Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

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Nội dung chi tiết: Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Lawinology. Law & Society-University of California. Irvine scole/z uci.eduSubmitted to Organizationfor Special Issue Does STS Mean Business?August 31. 20

07Draft: Please do not cite or further copy or circulateWord Count: S400ABSTRACTExpressions of discomfort or concern with interventions by Science and Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

Technology-Studies íSTS/ in public controversies have rested heavily on the assumption that “the STS perspective" is especially prone to corruption,

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

misunderstanding, or even ridicule. Among recent legal interventions my interpretation of my own intervention in one case has become something of an o

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Lawvention experiences III fingerprint cases based on a broader array of experience than that single case. I suggest that the evaluation of expert knowle

dge is the job of STS, if yve "mean business. " I conclude by suggesting that the dilemmas we face when we engage may not be all that different from t Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

hose faced by scholars from other disciplines who seek to be heard in public controversies.2MY LADY GOT THE SPECIAL SAUCE that's why she’s my baby.- G

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

. Love & Special SauceĨE YOU want truly to understand something, try to change it.-Kurt LewinThe idea of intervention has long been the subject of deb

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Lawst that S I S interventions might spice up social institutions or ending up “wearing the sauce” itself. Such discussions often presume that STS schola

rs who intervene face peculiar dilemmas not faced byscholars from other disciplines, that we have a “special sauce.” as it were, that by its very spec Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

ialness may be hard for social institutions to digest or may end up splattering in our face. In this article. I want to question that assumed specialn

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

ess and ask whether our dilemmas are really that different from those of other scholars who intervene in social and technical issues.One institutional

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Lawthe mundane adversarial practices like cross-examination and some of the "deconstructive" moves typical of STS analyses has long been noted (Oteri. We

inberg, and Pinales 1982; Lynch 1998). And. Jasanoff (1995) has explicitly- applied STS precepts to law. even garnering the ultimate legal compliment Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

a citation by the U.S. Supreme Court (Daubed V. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals 1993). Jasanoff and others have also attempted to articulate for judges th

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

e potential helpfulness of STS to their tasks (Jasanoff31992: Fortun and Bernstein 1998; Caudill and LaRue 2006). Several STS scholars have submitted

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law 1993: Busch et al. 2004; Siegel et al. 2006). The idea that STS might be deployable in legal disputes over scientific knowledge like tobacco litigati

on and that such deployments might “corrupt" STS has long lurked in the background of debates about intervention.Although there have been several STS Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

interventions in legal disputes (e.g.. Gorman 2006). two recent legal interventions have generated a modest amount of discussion within STS circles: t

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

he intervention of Fuller over intelligent design (Kitzmiller V. Dover Area School District, et al. 2005; Fuller 2006) and my intervention in admissib

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawStudies of Science, and my intervention seems to have already generated its own mythology', due in part to the dissemination of my story through an ex

perimental article consisting of dialogues between myself and a collaborator who was somewhat more skeptical of my intervention (Lynch and Cole 2005). Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

That article has already done some of the work of exploring the tensions that may be raised by STS interventions in legal conflicts. Rather than repe

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

ating those reflections here. I want to supplement them by drawing on a broader array of experience as an expert witness than the single case that for

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Lawnstrating that STS does not have “true." or at least usefill.4expertise, or as demonstrating that STS expertise is hamstrung by its sophisticated, ref

lexive, anti-essentialist. or counterintuitive nature from being either accepted or useful in institutional settings more accustomed to simplistic, un Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

reflexive, essentialist. intuitive self-presentations by experts. Thus, some have read the article as a story of intervention as failure, as epitomize

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

d by the judge's memorable characterization of me as a ’ junk scientist."1 despite our efforts to be neutral as to any judgments of “success" or “fail

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law and Mertonian caricatures of the nature of science and my simultaneous unwillingness to compromise to a sufficient degree to make myself useful enoug

h to the defendant to actually carry the day. Thus, because I “invoked Popperian and Mertonian conceptions of testability and organized skepticism, in Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

order to raise doubt about the scientific standing of the fingerprint examiner community's practices" my “testimony turned upon ’generally discredite

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

d’ knowledge in the current STS field" (Lynch, this volume). But, at the same time, because I "could not" more enthusiastically appeal "to Karl Popper

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Lawsuasive success (Lynch 2006. 822). Thus, it is suggested that STS scholars must either water down their STS perspective in order to make their views p

alatable to audience likely to be unreceptive to STS views, or else be doomed to irrelevance because of the exotic and counterintuitive nature of thei Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

r views. If the intervener chooses the former, the STS intervention does not convey the full force of STS insight and becomes warmed over falsificatio

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

nism or Mertonian sociology. If the5https://khothuvien.cori!latter. STS becomes so esoteric as to have no impact. This critique is not merely an exerc

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law"-sociologists of science (of whom I serve as their example) will necessarily be less effective at producing “constructive change” in forensic science

than what they call “Mertonian” sociologists of science (like themselves). A related concern is that STS scholars may. in adhering too rigorously to Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

STS principles, end up abetting reprehensible causes. This seems to be the source of discomfort with Fuller’s recent use of STS to support intelligent

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

design and with the recent spectacle of a prominent historian of technology invoking the unsettled nature of scientific knowledge to question other h

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Lawwhile, has simply suggested that intervention is not our job. Our job is to make knowledge, not to apply it.Interestingly, and perhaps unsurprisingly,

the view expressed in the earlier article and the view of my collaborator have both also become resources in the controversy in which I intervened. I Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

n our contributions to the conference which prompted this special issue, my co-author and I produced separate works, allowing US to make the arguments

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law

for and against intervention more forcefully, and the draft papers were posted on the conference web site. In a 2005 telephone deposition, after esta

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy?Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in LawSimon A. ColeDepartment of Crimi

Does STS Have a Special Sauce, or Is It Just Gravy Cautionary Notes on Cautionary Notes about STS Interventions in Law asked the following line of questions: Q: Can you define what the deficit model of PUS is?6

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