track 4)Listen to the recording and answer Ute following questions.1What’s Norman’s job?2Where in the suitcase has he put his pair of shoes?3Where i

NCKH (3)

s his passport?4Who is meeting him at the airport?5When does his mother want him to suck some sweets?PRACTICE TEST 34

PRACTICE TEST 1PARTI (Track 1)Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words.Yesterday, we talked about how plants can live witho

PRACTICE TEST 1PARTI (Track 1)Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words.Yesterday, we talked about how plants can live witho

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