How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

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Nội dung chi tiết: How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal inique van de Walle Dileni GunewardenaThe World Bank Development Research Group35886WPSri-o1908Rojtire ■ĩnd d>-tý' .methods of project appraisal

can be so dirty in guiding oroject se’eoon as to w.oe our the -net social gains from puttie irves: meetPolicy Research Working Paper l?08Summary find How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

ingsRoutine *sjuickand dirty” methods OÍ project appraisal can be sc dirty tn guiding project selection as to Wipe out the net social gains from publi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

c investment, contend van de Walle and Gunetvardena, illustrating their point with a case study of irrigation projects in Vietnam.They test a Common q

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal ough econometric modeling of marginal rerttrax, which allows for household and area heterogeneity using integrated household level survey data.Ĩ he qu

ick .mJ dirty performs well :n estimating average benefits nationally but can be misleading lor some regions and. by Ignoring heterogeneity, How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

overestimates how mush the poor gain.At moderate to high project cost levels. qinck-A'.id-dtrty nukes enough mistakes r<» eliminate the net benefits

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

from public investment. When irrigating as iittie as 3 percent of Vietnam’s 'tonirrigated land, rhe savings r.oni :!'C mote daia-intensive method -re

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal group IO assess I he welfare impacts ol public spending. Copies of the paper are available free from the World Ban <, I 8 IS H Street NW. Washington,

DC 20113. Please contact Cyuthia Bernardo, room MC2 501. telephone 20/. zi”i I IfiS, fax 202II'1. Internetaddress April 1^9 How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

8. (.18 pages}T&e /'rtAry A'ivdiez; VVrtiỄíMX J’d/vr Scnei dixuminaus the fuiJinxi ữf utírt hi .orrzpwi to .v;r liM^viJOK J?rifSMfi. A» of the sertft

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

is to iff rte fmdingf out tỊUÌỉtỉy, ,’i en if the Ịrrese>rtữtMiỉf JIT :-fs tha.t fullyfj.'tf&pert carry thỉ namnsof {ìrr! rMÌitữi inii ^!0uld tiled ■i

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal C.Ịtk- w.i'f.i .!; r..urirM* .Ojtw.'iVA r.1 COUMriit they riptfiCUt.Produced by the Policy Research Dissemination CenicrHow Dirty are ’’Quick and Dir

ty ” Methods of Project Appraisal?Dominique van de Walle and Dileni Gunewardena1Key words: Poverty; Welfare; Project evaluation; Irrigation; Viet NamJ How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

EL classification: WS: 022; 1391 Dominique van de Walle is with the Development Research Group of the World Bank. Dileni Gunewardena is with the Depar

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

tment of Economics at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Correspondence to van de Walle. MC2-507. 18I8H St., NW, Washington. DC. 20433; (tel) 20

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal ity changes induced by the project. ‘ Ideally, these estimates will allow for heterogeneity across projects and beneficiaries. Ignoring such heterogen

eity—by looking only at aggregates—can bias estimates of both average benefits and their distribution. Typically, however, rapid assessments must be r How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

esorted to, and die analysis conducted for a representative project and/or beneficiary'. It is recognized that die methods used in practice for assess

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

ing quantity changes in project appraisal simplify reality in this respect; they often ignore household and area heterogeneity, behavioral responses a

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal Would collecting better data, or using better methods, make an appreciable difference to the social welfare outcomes from public investments? Would i

t be worth investing the extra resources needed to make a more thorough assessment? Indeed, could the deficiencies of commonly used methods be so grea How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

t as to eliminate the entire social gains from the investments?This paper addresses these questions for a commonly used "quick-and-dirty" (QD) method

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

for assessing rural infrastructure investments. The QD method we study is a stylized version of the method that is normally used in practice to assess

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal tion in Viet Nam is compared to the marginal benefit estimated by an alternative, more sophisticated econometric method for estimating impacts on farm

profits at the farm-household level. We call this the "slow-and-clean" (SC) method. This is closer to a well-defined theoretical ideal, and is about How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

as sophisticated a method as one would expect to find in a small research project set up for the evaluation task. While it is1not perfect, we believe

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

it represents a distinct improvement, and hence a reasonable test of the conventional QD approachThe comparison of our stylized QD and sc methods allo

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal iteria used to assess the projects themselves. Here we will be concerned with both the impacts on average incomes and the distribution of income. QD m

ethods found in practice often appeal to both efficiency and equity criteria for project selection. For example, appraisals of rural infrastructural p How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

rojects in developing countries often argue that since the project is to be located in a poor area, it will help reduce poverty. However, this may be

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

quite deceptive. The benefits from physical infrastructure investments will be influenced by a number of factors which will typically be hidden by qui

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal human infrastructure such that the returns to individual households depend in part on the household’s level of human capital (van de Walle 1997). If w

ealthier households have higher human capital, they may also have higher gains. Returns to irrigation OU the family farm may further depend on househo How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

ld size and composition in settings with underdeveloped labor markets. The size of landholdings may also matter, again with obvious potential skewness

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal

of benefits. A project analysis which ignores these factors may seriously misinform policy conclusions about the impacts on poverty of public investm

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

How dirty are quick and dirty methods of project appraisal e data which are used to implement the methods. Section 3 then compares and contrasts results obtained by the alternative approaches including

Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPolicy Research Working PaperHow Dirty Are “Quick and Dirty” Methods of Project Appraisal?Domi

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