Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon)

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Nội dung chi tiết: Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon)

Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon)

SARACENSTRONGHOLDSAD 630-1050The Middle East and Central AsiaABOUT THE AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATORDAVID NICOLLE was bom in 1944 and worked for the BBC, inc

Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon) cluding the overseas broadcasting service, before returning to university and obtaining his PhD in Edinburgh. He subsequently taught at Yarmouk Univer

sity in Jordan. He now devotes himself to writing and is a specialist in medieval arms and armour. He is also a frequent contributor to numerous speci Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon)

alist journals and international conferences.ADAM HOOK studied graphic design and began his work as an illustrator in 1983. He specializes in detailed

Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon)

historical reconstructions, and has illustrated Osprey titles on the Aztecs, the Greeks, several 19th century American subjects, and a number of book

SARACENSTRONGHOLDSAD 630-1050The Middle East and Central AsiaABOUT THE AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATORDAVID NICOLLE was bom in 1944 and worked for the BBC, inc

Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon) East and Central AsiaDAVID NICOLLEILLUSTRATED BY ADAM HOOKSeries editors Marcus Cowper and Nikolai BogdanovicFirst published in Great Britain in 2008

by Osprey Publishing, Midland House, West Way, Bolley, Oxford 0X2 0PM. United Kingdom 44 J Park Avenue South. New York. NY 10016. USA Email: infotrosp Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon)

reypublishing.comc 2008 Osprey Publishing Ltd.All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism o

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r review, as permitted under the Copyright. Designs and Patents Act 1988. no pan of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

SARACENSTRONGHOLDSAD 630-1050The Middle East and Central AsiaABOUT THE AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATORDAVID NICOLLE was bom in 1944 and worked for the BBC, inc

Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon) rior written permission of the copyright owner. Enquiries should be addressed to the Publishers.ISBN 978 184603 115 1Editorial by Bros Publishing, Oxf

ord. UK ( Page layout by Ken Vail Graphic Design. Cambridge. UK ( Typeset in Sabon and Myriad ProCanography by The Map Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon)

Studio, Romsey. UKIndex by Alan ThatcherOriginated by PPS Grasmere Ltd. Leeds. UK Printed in China through Bookbuilders08091011 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 321

Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon)

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.FOR A CATALOGUE OF ALL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY OSPREY MILITARY ANO AVIATION PLEA

SARACENSTRONGHOLDSAD 630-1050The Middle East and Central AsiaABOUT THE AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATORDAVID NICOLLE was bom in 1944 and worked for the BBC, inc

Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon) REGIONSOsprey Direct UK. PO Box 140, Wellingborough.Northants. NN8 2FA. UKEmail infopospreydirect co ukDEDICATIONFor Nadima Kremid and her team at the

Institut Frandan du Proche Orient. Damascus Osprey fortress 076 saracen strongholds ad 630 1050 the middle east and central asia (ocr ogon)

SARACENSTRONGHOLDSAD 630-1050The Middle East and Central AsiaABOUT THE AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATORDAVID NICOLLE was bom in 1944 and worked for the BBC, inc

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