Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

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Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman one knew it. As the temperature hovered near one hundred degrees the days melted together until it was no longer possible to tell the difference betwe

en a Thursday and a Friday. Coyotes in the canyons panicked; they followed the scent of chlorine into backyards, and some of them drowned in swimming Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

pools edged with blue Italian tiles. In Hollywood the tap water bubbled as it came out of the faucets; ice cubes dissolved in the palm of your hand. I

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

t was a time when everything you once suspected might go wrong suddenly did. For miles in every direction people just snapped. Lovers quarreled in bed

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman ple who were able to sleep were haunted by nightmares; those with insomnia drank cups of coffee and swore they smelled something sweet burning, as if

a torch had been put to a grove of lemon trees sometime in the night.It wasn’t uncommon to have hallucinations in weather like this, and Rae Perry, wh Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

o had never had a vision in her life, began to see things on the empty sidewalk whenever she took the bus home from work: a highheeled shoe left at a

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

crosswalk, a wild dog on the corner of La Brea, a black garden snake winding its way through traffic. Hollywood Boulevard seemed to move in waves. And

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman the strange quality of the air. Every breath you took seemed dangerous, as if it might be your last. Even in the air-conditioned office where she work

ed for an independent producer named Freddy Contina, Rae found she had to take several deep breaths before typing a letter or answering the phone. Tow Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

ard the end of the day the light coming in through the windows was a sulky amber color that made you see double. It was the season for headaches, and

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

rashes, and double-crosses, and more and more often Rae Perry put her head down on her desk at work and began to wonder why she had ever left Boston.B

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman r eighteenth birthday. As soon as she heard theOldsmobile pull up, she ran to get dressed and open the front door. Sometimes she swore she was under J

essup’s spell. He didn’t even have to snap his fingers to get her to jump. All he had to do was look at her. Even in this weather Jessup seemed differ Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

ent from everyone else, as if he were above the heat. He had the kind of blue eyes that were transparent, and so pale that his mother had thought they

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

were bad luck. For several summers she had kept Jessup out of the sun entirely, for fear his eyes would be bleached even lighter. But as soon as you

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman ait for him to fall asleep so that she could climb out of bed and sleep alone on the wooden floor.Since the time they’d run away from Boston, Rae had

been afraid that one day Jessup would change his mind and ask her to leave. And the truth was something had been happening to him ever since they came Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

to California. He actually went so far as to get an application to the Business School at Ư.C.L.A., though he never filled out the forms. He continua

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

lly grilled Rae about Freddy Contina and even had her steal one of Freddy’s resumes—Rae found him studying it one night when he thought she was still

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman e past, Jessup’s main ambition had been to keep moving. In seven years they had lived in five states. As soon as Rae began to feel comfortable somewhe

re, Jessup started to talk about moving to a place where there were more options. He never mentioned a new job or more money, just these unnamed optio Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

ns—as if the whole world would open to him as soon as they put a few more miles on the Oldsmobile.Whenever Jessup reached for his stack of road maps,

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

Rae had to remind herself that it wasn’t her he was tired of, just the place they were in. This time there had been no maps and no talk of options, an

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman he boulevards, the ground pitched and split open, the sky became a sheet of needles. When she awoke from one of these nightmares, Rae had to hold tigh

t to Jessup or else, she was certain, she’d spin right out of the room.She had been waiting so long for something to go wrong between them that it too Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

k a while before she realized that it already had. EachSunday they went to the beach at Santa Monica, and as they drove along Sunset Boulevard Jessup’

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

s mood always grew worse. By the time they reached Beverly Hills it was impossible to talk to him. The funny thing was, it was Jessup who always insis

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman irst time.“This is truly disgusting,” he would say as they neared the same pink stucco chalet. “Who in their right mind would turn their house into su

ch a fucking eyesore.”“Then when you have a house paint it white,” Rae finally told him, and she knew as soon as she opened her mouth that it was the Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

wrong thing to say.“Do you have something to say about the fact that I don’t own my own house?” Jessup said.Rae looked straight ahead. “No.”“You think

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

I’m a failure or something—is that what you’re thinking?” “Jessup, I didn’t say one goddamned thing,” Rae told him.“You said paint it white. I heard

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman ll.”After that Rae had taken to riding with her head out the window of the car. She told Jessup it was because she loved the scent of jasmine in Bever

ly Hills, but really it was because Jessup’s anger was heating up the car until the plastic upholstery just about burned you alive.On the last Sunday Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

in August they probably should have known enough to stay home. The temperature had risen above one hundred and there was a trace of sulfur in the air.

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

When they pulled into the parking lot at Santa Monica, the asphalt beneath the tires turned to molasses. Jessup wasn’t talking as they walked down to

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

Fortunes daughter alice hoffman certainly wasn’t telling Rae a thing. She watched him as she tucked her red hair under a straw hat, then rubbed sunscreen on her arms and legs. The wa

ter was so blue that it hurt your eyes, but Jessup stared straight at it. He wore a black T-shirt and jeans, and a pair of boots Rae had bought for hi Fortunes daughter alice hoffman

m years ago. Everything around them shimmered with heat; every sound echoed. If you closed your eyes you could almost imagine that the cars on Route

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABALICEHOFFMAN(0Fortune’s DaughterA NovelAlice HoffmanOPENROADINTEGRATED MEDIANEW YORKPART ONEIt was earthquake weather and everyo

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