Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

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Nội dung chi tiết: Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook ity The Wharton School Stanford GSBThis version: June 5. 2()17fAbstractWc describe the effect of social media advertising content on customer engageme

nt using data from Facebook. We content-code 106,316 Facebook messages across 782 companies, using a combination of Amazon Mechanical lurk and Natural Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

Language Processing algorithms. We use this dataset to study the association of various kinds of social media marketing content with user engagement

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

defined as Likea, comments, shines, and click-througlis with the messages. We find that Inclusion of widely used content related to brand-p&onality -

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook tive content like mentions of price and deals is associated with lower levels of engagement when included in messages in isolation, but higher engagem

ent levels when provided in combination with brand-personality related attributes. Also, certain directly informative content, such as deals and promo Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

t ions drive consumers' path-toconverslon (click-throughs). These; results persist after incorporating corrections for the non-random targeting of Fac

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

ehook's EdgeRank (News Feed) algorithm, so reflect more closely user reaction to content, rather than Facebook’s behavioral targeting. Our results sug

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook s) with brand-personality related content that helps maintain future reach and branding on the social media site (via improved engagement). These resu

lts inform content design strategies. Separately, the methodology we apply to content-code text is useful for future studies utilizing unstructured da Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

ta such as advertising content or product reviews.Keywords: consumer engagement, social media, advertising content, content engineering, marketing com

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

munication, machine learning, natural language proccsiing, selection, 1'acelxxJc. FdgeRank. News Feed Algorithm.•We tlunik seminar participants at tlx

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook ce (Oct 2014), and WISE conference (Dee 2014) for comments. ami a collaborating company that wishes to be anonymous for providing the data used in the

analysis. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the .Jay H. Bilker Retailing Center and Mack Institute of the Wharton School Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

as well as the Wharton Risk Center (Russell Ackoff Fellowship). Tire authors also t lunik David Bell. Jonah Berger, Ccxun Jeffrey Cai, Pradeep Chintag

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

unta, Pedro Cardcto, Arun Gopalakrfshitan, Raghuram Iyengar, Carl Mela, Navdeep Sahni, Olivier Toubla and Christophe Van den Bultc for their helpful f

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook .com/abstract=22908021 IntroductionSocial networks are increasingly taking lip a greater share of consumers’ time spent online. As a result, social me

dia - which includes advertising on social networks and/or marketing communication with social characteristics - are becoming a larger component of li Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

nns’ market ing budgets. As firms increase their social media activity, the role of content marketing (or “content engineering") has become important.

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

Content marketing seeks to develop content that better engages targeted users and drives the desired goals of the marketer.This raises the question:

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook ami consumer behavior literat ure which discuss ways in which the content of marketing communication engages consumers ami captures attention. Howeve

r, most of this work is implemented primarily in laboratory settings. Relatively little has been explored systematically about the empirical consequen Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

ces of advertising and promotional content in real-world, field settings outside the laboratory. Despite its obvious relevance to practice, advertisin

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

g content is also relatively under-emphasized in economic theory. Economic models of directly informative advertising (c.f. Butters (1977); Grossman a

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook ab settings (c.f. Armstrong (2010); Berger (2014)) suggest that advertisements contain information ami content beyond prices. Canonical models of adve

rtising in which advertising acts as a signal of quality (c.f. Nelson (1971): Kihlstrom and Riordan (198-1); Milgroin and Roberts (1986)) do not empha Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

size content because advertising intensity conveys the relevant information about product quality in equilibrium to market, participants. In thus pape

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

r, we explore the role of content in driving consumer engagement in social media in a large-scale field setting. We document that a variety of emotion

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook t varies across engagement types. The richness of the engagement data and t he ability to content-code messages in a cost-efficient manner enable ns t

o explain these associations at a larger scale than much of previous literature on the topic.Our analysis is of relevance to industry in improving fir Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

ms' social media marketing strategics. Many Industry surveys (e.g.. Ascend2 2013; eMarketer 2013) report that achieving engagement on large audience p

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

latforms like Facebook is key to these strategies. Marketing agencies' financial contracts are also often negotiated on the basis of the engagement th

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook ially connected to the brand. Accordingly, firms aggressively acquired followers on platforms like Facebook by investing in paid-ads that increased th

e reach of their messages on the platform. However, this strategy shifted as audits of data (e.g., Creamer 2012) showed only a small percentage of an Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

average firm’s Facebook fans demonstrated any engagement wit h the brand by Liking, sharing, or commenting on such messages. As a result, industry att

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

ention expanded from the mere acquisition of social media followers per sc, to the design of content that achieves both better reach and engagement am

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook implied that the engagement obtained by a firms’ messages determine their future reach on the platform accelerated this trend.1 While attention in th

e industry has shifted tow<ư Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

what ways. For example, are messages seeking to inform consumers about product or price attributes more effective than persuasive messages with humor

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

or emotion? Do messages explicitly soliciting user response (e.g., "Like this post if ...”) draw more engagement or in fact turn users away? Does the

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook etter content marketing policies in practice.2Our empirical investigation in this paper pertains to social-media marketing on Facebook. Most lop brand

s maintain a Facebook page on which they serve posts and messages to connected users. This form of free social media marketing has increasingly become Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

an important channel for firms. The data comprise information on about 1110,1 >00 such messages posted by a panel of about 80(1 firms over an 11 mont

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

h period between Sept 2011 and July 2012. For each message, the data also contains time-series informat ion on two kinds of engagement measures - Like

Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media:Evidence from Facebook*Dokyun LeeKartik Hosanagar Harikesh s. NairCarnegie Mellon Universi

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook th message attribute information that we obtain using a survey we implement on Amazon Mechanical 'Dirk (henceforth "AMT”), combined with a Natural Lan

guage Processing algorithm (henceforth “NLP”) we built to tag messages. Three aspects make this a helpful setting to study the role of content ill soc Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

ial media, marketing. First, Facebook messages have a variety of content attributes, but are short and to the point, so it is feasible to encode most

Advertising content and customer engagement in social media evidence from facebook

of the attributes for research purposes without incurring overwhelming time or cost, that may otherwise preclude a large-scale investigation. Second,

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