Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

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Nội dung chi tiết: Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgCAMPAIGN • 201BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgDAN BEATTIEILLUSTRATED BY ADAM HOOKSerie

Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg es editors Marcus Cowper and Nikolai Bogdanovic© Osprey Publishing • www.ospreypublishing.comFirst published in Great Britain in 2008 by Osprey Publis

hing.Midland House, West Way, Botley, Oxford 0X2 OPH. UK 443 Park Avenue South, New York. NY 10016. USA E-mail: infofjdspreypublishingccxnc 2008 Ospre Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

y Publishing LtdAU rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under th

Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

e Copyright. Designs and Patents Act. 1088, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or

BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgCAMPAIGN • 201BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgDAN BEATTIEILLUSTRATED BY ADAM HOOKSerie

Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg < opyright owner, enquiries slKxild be addressed to the Publishers.A ClP catalog record for this book IS available from the British ubraryISBN: 9/8 1

84603 304 9tditonal by I Isos I’ublishlng Ltd. Oxford. UK ( Page l.iyoul try: The BLh k SpotIndex by Alison WorthingtonTypese Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

t in Sabon and Myriad ProMaps by The Map Studio I IdID bird's eye views by Tile Bl.x k SpotBatllescene illustrations try Adam I lookOriginated by PDQ

Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

Digital Media Solutions Printed in China through Woddfxinl I Id.08 09 10 11 12 10 98/654 3 21ACKNOWLEDGMENTSMy wife Peggy helped me in many ways with

BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgCAMPAIGN • 201BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgDAN BEATTIEILLUSTRATED BY ADAM HOOKSerie

Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg ing 11st- fires of my interest in this topic. Many librarians. too many to name, offered kind help. My editor, Marcus Cowper, was pleasant to work wit

h and skilled at his craft.ARTIST’S NOTEReaders may care to note that the original paintings from which the colour plates In this book were prepared a Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

re available for private sale. All reproduction copyright whatsoever Is retained by the Publishers.All enquiries should be addressed to:Scorpio Galler

Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

y, PO Box 475, f lailsham, Fast Sussex, UKI he Publishers regret that they can enter Into no correspondence upon this matter.THE WOODLAND TRUSTOsprey

BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgCAMPAIGN • 201BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgDAN BEATTIEILLUSTRATED BY ADAM HOOKSerie

Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg OOKS PUBIISJ iro BY O5PRÍY Mil ITARY AND AVIATION PI FAST CONTACTNUHIHAMfclUCAusprey Direct. c/o Random House Distribution Center. 400 Hahn Hoad.Westm

inster, MD 2115/ Osprey campaign 201 brandy station 1863 first step towards gettysburg

BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgCAMPAIGN • 201BRANDY STATION 1863First step towards GettysburgDAN BEATTIEILLUSTRATED BY ADAM HOOKSerie

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