Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

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Nội dung chi tiết: Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

FortressPUBLISHINGFortifications of the Incas1200-1531H w KAUFMANN has an MA in Spanish from the University of Texas, San Antonio, where she also stud

Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531 died archaeology. She has a PhD from the University of Texas, Austin, in Medieval Spanish and is fluent in six languages. She is a professor at San An

tonio College and teaches languages.J E KAUFMANN has an MA in History from the University of Texas, San Antonio. He is a retired public school teacher Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

and teaches history part time at Palo Alto Junior College.ADAM HOOK studied graphic design, and began his work as an illustrator in 1983. He speciali

Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

zes in detailed historical reconstructions, and has Illustrated Osprey titles on the Aztecs, the Greeks, the American Civil War and the American Revol

FortressPUBLISHINGFortifications of the Incas1200-1531H w KAUFMANN has an MA in Spanish from the University of Texas, San Antonio, where she also stud

Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531 lustrated by Adam Hook Senes editors Marcus Cowper and Nikolai BogdanovicFira published in 2006 br o*prey PutAUvngMxifoxl Houk. Wiy. Bocfcy. Oxford 0X

2 0?H UK 443 Pirk Arenuv South. New fork. NY 10016. USAE-mail: irfo^otpreypubhthing comc 2006 Otprey PuWnfung LimnedAll right* rcierved Apart from any Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

for dvalng for the purport of private ttudy. research. crxicrtm or revcw. at permitted order the Copyright. Design* and Patents Alt. 1988 no part of

Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

thrt pjbliatioo may be reproduced, noted m a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meant, electronic, electrical. chemeaL mvcharxal.

FortressPUBLISHINGFortifications of the Incas1200-1531H w KAUFMANN has an MA in Spanish from the University of Texas, San Antonio, where she also stud

Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531 rsISBN 10. I 84176 939 8IS8N 13:978 I 84176 939 4Cartography Hap Stud-O. Romsey. UKTypeset n Monotype Gill Sans and rrc Stone SerifDesign Ken Vail Gra

phic Design Cambridge. UK index by Glyn SutcliffeOriginated by United Graphcs. Singapore Printed in China through BookbuikJcr*06 07 06 09 10 10 9 8 7 Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

6 $ 4 3 2 IA Cff* catalog record for ths book IS arafable from the British LibraryFee A CATALOG o» ACL ecxxs WkWO »r Ov«f ’ MuTAXr ano ArtAnohniASl CO

Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

NTACT.Osprey Direct. c.'o Random House Distribution Center. 400 Hahn Road.Westmmster. MD 21157LmaJ mfo@ospreydirect.comOsprey Direct UK. PO Bo. 140.We

FortressPUBLISHINGFortifications of the Incas1200-1531H w KAUFMANN has an MA in Spanish from the University of Texas, San Antonio, where she also stud

Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531 that appear in this work were taken by the authors.Artist’s noteReaders may care to note that the original paintings from which the color plates in th

is book were prepared are available for private sale. All reproduction copyright whatsoever is retained by the Publishers. All enquiries should be add Osprey fortress 047 fortifications of the incas 1200 1531

ressed to:

FortressPUBLISHINGFortifications of the Incas1200-1531H w KAUFMANN has an MA in Spanish from the University of Texas, San Antonio, where she also stud

FortressPUBLISHINGFortifications of the Incas1200-1531H w KAUFMANN has an MA in Spanish from the University of Texas, San Antonio, where she also stud

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