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Nội dung chi tiết: Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS


https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMSCanterburyKentCT2 7PE+44 (0) LynchKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentCanterburyKentCT2 7PE+44 (0)1227-8 Strategy and Operational Reality in the Retail Industry: Why Managers do what they do!AbstractThis paper contribut Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

es to the management debate regarding the gap between intended corporate strategy and operational reality by examining the relationships between senio


r executives and line managers within the multiple store retail industry. Using a case study methodology, and an Agency theoretical perspective, the r

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMScies. The findings note that the incentives offered in the principal-agent relationship drove the behaviour of line managers. Managers sought to maxim

ise their rewards by focusing efforts on surrogate measures designed to evaluate performance. The research concludes that organisational long run cons Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

iderations are counteracted by reward systems for employees that encourage behaviour that focuses on short run sales and earnings at the expense of lo


ng-term growth and development.Key words: Agency theory; behaviour; incentives; managers; retail; strategyCorporate Strategy and Operational Reality i

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMSorganisational policy prescriptions designed to achieve corporate strategy, and operational reality (Cunningham et al 2004). In addition, as the focus

of contemporary management research moves beyond the firm to examine relationships between firms, any mismatch between corporate strategy and actual Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

policy execution has much wider implications, particularly for other firms within the supply chain. As a result, the activities of managers, what they


do and why they do it, is increasingly becoming central to the strategy debate (Johnson et al 2003). Against such a background, this paper uses Agenc

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMSltiple store retailing. It makes a contribution in key areas of the debate surrounding organisational policies, strategic outcomes and managerial acti

vity by examining two characteristically difficult agency relationships between senior executives who determine operational policies designed to achie Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

ve corporate strategy, and those who implement them, specifically, by examining employment and supplier policies within the context of the UK retail i


ndustry, the paper adopts both an inter-firm level of analysis through examining the relationships between buyers and suppliers between firms and an i

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMSs, namely human resource management (HRM) policies.The paper answers the call from strategy-as-practice researchers to examine the activities of indiv

iduals on which key processes and practices depend, particularly those at the periphery (Johnson et al 2003). The focus on HRM can be justified becaus Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

e line managers within retail stores have a high level of responsibility for managing employees (Sparks 2000). Centralisation has directly removed man


y other areas of decision-making responsibility, while at the same time senior executives have been found to be increasingly devolving responsibility

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMSd actual employment policies relating to the management of people within an organisation (Hall and Torrington 1998; Marchington and Parker 1990). Agen

cy theory can be used here to examine the process of delegation of HRM to line managers, which can help to ascertain why the tensions reported in the Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

literature exist.Individual relationships are also a crucial element of a competitive strategy that views the whole supply chain rather than the indiv


idual firm as the source of competitive advantage (Christopher, 2004). Supply Chain Management (SCM) notes that it is the management of processes acro

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMSbetween buyers and sellers is identified in the supply chain literature as an area of tension between espoused policy and actual behaviour (for a revi

ew, see Harland, Knight and Cousins, 2004) in the same way as the tensions outlined above with the execution of HRM policy. However, the literature ad Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

opts a macro approach, and does not examine the day-to-day activities of individuals that impact uponastrategic outcomes. This paper addresses these s


hortcomings by discovering the results of buyer behaviour on suppliers, and identifies the conflicting incentives driving buyer behaviour, thus ensuri

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMSdemands for interdisciplinary approaches to management problems, this paper applies economics to the areas of SCM and HRM in order to provide insights

into a variety of phenomenon that otherwise seem difficult to explain or even paradoxical (Gunderson 2001). The paper presents data that explore the Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

agency relationships between senior executives who formulate policy, and managerial execution of HRM and SCM policies. Such a level of analysis has be


en previously neglected by agency researchers who are traditionally interested in higher level relationships, ie between suppliers of capital and seni

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMSn devised corporate policies and their implementation at both the inter-firm and intra-firm level. It goes on to suggest reasons for these variations

and outlines the consequences of these discrepancies for both within the firm and along the supply chain. The results contribute to the theoretical de Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

bate on agency relationships on both an intra and inter-firm level and offers practical solutions for practitioners in order to ensure that operationa


l policies are enacted.The paper begins with a review of Agency theory within the context of human resource management and supply chain management. Th

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS discussion of the implications, some practical recommendations, a summary of the contribution to theory; limitations and opportunities for further re

search.THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Corporate_Strategy_and_Operational_Reality_JOMS

https://khothuvien.cori!Corporate Strategy and Operational Reality: Why Managers do what they do!Sue HornibrookKent Business SchoolUniversity of KentC

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