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Nội dung chi tiết: DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015


Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015ions, University of SouthamptonContact: theorists and scholars of democracy have focused on understanding and enh

ancing the institutions and practices that shape decision-making. Indeed, the most influential contemporary normative account—the deliberative version DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

—though increasingly adapted to the complex realities of contemporary politics, retains a tight focus on the conditions of legitimate will formation.


This remains the core underpinning the normative the impetus for innovation and reform in contemporary democratic politics. Yet missing from even the

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015terature to show how the inescapably attritional and opaque policy process can magnify asymmetries that theorists and scholars of contemporary- democr

acy, chief among them deliberative democrats, ought to be much better attuned to. I argue that in failing to consider these problems adequately, conte DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

mporary democratic thinkers, scholars and reformers risk lending legitimacy to institutions and practices that might sustain the very biases they are


mobilized against. As such, I identify institutional innovations and governing practices that can embed aspects of democratic deliberation ‘downstream

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015xplore the value of these institutions and practices, and expand the repertoire of governing mechanisms available to counter the distortions that occu

r through the policy process.1 This paper is forthcoming in slightly amended form in Perspectives on Politics. I thank the editor and reviewers there. DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

David Owen, John Dryzek and Carolyn Hendriks for useful comments on earlier drafts.1IntroductionDemocratic thinkers and scholars have shown deep conc


ern about the distortive effects of power at even point up to and including the formation of will: meanwhile, the execution of that will is largely ig

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015ften vague and contingent. The policies and programs that result offer ‘wriggle room’—flexibility that enables policy elites to exercise considerable

discretion in how to apply given decisions for a particular context. Wriggle room is not just available to bureaucrats, either. Networks of private ac DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

tors, professionals and experts must equally exercise discretion in policy oversight and service delivery'. The political battle among them continues


in low profile settings, where better-resourced actors often ‘wriggle’ away from costly actions. Consequently, the process typically favors powerful a

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015’ in the democratic process. These are power asymmetries that scholars of democracy ought to take much more seriously.This is especially so for propon

ents of deliberative democracy, broadly understood as the pursuit of accountable, public and inclusive discussion on matters of common interest.11 foc DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

us on the deliberative account for four reasons. First, it is the most influential.11 Deliberative democracy dominates normative theory, but, contra t


he stereotypical image of this subfield, is hardly an esoteric enterprise; it underpins the most active and influential efforts to reform democratic p

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015litics/administration) distinction that sees democratic politics cease at the point of will formation. Third, it is especially vulnerable. The pervasi

ve distortions that recur after will formation threaten the norms that deliberative2democracy is supposed to imbue; clouding accountability, obscuring DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

publicity and blocking inclusion in the policy process. Fourth, it provides a toolkit to combat these distortions. Better embedding aspects of democr


atic deliberation alter will formation can reassert elite accountability, ensure greater publicity and enable greater inclusion. It can mitigate the p

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015how a revelation to scholars of democracy; least of all deliberative democrats. On die contrary, the normative core of the deliberative movement, even

as it has evolved considerably, has remained a desire to mitigate power asymmetries in democratic politics. I llis underpinned Habermas’s pioneering DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

work on communicative ethics in the public sphere.w It subsequently inspired the micro focus on scaled-down institutional designs in the hope that the


y might bypass the pathologies of the broader public sphere?' And, again, in the face of unequal capacities and entrenched interests which can undermi

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015. Power biases, then, have remained front and centre. Nevertheless, scant attention has been paid to the exacerbation of such biases ‘downstream’ in t

he policy process, and their impact on how given decisions actually lake shape. This is an oversight that threatens Io undermine efforts to enhance an DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

d reform democracy in practice. By continuing to neglect die politics of administration and implementation, deliberative democrats don’l just fail to


identify important distortions in the long, attritional, iterative policy process: they risk endorsing institutions and practices that might, when pur

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015t ent adaptations to confront the asymmetries in opinion and will formation, rhe key is to extend these3https://khothuvien.cori!concessions further, b

eyond the point of will formation. I argue for the need to embed aspects of democratic deliberation through the policy process as vague, contingent de DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

cisions are put into action. Doing so can better confront and counter prevailing power asymmetries ‘downstream’, and realize a more deliberative and d


emocratic form of politics.The main body of the paper builds this argument over three parts. In the first, I draw out shifting ideas about deliberativ

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015ill formation. In the second, I draw across rich scholarship on policy and administration to highlight the complex political contestation that occurs

through the long, attritional process after will formation, with a view to emphasizing the power asymmetries that implementation can exacerbate. These DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

asymmetries, I argue, reflect precisely the sons of problems that democrats—especially deliberative democrats—are typically concerned about, and whic


h ought to be a much greater focus in their scholarship and practice. In the third part of the paper, I begin thinking through the mitigation of these

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015h which bureaucratic elites justify their interpretation of policy commitments, contestatory reviews, which civil society actors can trigger in respon

se to perceived bias in interpretation, and feedback funnels, which enable inclusive reflection on the experience of sendee delivery. I also note emer DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

ging governing practices, including structured partnerships, which guarantee lesser-resourced actors informal access, and co-production, which elicits


citizen participation in the provision of public services. I highlight how these promising examples can counter pathologies ‘downstream’ in democrati

Deliberating downstream: Countering democratic distortions in the policy process1Author: Dr John BoswellAffiliation: Politics and International Relati

DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015.4Theorizing will formation: the evolution of deliberative democracyScholarship on democracy and democratization is overwhelmingly concerned with the

inputs to decision-making. Normatively, the focus is on how best to reach collective ends: the means through which such ends are achieved is implicitl DeliberatingDownstream_PoP_Clean_resubmission21.12.2015

y read off as apolitical. Empirically, too, analyses of democratic quality emphasize the formation of public preferences, legislative responsiveness t


o those preferences, and institutions that scrutinize decision-making: the subfields of policy and administration are ignored or typecast as technical

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