Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
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Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
The international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement t Uses of Classroom Computers and their Effect on Student AchievementOliver Falck Constantin Mang Ludger WoessmannCESifo Working Paper No. 5266 Category 5: Economics of Education-March 2015.4/1 electronic version of the paper may be downloaded•from the SSRN website:www.SSRN.com•from the RePEc websit Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement e:www.RePEc.org•from the CESifo website:www.CESifo-group.orgfwpISSN 2364-1428CESifoCenter for Economic Studies & Ifo InstituteIronic copy available alDifferent use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
: https://ssm.com/abstract-2592CESifo Working Paper No. 5266Virtually No Effect? Different Lises of Classroom Computers and their Effect on Student AcThe international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement itive effects of computer uses without equivalently effective alternative traditional teaching practices and negative effects of uses that substitute more effective teaching practices. Our correlated random effects models exploit within-student between-subject variation in different computer uses in Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement the international TIMSS test. We find positive effects of using computers to look up information and negative effects of using computers to practiceDifferent use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
skills, resulting in overall null effects. Effects are larger for high-SES students and mostly confined to developed countries.JEL-Code: 1210,1280.KeyThe international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement of Munich Poschingerslrasse 5 Germany 81679 Munich falckfci ifo.deConstantin MangIfo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research al the University of Munich Pose hingerstrasse 5 Germany 81679 A hi Hi ch constantũpạ mangmail. deI.udger Woessmann Ifo Institute Leibniz Institute for L'cot tom i Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement c Re search at rhe University of Munich Poschingerstras.se 5 Germany - 81679 Munich yvoessmann(& jfo. deMarch 17.2015For helpii.ll comments, we wouldDifferent use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
like to thank Eric Bettingen Mat Chingos. Tom Dee. Rob Fairlie. David Figlio. and seminar participants at Stanford University, the London School of EcThe international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement at Stanford University for its hospitality' during work on tills paper.https://ssrn.com/abs tract=25923261. IntroductionThe use of computer-based teaching methods and virtual learning technologies 111 the classroom has raised high expectations to improve educational achievement (e g.. Peterson. 201 Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement 0; Economist. 2013). These methods are often seen as the biggest technology shift 111 decades, if not in centuries, set to revolutionize the traditionDifferent use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
al teacher-centric lecturing style and to unleash the potential fol improvements in teaching quality and efficiency. However, the empirical evidence oThe international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement that such null effects may be the result of a combination of using computers for activities that are more productive than traditional teaching methods, thus improving student outcomes, and using computers in ways that substitute more effective traditional practices, thus lowering student outcomes. O Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement ur evidence shows that using computers to look up ideas and information indeed improves student achievement, bur using computers to practice skills reDifferent use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
duces student achievement.Hie central point in Olli reasoning IS dial there arc opportunity costs of lime. Every classroom minute can be used for one The international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement be used for specific applications, such as exploring new ideas and information on the Interact. that do nor have comparably effective alternatives in the traditional world. If these computer uses substitute less effective uses of classroom time, student learning will increase. On the oilier hand, c Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement omputers can be used for more traditional applications, such as practicing skills, that have potentially more effective conventional teaching alternatDifferent use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
ives. If these arc crowded out. student learning will decrease. Thus, the net effect of computer use depends on the specific activities that they arc The international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement egative effects.We test this hypothesis using information on the specific uses of computers in the classroom in rhe Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TĨMSS). Our sample of rhe 2011 11MSS test covers the math and science achievement of over 150.000 students in 30 countries in s'1 Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement ' grade and nearly 250,000 students in 53 countries in 4'1 grade. In derailed background questionnaires, TĨMSS surveys how often teachers in each subjDifferent use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
ect have their students use computers in tlnec distinct activities: look up ideas and information: practice skills and procedures; and (only in 8th grThe international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement s us to rest whether any effect is context-specific or generalizes across different settings.1Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.corn/abstract-2592326Our identification strategy exploits the two-subject structure of the TIMSS data. It is hard to imagine a field experiment that would assign d Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement ifferent types of computer use randomly across classrooms, nor least because of teacher resistance. Rut in observational data, it is not random whichDifferent use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
students and classrooms use computers. For example, the availability of computers 111 a school is likely related to rhe socioeconomic status of rhe neThe international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement ecific schools or classrooms, our empirical model identities from variation 111 computer use across subjects within individual students. This bctwceu-subject variation allows ns ro estimate with in-student effects, holding subject-invariant unobserved school and student characteristics constant. We Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement generalize betwcen-subjccl models with student fixed effects that assume rhe same effect of computer use on student achievement in both subjects (eg..Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement
Dec. 2005. 2007; Lavy. 2015) to correlated random effects models with subject-specific effects (Metzler and Woessmann. 2012). which prove empiricallyThe international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? Different Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement d then leaching methods. To further rule out bias from unobserved teacher characteristics or nonrandom selection of teachers into computer use, we also identify horn bclwccn-subjccl variation within the same teacher when restricting our 4lh-grade analysis to a sample of students taught by the same t Different use of classroom computers and their effect on student achivement eacher in both subjects.The international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? DifferentThe international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for EconomidCES ifo Working Paperswww.cesifo.org/wpVirtually No Effect? DifferentGọi ngay
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