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Nội dung chi tiết: Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5


INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5boost President Obama, dyn. politico com/printstory.cfm?uuid=17961849-5BE5-43CA-B18C-ED8A12A534EBThere'S a simple reason Present Barack |obamajs usinf

l his bully to focus the nation s attention onj |the battle over the budget] in this fight, he’s watching Republicans take swings at each oth Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

er. And that GQPJigliLis.a lifeline lQf-an.admifìis.traiiQũ thaLhad.fte.en.s.cramhling td gain, control its message after battling congressional Democ


rats on the potential use of military force In Syria and the possible nomination of Larry Summers to run the Federal Reserve. If House Republicans and

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5die nation will default on Its debt If an agreement Ism reached to raise the federal debt limit. For some Republicans, those deadlines represent a lev

erage point that can be used to force Obama to slash his health care law For others, they re a zero hour at which the party will impede if it doesnt c Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

ut a deal Meanwhile, “on the looming fiscal issues. Democrats — both liberal and conservative. Ịexecutive and I [congressional — are virtually 100 per


cent united s»d Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). Just a few days ago, all that Obama and his aides could talk about were Syria and Summers |now, they're

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5 effort (0 stop Obamacare from going into effectThe squabbling among Republicans has gotten so vicious mat a Twiner hashrag — aGOPvsGOPugiiness — has

become a thick virtual data rae tor tracking me intraparty insults Moderates, and even some conservatives, are Slamming Texas Sen Ted Cruz, a tea part Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

y favorite, for ramping up grassroots expectations that the GOP will Shut down the government if II can't will concessions from the president to 'defu


nd his sxjnature health care law. ‘I didn't go to Harvard or Pnnceton. but I can count." Sen. Beto Corker (R-Tenn.) tweeted, subtly mocking Cruz's Ivy

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5ad side Obama's {singular focus] on the budget. baftle.-iS-h aid !y aJasi-min Ute-Sh!ft instead. 111$ a return iQ.Lte-nanratiye.aK Lhauhejyhiig. House

JKSS, working to build before the Syria crisis intervened. And it's so Important to the president's strategy that White House Officials didn't consid Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

er postponing Monday s rollout Of the most partisan and high-stakes phase even when a Shooter murdered a dozen people at Washington s Navy Yard that m


crnlng. The basic storyline, we: under way over the summer, was to have the president point to parts of hts agenda. Including reducing the costs of co

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5fighting to bolster the nation s financeson both the macro and household level; and then argue that Republicans desire to lock in the sequester and le

verage a debt-ceiling increase for Obamacare cuts 7/01*3 reverse progress made. {The president IS on firm ground] White House officiate say.because he Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

stands with (he public in believing dial the government down and, that Hie country should pay its billsThe plan causes an inter-branc


h fight that derails Obama’s agendaDouglas Kriner Assistant Profess of Political Science at Boston University, 2010 After the Rubicon: Congress. Presi

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5icipated pubfcc opinion are two important ways in which Congress can ratee or lower the political costs Cf a limitary action fcr Ole president. Howeve

r, focusing exclusively on opinion dynamics mr.eaiens.tQ.Qbs.cure..Lh.ejnuctiJ? domestic reaction-partfcuiarfy cQ Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5 fQi.eign.pQljCje.$ At least Since Richard Neustadt s seminal work Presidential Power, presidency scholars


have warned that costly political battles in one policy arena frequently have significant ramifications for presidential power in other realms, indeed

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5ader posticaJ consequences of stiff domestic resistance to presidential assertions or commander-m-chief powers, tn bom cases. Truman emerged victoriou

s in me case at hand—yet. Neustadt argues, each-victory cost Truman dearly in terms Qf his future power prospects and, leeway in other policy areas, m Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

any of which were more important to the president man achieving unconditional victory over Norm Korea • While congressional support leaves me presiden


t's reserve of political capital Intact, congressional criticism saps energy from other initiatives on the home forcing the president to expe

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5 is unavailable for hisfuturjg p.o|icy initiatiyes Moreover, the president's politicalclout.may have, immediate, ramifications tor hK

reelection prospects, as wea as indirect consequences for ccngresslonsi races.' Indeed. Democratic efforts to lie congressional Republican incumbents Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

to President George w. Bush and hrs war policies paid immediate political dividends in lire 2000 mkltemis. parliculiuly in stales, đsưius. and countie


s dial hud suffered lhe highest casually rules in tile Iraq war.6‘ In alditoP-LQ-hwling III for IhtLflLesidsnl's perceived political capital and reput

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5esident 1 yndon Johnson's dream of a Groat Society also perished in the flee paddies ot Vietnam. Lacking com me requisite funds in a war-depleted trea

sury and lire political capital needed to sustain his legislative vision. Johnson gradually 1st his domestic goals slip away as he hunkered down in an Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

effect fiist to win and tiien lu end the Vietnam War. in rhe same way. many 0» President Bush's highest second-term domestic priorities, such as Soci


al Security and inmigration reform. failed perhaps in large purl because the administration had to expend so much energy and efoii waging a rear-guard

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5l costs of congressional opposition to their military policies. IÍ congressional opposition in the military arena stands to Ideraill Ollier elements o

f |his agenda], dll else being equal. lire president will be mure likely to judge the benefits of military acikxi insufficiciil ro IK costs than If Co Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

ngress stood behind him In Thft inremarionai arena7TWThat spills-over to government shutdown and US default—that kills the economy and US credibilityN


orm Ornstein. resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. 9/1'13. Showdowns and Shutdowns.www.foreignpolicy.conVarticles/2013/09/01/showdow

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5 nine legislative days scheduled for acr»on in me month We have serious confrontations ahead on spending bills and the debt limit, as the new fiscal y

ear begins on Oct. 1 and the debt ceiling approaches just a week or two thereafter. Before the news that ire would drop everything for an ntense debat Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

e on whether to strike mitarily in Syria. CQngress-'A'aich.ers Wgf.e.won.aering-IIQW wexotild possibly deal Kitti-the intense bargaining required to a


void one or more government shutdowns and,or a real breach of the debt ceiling with jdevastatinfl consequences for American cred i bl I i tg and the i

INCOFFObama’s political capital is sufficient to get a resolution to the fiscal crisis but it’s close.Jonathan Allen. Politico. 9/19'13. GOP battles b

Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5 as hostages to force the president to care on thesr demands tor Peeper spending cuts Avoiding this end-game bargaining will require (he lunwaverinq a

ttention! of the same top leaders in the executive and legislative branches who will be deeply enmeshed in me Syria debate. The possibility even proba Georgetown-McCoy-Engler-Neg-GSU-Round5

bility of disruptions caused by partial could Complicate any military actions! The possibility IS also great that the rancor that will accompany .Uie


.shQ'A'.dQwns over iiscai ixư.ỵ ,'d. Ibleed over into the debate] about America and SyriaNuclear warHarris and Burrows ‘9(Mathew. PhD Furopean I i sto

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