Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

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Nội dung chi tiết: Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag >artial regulation of consumer products results in increased consumption of these products in unregulated domains. This article quantifies plastic lea

kage from the banning of plastic carryout bagji. Using quasi-random policy variation in California, 1 find t he elimination of 40 million iMMinds of p Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

lastic carryout bags is offset by a 12 million pound increase in trash bag purchases with small, medium, and tall trash l>ag sales increasing by 120%,

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

M%, and 6%, res|M'ctively. The results further reveal 12 22% of plastic carryout I mgs were reused as trash bags pnsregidalion and show bag bans shif

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag urchase of anot her plastic bag, policy evaluations that ignore leakage effects overstate the regulation's welfare gains../£•£ Codes- Q58, Q53, D12, H

23Keywords-. Leakage, partial regulation, environmental policy, plastic, consumer behavior, event study, sublraclionalit.y‘1 dedicate this paper to Pe Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

ter Berck, for his enduring advice and mentorship, on this paper ami in life. I thank Kendon Bell. Lee (’lemon. Meredith Fowlie, Joshua Graff Zivin, H

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

ilary Hoynes, Andrea La Nauze, Leslie Martin. Louis Preonas, Andrew Stevens, and Sofia Berto Villas-Boas for helpful discussions and suggestions. 1 al

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag Edwin Tanudjaja. and Sarah Zon for t heir superb research assistance. This project would not be possible without the institutional and technical supp

ort of the retailers that provided data and access to their stores. This paper reflects the author’s own analyses and calculations based on data from Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

individual retailers and data from The Nielsen Company (US). LLC ami marketing databases provided by the Kilts Center for Marketing Data at t he Unive

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

rsity of Chicago Booth School of Business, Copyright (e) 2018 The Nielsen Company (US). LLC,', all rights reserved. The conclusions drawn from the Nie

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag n analyzing and preparing the results reported herein. I declare that 1 have no relevant or material financial interests that relate to the research d

escribed in this paper. This project was deemed 1RB exempt.tAffiliation: University of Sydney. School of Economics. Mailing address: Room 370, Merewet Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

her Building [11(H), The University of Sydney. NSW 2006, Australia. Tel: +1 513 600 5777. Email: copy available at.

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

https.// Leakage1 IntroductionGovernments often regulate or tax the consumption of products with negative externalities (e

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag r products cont ribut ing negat ive externalities. Leakage occurs when partial regulation directly results in increased consutni>-lion of these produc

ts in unregulated parts of the economy (Fowl io, 2009). If unregulated consumption is easily substituted for regulated consiunption, basing the succes Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

s of a regulation solely on reduced consumpt ion in the regulated market overstates the regulation's welfare gains.In t his article, I quantify leakag

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

e from the regulation of plastic in consumer goods. The United Nations Environmental Program estimates that 10 to 20 million tonnes of plastic enters

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag EP, 2011). With growing concern about the casts of plastic waste, governments arc turning to economic incentlives and commaml-and-control regulations

to curb the use of consumer plastics. An increasingly popular environmental policy has been the regulation of disposable carryout bags (DCB).1 2 Appro Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

ximately 212 local governments in the U.S. adopted DCB policies between 2007 to 2016, across 20 states and the District, of Columbia." Mast DOB polici

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

es in the U.S. prohibit retail food stores from providing customers with thin plastic carryout bags at checkout and‘Disposable carryout bag (DCB) refe

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag rs in the overall price of goods purchased.2For lists of disposable bag policies in the U.S., see Californians Against Waste, accessed 21 May 2018.2El

ectronic copy available at. https 7/ Leakagerequire stores to charge a minimum fee for paper and other reusable carryout ba Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

gs. However, all remaining types of disposable bags are left unregulated (e.g., trash bags and waste bin liners). Given DCBs can be reused as trash ba

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

gs before they are disposed,3 * this article asks the empirical question: Do bans on plastic carryout bags cause consumers to increase their purchases

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag ating the environmental effectiveness of DCB policies. Life cycle assess incuts (LCAs) studies that estimate a product's cradle to grave environment i

d impact are used, and often required, by government s around t he world in designing environmental legislation (Ehrenfeld. 1997; Rebitzer et id., 200 Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

1).1 LCAs of plastic, paper, and reusable carryout, bags have been shown to be sensitive to assumptions made about the weight, and number of trash bag

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

s displaced by the secondary use of plastic carryout bag, with the reuse of plastic carryout bags as bin liners suljstant ially improving their enviro

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag es to have the same global warming potential (measured in kilograms of CO2 equivalent) as plastic carryout bags with zero reuse, while that same cotto

n bag needs to be reused 327 times if all plastic carryout bags are reused as bill liners. Thus, a contribution of this paper is to provide an estimat Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

e for the reuse of plastic carryout bags that policymakers can use as a benchmark for calculating and interpreting LCA results.’Surveys conducted in 2

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

007 found that 51 percent of households report reusing their plastic carryout bags, and of those that reuse. 55 percent report reusing their plastic c

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag ped to provide a consensus framework for industries and policymakers to incorporate LCAs in their guidelines and/or laws (ISO 14040, 2006).3Electronic

copy available at.ỉỉag LeakageDetermining t he causal relat ionship between regulations and leakage is challenging b Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

ecause one must construct a credible counlerfactual for consumption in the absence of t he regulation, both for regulated and unregulated goods. To un

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

derstand t he causal effect of DCB policies on regulated and unregulated l>ag consumption, I take advantage of quasi-random variation in local governm

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag separate the causal effect, of the policies from other time-varying factors. The second challenge 1 address is that of limited data. I bring together

two data sources: (i) weekly retail scanner data with store-level price and quantity information on trash bag sales, and (ii) observational transacti Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

on-level data collected in-store for the number and types of carryout bags used at checkout. Leakage, in this case, is quantified by comparing changes

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

in trash bag sales (from the scanner data) to changes in carryout bag use (from the observational data). While data on trash bags sales are readily a

Bag Leakage: The Effect of Disposable Carryout BagRegulations on Unregulated Bags*Rebecca L.c. Taylor jNovember 13. 2018AbstractLeakage occurs when |>

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag tained in the store and those brought from outside) are more challenging to obtain, due to their manual, time-consuming nature to collect.5 Thus, anot

her contribution of this paper is the combination of scanner and observational data, which docs not rely on consumers self-reporting their bag use.65R Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

igorous in-store data collection and analysis of carryout bag use pre- and post- DCB policy change have been conducted in t he Washington D.c. met rop

Bag leakage the effect of disposale carry out bag

olitan area (Ilomonolf. 2017), California (Taylor and Villas-Boas, 2016), and Chicago (Source: “Chicagoans Reduce Disposable Bag Use by Over Forty Per

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