Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 ion path that the rohot must execute in moving parts or tools from one location in the work space to another. These movements are often taught by show

ing tile robot the motion and recording It into the robot's memory. However, there arc other portions of the program that do not involve any movement Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

of the arm. These, other parts of the program include interpreting sensor data, actuating the end effector, sending signals to other pieces of equipme

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

nt in the cell, receiving data from other devices, and making computations and decisions about the work cycle. Many of these other activities are best

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 al robots. Chapter 8 details the ‘leach-by-showing’ methods of programming. Chapter 9 presents w lull w e consider to be a comprehensive discussion of

how robots arc programmed with a computcr-likc rohot language. There arc several appendixes to Chap. 9. which present sununaries of some of the comme Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

rcially available robot languages.Advanced technology robots of the future with versatile end effectors and sophisticated sensors, will be capable of

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

responding to very high-level commands-higher. more general commands than we have in Today's commercially available languages. The robots will have to

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 p. It), the field of artificial intelligence to see what promise this technology holds for robotics w ill be discussed.RREERobot Programming, In trodu

ct ion-------------------------------------------------sIn Chap. 2. we defined a robot program (u be a path in space 11 is really more than that. A ro Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

bot today can do much more than merely move its arm through a series of points in space. Current technology robots can accept input from sensors and o

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

ther des ices. They can serxl signals Io pieces of equipment operating with them in the cell. They can make decisions. They can communicate with compu

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 Rolxrl programming is accomplished in several ways. Consistent with current industrial practice wc div ide the programming methods into two basic type

s:1I cadlhnMigh methods2Textual robot languagesThe leadthrough methods require the programmer to move the manipulator through the desired motion path Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

arid that (he path be committed Io memory by the robot controller. The leadthrough methods arc sometimes referred to as ’teach-by-showing' methods. Ch

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

ronologically, the leadthrough methods represent the first real robot programming mclluxls used in industry. They hail their beginnings in the early 1

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 gramming. The programmer types in the program on a CRT (cathode ray lube) monitor using a high-level English-like language. The procedure is usually a

ugmented by using leadthrough techniques to teach the robot the locations of points in the workspace. The textual languages started Io be developed in Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

the 1970s, with the first commercial language appearing around 1979.In addition to the leadthrough and textual language programming, another method o

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

f programming IS used for simple, low -technology robots. We referred to these types of machines in Chap 2 as limited sequence robots w hich arc contr

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 s and switches might be called a programming method. We prefer to think of this kind of programming as a manual set-up procedure.In this chapter, the

Icaihhrough methods will be discussed along with the basic features and capabilities of these programming methods. What functions must a typical robot Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

be able to do. and how is It taught to do these functions using leadthrough programming? In the following chapter, the textual programming languages

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

and their capabilities will be examined.8.2LEADTHROUGH PROGRAMMING METHODSIII Icadlhrough programming, the robot is moved through lire desired million

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 al IcadthroughThe powered leadthroogh method makes use of a teach pendant to control the various joint motors, and Io power drive the robot aim and wr

ist through a series of points in space. Lach point is recorded into memory for subsequent play back during lite wink cycle The leach | is us Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

ually a small haikllielil control Imix with coiiibin.llions of toggle sw itches, dials, ami buttons lo regulate the robot’s |diysical movements and pr

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

ogramming capabilities. Among the various robot programming methods.. the powered Icadlhiough method is Jirolxildy the most common today. It is largel

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 motions in space. A large number of industrial robot applications consist of point Ill-point movements of the manipulator These include pail transfer

tasks, machine loading and unloading, and spot welding.The manual Icadthrough method (also sometimes called the ‘walkthrough* method) is more readily Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

used for continuous-path programming where the motion cycle involves smooth complex curvilinear movements of the robot arm. T he most common example

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

of this kind of robot application is spray painting, in which the robot’s wrist, with the spray painting gun attached as the end effector, must execut

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 e in which continuous-path programming is required and this is sometimes accomplished with I Ik manual Icadlhrough method.In the manual leadthrough me

thod, the programmer physically grasps the robot arm (and end effector) and manually moves it through the desired motion cycle. Ill be robot is large Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

and awkward Io physically move, a special programming apparatus is often substituted for the actual robot. This apparatus has basically the same geome

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

try as the robot, but it is easier to manipulate during programming. A teach button is often located near the wrist of the robot (or the special progr

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 allows the programmer the ability Io make extraneous moves of the arm without their being included in the final program. The motion cycle is divided

into hundreds or even thousands of individual closely spaced points along the path ami these points are recorded into the controller memory.The contro Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

l Systems for both Icadthrmigh procedures operate in either of two modes: teach mode or run mode. The teach mode is used to program the robot and the

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

run inode is used tn execute the program.The two leadthrough methods arc relatively simple procedures that have been developed and enhanced over the l

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 y modest ami these procedures can he readily applied in the plant.8.3A ROBOT PROGRAM AS A PATH IN SPACET his and the following sections of this chapte

r will examine the programming issues involved in the use of the leailthroiigh methods, with cmpltasis on the powered leadlhrough approach. Let us beg Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

in our discussion with our previous definition of a robot program as a path in space. The locus of points along the path defines the sequence of posit

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

ions through which lire robot w ill move its w I ist. Ill must applications, an end effector IS attached to the wrist, and Ute program cun be conside

Robot Programming and LanguagesRobot programming is concerned with teaching the robot Its work cycle. A large portion of the program involves the moti

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2 er, the definition of the path in space ill effect requires that the robot move its axes through various positions tn order to follow that path. 1 or

a robot with SIX axes, each point in the path consists Ilf six cooidinate values. Each coordinate value corresponds to the position t>f one joint. As Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

discussed in Chap. 2, there are four basic robot anatomies: polar, cylindrical, cartesian, and jointed arm. Lach one has three axes associated with th

Industrial robotics technology, programming, and applications – part 2

e arm and body configuration and two or three additional joints associated with the wrist. Pie anil and body joints determine the general position in

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