(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

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Nội dung chi tiết: (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

Graduation ThesisSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiMinh HanhDECLARATIONSigned hereby, certify hereby that “Improving customer sen ice in Military’ Commercial

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch Join Stock Bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch” is my own research. The content and figures presented in the thesis reflect a tine and failsituation of the

internship organization. I also assure that my research result have not been previously or concurrently published in any other work.Hanoi, May 7,h 20 (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

16StudentNguyễn Chile QuỳnhStudent: NGUYỀN CHÚC QUỲNH CQ50/5Ỉ.04Page IGraduation ThesisSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiMinh HanhABSTRACTCustomer sen ice is

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

lifeblood in banking sector to satisfy customer, create loyalty and attract more and more potential customers. It is also important for banking activi

Graduation ThesisSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiMinh HanhDECLARATIONSigned hereby, certify hereby that “Improving customer sen ice in Military’ Commercial

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branchstomer seivice and then to give some recommendations to improve the customer sen ice ill MB Hoang Quoc Vici Branch. In order to examine the quality of

customer seivice based on measuring dimensions and attributes SERVPERF model, a questionnaire with ten questions were used to collect data about cust (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

omers’ opinion of customer sen ice in MB Hoang Quoc Viet. The preliminary result of the research shows that quality of customer sen ice’s achievements

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

has strength in MB Hoang Quoc Viet. However it is revealed that its customer sen ice also has weakness such as quality of staffs and technology syste

Graduation ThesisSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiMinh HanhDECLARATIONSigned hereby, certify hereby that “Improving customer sen ice in Military’ Commercial

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branchs of preliminary research result, some recommendations for “Improving customer sen ice in Military Commercial Join Stock Bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch

” will also be presented.Student: NGUYÊN CHÚC QUỲNH CQ50/5Ỉ.04Page IIGraduation ThesisSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiMinh HanhACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI owe a debt (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

of gratitude to many people who helped me to complete this graduation thesis. I would like to acknowledge all of them.I would like to express my deepe

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

st gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs. Truong Thi Minh Hanh. M.A, lecture of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Academy of Finance, for her whole-hearted

Graduation ThesisSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiMinh HanhDECLARATIONSigned hereby, certify hereby that “Improving customer sen ice in Military’ Commercial

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branchulty of Foreign Languages, Academy of Finance.I would like to acknowledge, Mrs. Tran Thi Thu Huong, the Deputy Director of Military Commercial Join St

ock Bank- Hoang Quoc Viet Branch for creating favorable conditions for me to work at the office.Moreover, I would like to extend my special thanks to (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen. the Professional supporter for providing me authentic and up-to-date information and figures relating to current situatio

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

n at the bank for fulfillment of this paper.I also want to convey my sincere thanks to all the staff at MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch for their kindness.

Graduation ThesisSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiMinh HanhDECLARATIONSigned hereby, certify hereby that “Improving customer sen ice in Military’ Commercial

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branched family. Without their great love and dedication, this paper would not be translated into reality.Student: NGUYỀN CHÚC QUỲNH CQ50/51.04Page HIGradua

tion ThesisMinh HanhSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONATMAutomated Teller MachineMBMilitary’ Commercial Join Stock BankSBVThe Slate Bank o (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in MB hoang quoc viet branch

f VietnamVNDViet Nam Dong

Graduation ThesisSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiMinh HanhDECLARATIONSigned hereby, certify hereby that “Improving customer sen ice in Military’ Commercial

Graduation ThesisSupervisor: M.A Trương ThiMinh HanhDECLARATIONSigned hereby, certify hereby that “Improving customer sen ice in Military’ Commercial

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