Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

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Nội dung chi tiết: Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingreIn press, R. Phelps (Ed.). The True Measure of Educational and Psychological Tests: CorrectingFallacies About the Science of Testing. Washington. DC

: American Psychological AssociationRevised March 17, 2008https://khothuvien.cori!Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 2Human intelligence is one of Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

the most important yer controversial topics in the whole field of the human sciences. It is not even agreed whether it can be measured or. if it can,

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

whether it should be measured. The literature is enormous and much of it is highly partisan and. often, far from accurate (Bartholomew, 2004. p. xi).I

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testingted than in decades past, but anti-testing sentiment has not waned. The ever-denser, proliferating network of interlocking evidence concerning intelli

gence is paralleled by ever-thicker knots of confusion in public debate over it. Why these seeming contradictions?Mental measurement, or psychometrics Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

, is a highly technical, mathematical field, but so are many others. Its instruments have severe limitations, but so do the tools of all scientific tr

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

ades. Some of its practitioners have been wrong-headed and its products misused, but that does not distinguish mental measurement from any other exper

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testingcratic DilemmaIQ tests, like all standardized tests, are structured, objective tools for doing what individuals and organizations otherwise lend to do

haphazardly, informally, and less effectively —assess human variation in an important psychological trait, in this case, general proficiency at learn Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

ing, reasoning, and abstract thinking. The intended aims of testing are both theoretical and practical, as is the case for most measurement technologi

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

es in the sciences. The first intelligenceRevised March 17, 2008Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 3lest was designed for practical ends, specifica

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testingy-administered ĨQ test batteries today. Vocational counselors, neuropsychologists, and Other service providers also use individually-administered ment

al tests, including IQ tests, for diagnostic purposes.Gloup-administered aptitude batteries (c.g.. Aimed Services Vocational Aptitude BatteryIASVABI, Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

General Aptitude Test Battery |GATB|, and SAT) have long been used in applied research and practice by employers, the military, universities, and othe

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

r mass institutions seeking more effective, efficient, and fair ways of screening, selecting, and placing large numbers of individuals. Although not d

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing measure general intelligence (the general mental ability factor, g) to an important degree (Carroll. 1993; Jensen, 1998; Sattler, 2001).Psychological

testing is governed by detailed professional codes (e.g., American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association. & National C Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

ouncil on Measurement in Education, 1999; Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 2003). Developers and users ol intelligence tests also

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

have special legal incentives to adhere to published test standards because, among mental tests, those that measure intelligence best (arc most g loa

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testinglower average scores for them dian for Asians and whiles. In employment settings, different average results by race or ethnicity constitute ptima faci

e evidence of illegal discrimination against the lower-scoring groups, aRevised March 17, 2008Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 4charge that the a Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

ccused party must then disprove, partly by showing adherence to professional standards (see chapter 5, this volume).Tests of intelligence are also wid

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

ely used in basic research in diverse fields, from genetics to sociology. They are useful, in particular, for studying human variation in cognitive ab

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testinglute, levels of mental ability (their severest limitation, as will be described). Other socially important sociopsychological measures are likewise no

rm-referenced, not criterion-referenced. Oft-used examples include neuroticism, grade point average, and occupational prestige.Many of the pressing qu Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

estions in the social sciences and public policy are likewise norm-referenced, that is, they concern how far the different members of a group fall abo

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

ve or below the group’s average on some social indicator (academic achievement, health) or hierarchy (occupation, income), regardless of what the grou

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing the corporate ladder or earn the most, and why? Which elementary school students will likely perform below grade level (a group average) in reading a

chievement, or which applicants to college will fail to maintain a grade point average of at least c, if admitted?Such questions about the relative co Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

mpetence and well-being of a society’s members engage the core concern of democratic societies—social equality. Democratic nations insist that individ

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

uals should get ahead on their own merits, not their social connections. Democracies also object to some individuals or groups getting too far ahead o

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testingdividuals differ substantially in merit, however it is defined, societiesRevised March 17, 2008Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 5cannot simultane

ously and fully satisfy both these goals. Mandating strictly meritocratic advancement will guarantee much inequality of outcomes and, conversely, mand Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

ating equal outcomes will require that talent be restrained or its fruits redistributed (J. Gardner, 1984). This is the democratic dilemma, which is c

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

reated by differences in human talent. In many applications, the democratic dilemma’s chief source today is the wide dispersion in human intelligence,

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing including social class background Ceci, 1996a; Hermstein & Murray, 1994).Democratic societies are reluctant, by their egalitarian nature, to acknowle

dge either the wide dispersion in intelligence or the conflicts among core values it creates for them. Human societies have always had to negotiate su Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

ch tradeoffs, often institutionalizing their choices via legal, religious, and social norms (e.g.. meat sharing norms in hunter-gatherer societies).On

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

e effect of research with intelligence tests has been to make such choices and their societal consequences clearer and more public. There now exists a

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testingidity to improve racial balance by different degrees when selecting workers for different kinds of jobs (e.g., Schmitt et al., 1997). This literature

also shows that the more accurately a test identifies who is most and least intellectually apt within a population, the more accurately it predicts wh Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

ich segments of society will gain or lose from social policies that attempt to capitalize on ability differences, to ignore them, or to compensate for

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testing

them.Such scientific knowledge about the distribution and functional importance of general mental ability can influence prevailing notions of what co

Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 1Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence TestingLinda s. GottfredsonUniversity of Delawar

Logical Fallacies Used to Dismiss the Evidence on Intelligence Testingarch 17, 2008https://khothuvien.cori!Chapter 1. Intelligence (Gottfredson) 6

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