Environmental impact by spill of geother
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Environmental impact by spill of geother
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother ty of Ftelberg. Institute of Geology, FteibeigSaxony. Germany (* author for correspondence, e-mail birkle@iie.org.mx)(Received 12 July 1999: accepted 20 December 19991Abstract. Monitoring of surface water and shallow aquifers inside and outside of the Los Azufres geothermal field during the period N Environmental impact by spill of geother ovember 1994 to May 1996 led to the detection of some contamination of suiface water and shallow aquifers due to exploitation of the deep brines. LeakEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
ing of evaporation ponds and pipelines, occasionally overflowing of reinjection wells and pond rims as well as outflowing of brines during rehabilitatENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother ace elements concentrations, especially Fe. Mu. F. B. and As in surface waters within the geothermal field as well as up to 10 km outside, weie observed. Maximum values of 125 and 8 mg L-1 were observed for B and As. respectively The discharge of hypersaline geothermal bnnes also causes salinization Environmental impact by spill of geother of surrounding soils. It occasionally happens that cattle drink from the brines. The use of the river for irngation and drinking water supply in theEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
surrounding regions may cause accumulation of toxic elements in the human food chain or may endanger the public health. The establishment of a closed ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother reflection without any reposal time in evaporation ponds, as well as an improved security and control system.Keywords: brine spill, environmental impact. Geothermal field. Los Azufres. Mexico, surface contamination. trace elements1IntroductionIn comparison with conventional types of energy sources, Environmental impact by spill of geother the use of geothermal water IS considered to be relatively free of environmental impact. In theory, the extraction of hot geothermal fluids from a deeEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
p reservoir to the surface, the generation of electricity using the vapor phase and the subsequent underground reinjection of the liquid phase should ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother ronmental impacts were registered world-wide related to the production of geothermal energy. Some examples from several geothermal fields are:- Subsidence. The extraction of large quantities of geothermal fluids from the underground can cause the dewatering of the deep aquifer and the compaction of Environmental impact by spill of geother the grain structure of the subsoil, leading to subsidence of the terrain. In the Travale-Radicondoli geothermal field in North Italy, a maximal subsidEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
ence^4 Wafer. Air. and Soil Pollution 124: 371-410. 2000.£ 2000 Khmer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.372p BIRKLE AND B MERKELrate of ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother othermal field of Wairakei. New Zealand, representing the highest measured subsidence values worldwide (Allis. 1990).-Disappearance of natural thermal manifestations. Fluid extraction from the upper part of the geothermal reservoir may cause the lowering of the piezometric water level of communicati Environmental impact by spill of geother ng, shallow aquifers and consequently drying out of natural thermal springs (Hunt and Glover. 1996).-Radioactive emission. In the Nufanil District inEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
Romania, geothermal water is applied for direct heating of private households. The natural radioactivity of the geothermal water, such as increased RaENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother aning stages, maximal noise values of 120 dBA were registered (Brown. 1995). During the normal production of geothermal water noise IS still a severe environmental problem, which may be solved by means of special mufflers.-Destruction of cultural sites and nature reserve areas. Due to the magmatic o Environmental impact by spill of geother rigin of geothermal reservoirs. many geothermal production sites are located within remote volcanic nature reserve zones. Also, the impact on culturalEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
and religious sites, such as the .Mt. Apo National Park in Southern Philippines gives rise to protests from the native people (Ore and de Jesus. 1995ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother in winter. In 1994. a 40% decrease of the bird population could be related to the toxic effect of high B- and As-vahies of the pond brines (Gutierrez et al., 1995).-Damages by reinjection In the U.S. 20% of 70 geothermal fields investigated show impacts, such as cooling down of the reservoir fluids Environmental impact by spill of geother by time, contamination of aquifers, ground heaving and induced seismic activity caused by geothermal reinjection (Sanyal etal., 1995).-Emission ofH:SEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
and CO; In most geothermal fields, the CO; and H2S gas of the vapor phase IS emitted directly to the atmosphere. The oxidation of H;s to so> and its sENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother ough the rate of atmospheric oxidation is unknown (Brown and Webster, 1993). In Iceland, the geothermal production causes an annual emission of 50000 to 80000 t of COj and 8000 t of H2S into the atmosphere (Kristmannsdóttir and Ámiannson. 1995):-Contamination of surface runoffs. In the geothermal fi Environmental impact by spill of geother eld of Lahendong and Dieng. Indonesia, geothermal brines are discharged into the adjacent rivers (Radja and Sulasdi, 1995). The amount of 13 t h are dEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
ischarged in the latter case.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FL ITOS3 73Tins paper presents results from an environmental assessment studyENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother ut from November 1994 to June 1996. The study includes information about the main contamination sources within the geothermal field, the type of contaminants most abundant, the lateral and quantitative distribution of contaminants within and outside of the geothermal field, as well as an evaluation Environmental impact by spill of geother of the risk potential for the environment and some practical remediation proposals. Environmental impact by atmospheric emission of H;s and co> by noiEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
se emission, subsidence, or the disappearance of endangered species is not considered as part of this study. The risk potential of metal enriched precENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother one of several Pleistocene silicic volcanic centres with active geothermal systems in the Mexican Volcanic Belt (Aguilar er al.. 1987). The geothermal field, which is located 220 km NW of Mexico City and 80 km E of the Michoacan state capital Morelia has been used for exploitation since 1982 (Figure Environmental impact by spill of geother 1). As part of the geothermal production. 11 wells are used for reinjection. 13 for study purposes and 24 production wells, connected with 10 power uEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
nits, generate an installed total capacity of 98 MW (Suarez et al.. 1995). It represents the second most important geothermal field in Mexico. DirectlENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother a total of 988 t h is used for electric power generation (Hernandez-Lagunas. 1997a.b), whereas 626 t h of geothermal brines are temporarily stored in more than 15 temporary' and permanent evaporation ponds before being reinjected through a system of pipelines having a total length of 52 km back into Environmental impact by spill of geother the reservoứ. As a consequence, the fluids are cooler! down from an initial outflow temperature of > wc to a reinjection temperature of approximatelyEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
40°C. However during the cooling process in open ponds, there is evaporation and a water loss of about 10% occurs. The object of the preliminary depoENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT BY SPILL OF GEOTHERMAL FLUIDS AT THE GEOTHERMAL FIELD OF LOS AZUFRES, MICHOACAN,MEXICOp. BIRKLE* and B. MERKELTechnical Universit Environmental impact by spill of geother an be observed at the bottom of the ponds which is due to mineral precipitation.3Environmental FrameSince 1988. the declaration of a national law for the protection of the ecological balance and the environment (Diario oficial de la Federacion. 1988) assigns an initial evaluation of the ecological c Environmental impact by spill of geother onsequences as a requirement for each national374p BIRKLE AND B MERKELsuit swniiryJ-'"-' WMn rm tjiteiuHe*d.Figure Ị. Topographical location of the LoEnvironmental impact by spill of geother
s Azufres geothermal field in the central pan of Mexico and in the eastern part of the State of Michoacan.Gọi ngay
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