Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

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Nội dung chi tiết: Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experiencesity University Paik, Miami, FL 33199 pasztora@cs.fiu.eduMary Hale-Haniff School of Social and Systemic Studies Nova Southeastern University 3301 Coll

ege AvenueFort Lauderdale, FL 33314hale-haniff@email.msn.comandDai ia M. Valle Claude Pepper Elementary School 14550 S.W. 96 St.Miami, FL 33186The chi Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

ld cannot conceive of tasks, the way to solve them and the solutions in terms other than those that are available at the particular moment in his or h

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

er conceptual development. The child must make meaning of the task and try to construct a solution by using material she already has. That material ca

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience87, p. 12)IntroductionAt this time, we are experiencing a global shift from a positivist (rationalist) paradigm toward a constructivist (naturalistic)

paradigm. This shift is emerging in a wide range of academic areas such as philosophy, the arts, education, politics, religion, medicine, physics, ch Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

emistry, ecology, evolution, psychology, linguistics (Lincoln 8c Guba. 1985: Schwartz 8c Ogilvy. 1979). and mathematics—mathematics education in parti

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

cular.The term “paradigm” refers to a systematic set of assumptions or beliefs that comprise our philosophy and world view. Beginning with fundamental

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experiencepartially supported by the following grants: NSF-CISE-EIA-9812636 with the DSP Center, NSF-MII-EIA-9906600 with the CATE Center, and ONR-NOOO 14-99-1-

0952 at Florida International University.1https://khothuvien.cori!the world, including the actions we take as inquirers, cannot occur without referenc Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

e to those paradigms (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). In mathematics education the paradigm shift has been a top-down shift beginning with the theoretical foun

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

dations of mathematics education and then moving to the level of professional organizations which have been leading extensive efforts to reform school

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experiencee new 2000 Principles and Standards for School Mathematics of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2000) may be the most significant

effort up to this time. So far. however, the paradigm shift is not yet emanent at the grass roots level of the classroom in terms of actual changes i Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

n mathematics classroom practices. One of the reasons for this may be that the constructivist theories espoused by the researchers are as yet too abst

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

ract to readily lend themselves to implementation. Even NCTM's (2000) new guidelines, which were designed to provide "focused, sustained efforts to im

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience, given that the very same communities whose members started the constructivist reform movement often lack an awareness for the need to translate the

new principles even to their own behavior, let alone to embody them. “This is not altogether surprising because leading practitioners at all levels te Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

nd to be so busy with day-to-day problems that they seldom have adequate time for metalevel considerations. As the folk saying states: ’When you are u

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

p to your neck in alligators, it's difficult to find time to think about draining the swamp"' (Lesh. Lovitts. & Kelly. 1999. p. 32).In this paper we w

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experiencechool mathematics:Teaching. Effective mathematics teaching requires understanding what students know and need to learn and then challenging and suppor

ting them to learn it well.Learning. Students must learn mathematics with understanding, actively building new knowledge from experience and prior kno Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

wledge. (NCTM. 2000. chapter 2).Careful reading of these two standards raises a number of questions: What is mathematics knowledge? What constitutes u

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

nderstanding? What is learning with understanding? How do we gain access to students’ experience and prior knowledge? What kind of experience and prio

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience own experience, rather than from what happens to be the teacher's experience?These and related questions drive our pilot research project. The pilot

project, in turn, is part of a larger, ongoing project that we have come to call the Linguistic Action Inquiry Project. The goal of the Linguistic Act Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

ion Inquiry Project has been to facilitate change in a variety of domains of human communication. Its primary tool has been the utilization and refine

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

ment of a shared experiential language (SEL) and the enhancement of the person of the facilitator, be that a teacher, a therapist, or a researcher, as

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experiencemethodology of linguistic action inquiry can help successfully root mathematical understanding in students' prior sensory experiences, learn,

utilizing SEL. how students naturally organize their experiences when they try to understand mathematics.In all action-research cycles of the pilot pr Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

oject we utilize SEL to model, help adjust fit of and reflect upon students' experiences linked to mathematics understanding. This represents a unique

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

2opportunity to document such experiences lor the purpose of relining mathematics teaching methodologies and curricula in ways that allow consistent u

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experienceist, we will lay the groundwork of our guiding theoretical flamework by contrasting positivist and constructivist paradigms and their methodological i

mplications both for teaching and learning in general, and for mathematics education in specific. We will then present existing efforts to demystify m Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

athematics and reconnect it to students' everyday experiences, and we will argue for the need to root consistent mathematics understanding in students

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

’ sensory experiences. We conclude the fiist pan of the paper by defining basic components of SLL. the shared experiential language, which is the prer

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experienceuistic action inquiry methodology, where the poison of the educator.■researcher is the primary teaching, research instrument, and which we have been d

eveloping in the context of our Linguistic Action inquiry Project. In the third pan of the paper wo then illustrate our pilot project where we are ada Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

pting this approach to teaching mathematical thinking to a group of fourth-grade students in a manner that effectively implements the intent of the NC

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

IM 2000 guidelines. Lastly, we offer some concluding thoughts and suggestions.The Guiding Theoretical Framework1.1Contrasting Positivist and Construc

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experiencenature of reality), epistemology (assumptions about how we know what we know), and methodology (Denzin & Lincoln. 1994; Lincoln & Guba. 1985). Table 1

summarizes some key distinctions between the two thought systems as they relate to our subsequent discussions on mathematics education. It also paral Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

lels table 2.1 of (Kelly & Lesh. 1999. pp. 37-38), particularly from the point of view of methodology.Positivist ViewConstructivist ViewNature OÍ Real

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

ity and KnowledgeReality is a single and fixed set of knowable, objective facts to be discovered.Reality is not accessible. Multiple and dynamic subje

Coming to Our Senses: Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory ExperienceAna Pasztor School of Computer Science Florida International Univers

Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience an only be understood in relationship Io the larger context.Knowledge is matching realityKnowledge is finding fir with observations..Nature of the Le

arning'leaching ProcessTeaching is one-way transmission of fixed knowledge Io the passive Student.Teacher and student bulb ac lively participate to co Coming to Our Senses Reconnecting Mathematics Understanding to Sensory Experience

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