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Nội dung chi tiết: Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002


1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002e University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio. Texas 78249-06S5 2104S8-5618 sambergtgrntsa.edu12The precipitous decline in collective bargaining be

tween employees and an employer during the last 25 years of the 20- century in the United States should tell US something useful about American politi Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

cal development. The decline of collective bargaining is about more than waning union influence or competitive conditions in the labor market because


collective bargaining was the primary expression of the regime established by the New Deal Democratic Party electoral coalition. For a generation labo

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002al order. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 shaped a pluralist industrial order by creating new rules that curbed the authority of managers and

compelled business firms to participate with unions in a process of rational bargaining based on the assumption of competing employee and employer in Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

terests. (1) Yet collective bargaining is no longer the focal point for industrial relations and industrial relations no longer occupies the center of


governing attention. Why this Is has gained a lot of scholarly attention, but the Issue is confounded by arguments that union decline is a wrongly co

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002uence the direction of Congressional debates about such policies as the minimum wage and health insurance. (2) Even granting the evidence in these cas

es that this is so, an important question is why the labor movement has focused on legislative activity rather than on unionizing workers. Its histori Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

cal mission as well as its appointed task under federal law is to represent employees in negotiations with employers. The studies by Taylor Dark and M


arie Gottschalk, however, contribute to a useful debate about what we should be investigating. Not only have unions sustained influential lobbying ope

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002ished by federal and state law and court doctrine. Differentiation of labor regulation may be a better characterization of what has occurred than unio

n decline. What we should investigate is the political construction of the field of labor-management relations, how it was managed and what conditions Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

led core institutions to atrophy or be bypassed.23The concept of a field is not dll explanation, bill a type of conceptualization (hat focuses on the


simultaneous institutional and social elements (interest formation and definition and perceptions of appropriate action) that together constitute for

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002sociological and rational choice theories. (.3) Ignoring the deliberateness of industrial order leads Io economism or behavioralisrn. (4) Thus, regard

less of comparative evidenc e that suggests something less than a universal logic of labor-management relations, it is sometimes claimed that the dec Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

line of American unions simply represents the c hanged bargaining conditions since the late 1970's in whic h international competition and/or an alter


ed political and legal environment has macle it more difficult for unions Io win sue h contrac I terms as to make it worthwhile for workers to join un

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002al economic action determines the outcome. I have more to say below about how we should conceive rational action when markets are institutions that do

not exist apart from political action and social norms, but here consider the usefulness of this kind of explanation for the 1990's. In contrast to t Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

he late 1970's and 1980 s. for most of the 1990's labor market demand strengthened while workers' eamings fell adjusted for inflation until 1998. Rati


onal calculation should lead to confident collective action, but it did not.The opposite problem of economist!! is to totalize the field of employment

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002 other fields such as foreign economic policy to be pluralistic also. (5) lhe argument of this paper is that the rise and fall of collective bargainin

g was bound to a particular project of political order rather than that die contemporary failure of collective batgaining stands for die complete fail Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

ure of all elements of the New Deal or diat it means new reform projects arc impossible. (6) rhe Now Deal collective baigaining policy constnictcd a d


omain in the field of employment relations that oriented and motivated workers (and managers and others) Io act in favored ways to compose the terms o

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002ed the structuring dimension for the agents. However, rather than look only to the3https://khothuvien.cori!4changed structuring context for the policy

or to endogenous developments in industrial relations, constructionist analysis suggests a focus on the interactions between the play on the field of Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

industrial relations and new projects that disrupted the field.This approach is part of a broader inquiry about orders and regimes beyond the case of


the New Deal. (7) How are regimes established and transformed? One of the key themes of American political development studies is the relationship be

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002vement in self-government. Regimes are known by their governing projects. The explanation of development in the New Deal regime that is presented here

Is that pluralist labor-management relations was a core project of New Deal reformers but the subsequent management of the labor-management field con Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

tributed to a loss of perception of the politically structured quality of workers’ interests and participation. The innovative possibilities of intere


st formation that connecting work and politics would encourage were stunted by a management style that separated them. Moreover, the stability of the

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002tions was a delimited field in another sense: reformers were not successful in extending the project to large sections of the country, certain industr

ies, and the workers who labored in these arenas because other political forces dominated in those spaces. New Deal labor-management relations was dis Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

placed in the 196O’s and 1970’s by new projects promoted by Insurgent groups in the periphery and among elites.The theory of the political order of fi


elds draws our attention to the characteristic forms and practices by which institutionalized stability Is reproduced and transformed. (9) The idea is

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002onship with other fields. Therefore, the construction of a domain on a field also means that the relationships among fields are reconfigured. The doma

ins are relatively autonomous from one another, but each is characterized by a hierarchy of positions, which includes a manager of the field who repre Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

sents to the agents what is appropriate. The manager may be a judge, a party, a bureaucratic agency.45As long as the distribution of authority is acce


ptable to the agents, the functioning of the domain is reproduced. Thus, on the other hand, although a domain is an ordering of relationships it does

1Declension and Construction Themes in the Study of Labor Politics in the United StatesStephen AmbergDepartment of Political Science and Geography The

Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002rmally” abide by the already-existing distribution of authority and benefits that may be obtained on Its basis and accept the guidance of the manager,

they may also find the organization of the field unsatisfactory and the distribution of entitlements not creditable. They may soldier on or they enga Declension-and-Construction-SAPD-2002

ge in insurgent action that has the effect of dislodging the hierarchy, redistributing authority, and re-allocating benefits. In short, political acti


on may lead to authoritative new ordering. Nevertheless, new and old institutions alike remain in a managerial relationship with the unstable social r

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