Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

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Nội dung chi tiết: Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

Essential Histories ____________________________________The Anglo-Afghan Wars1839-1919Iregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES hol

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919 lds a doctorate in Modern History from Oxford University and serves as a Senior Lecturer in War Studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, divid

ing his work between teaching cadets on site and commissioned officers of the British Army posted to garrisons throughout the UK and abroad. His writi Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

ng focuses principally on the military and naval history of the 18th and 19th centuries.PROFESSOR ROBERT O’NEILL, AO D.PhiL (Oxon), Hon D. Litt. (ANU)

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

, IASSA, is the Scries Editor ol the Essential Histories.His wealth of knowledge and expertise shapes the series content and provides up-to-the-minute

Essential Histories ____________________________________The Anglo-Afghan Wars1839-1919Iregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES hol

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919 les, including Chichele Professor of the History of War al All Souls College, Oxford, and Chairman of the Board of the Imperial War Museum and the Cou

ncil of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London. He is the author of many books including works on the German Army and the Nazi Part Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

y, and the Korean and Vietnam wars. Now based in Australia on his retirement from Oxford he is the Director of the Lowy Institute for International Po

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

licy and Planning Director of the US Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.Essential HistoriesThe Anglo-Afghan Wars 1839-1919Essential HistoriesT

Essential Histories ____________________________________The Anglo-Afghan Wars1839-1919Iregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES hol

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919 into English B problematic parnciiarty with respect to p ace names and family names, many of which bore different renderings in the 19th century than

they do today, thus Kandahar/Qandahar Kab jl'C.ibcob'Gtbul.'C.ib.uJ.'Qatxj; JeHalatMd'lalalabad.i Jgco ijk.'jagdalac Khoord Cabul PasyXhurd-Katxjl Pas Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

s Al Musjid/AJi Masjid Giza^Gizye. etc. The author lias therefore adopted the most commonly accepted form or that which most closes reflects local pro

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

nunciation.On an historical note, readers should be aware that until 1858 Indian affairs .vcre managed tonfiy between Crown officials and those of the

Essential Histories ____________________________________The Anglo-Afghan Wars1839-1919Iregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES hol

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919 to the Govemor-Cieneral in Calcutta and the Board of Control whose pres dent, as a cabinet rr»n Me- was accountable to Parfcsment. In Calcutta was the

EIC, onginaĩy a chartered company with purely commercial concerns, but which by the 18th century exercised wde political and mMary control over much Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

of the subcontinent on behalf of the Crown The ElC maintaoed its own armies, which served in con,unction with those of the Crown, .til commanded by a

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

cabinet-appointed commander-in-chief answerable to the War Offce in London. In 185a the Etc was disbanded, the Crown assuming all authority over India

Essential Histories ____________________________________The Anglo-Afghan Wars1839-1919Iregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES hol

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919 with sharpened branches, fejed so that Its branches poent outwardsDoolieCovered stretcher, litter or palanquin for the evacuation of the woundedFerin

geeA disparaging term for a EuropeanGhaziFighter for the Faith who has Wed an infidelHav lidarndian infantry sergeantInfidelUnbelieverJcza'1 Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

-e k-d matchlock musket earned by tribesmenJihadHot/ warJir$aAssembly of mbal elders or representativesKoulMountain passLakh100,000 rupees the equvale

Osprey essential histories 040 the anglo afghan wars 1839 1919

nt of L10.000 todayMullahReligious teacher, leader Of holy manNullahSmall valley or ravinePoshtcenS”eqyJ

Essential Histories ____________________________________The Anglo-Afghan Wars1839-1919Iregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES hol

Essential Histories ____________________________________The Anglo-Afghan Wars1839-1919Iregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES hol

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