iwashita et al irr 21 4

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Nội dung chi tiết: iwashita et al irr 21 4

iwashita et al irr 21 4

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

iwashita et al irr 21 4 AchievementNoriko Iwashita, Miyuki Sasaki, Annita Stell and Megan YucelIELTS••BRITISH Xidn••COUNCILJapanese stakeholders’ perceptions of IELTS Writin

g and Speaking Tests and their impact on communication and achievementThe English language curriculum in Japan has been revised to focus on enhancing iwashita et al irr 21 4

the four skills (i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing), and it is proposed that universities accept the results of commercial standardised p

iwashita et al irr 21 4

roficiency tests, such as IELTS. This study explored the level of familiarity with IELTS among Japanese high school teachers, university lecturers and

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

iwashita et al irr 21 4 iversity entrance exams in the near future. The study allows further insights to be gained from these perceptions into the usefulness of IELTS in term

s of students’ readiness for L2 communication in an academic setting.FundingThis research was funded by the IELTS Partners: Bntish Council. Cambridge iwashita et al irr 21 4

Assessment English and IDP. IELTS Australia. Grant awarded 2018.Publishing detailsPublished by the IELTS Partners: British Council. Cambridge Assessme

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nt English and IDP: IELTS Australia © 2021.This publication is copyright. No commercial re-use. The research and opinions expressed are of individual

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

iwashita et al irr 21 4 ementsWe would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following people.•Ms Jenny Osborne (IDP: IELTS Australia) and Ms Stephanie Bcthcncourt(IDP

: IELTS Australia) who facilitated the execution of this project in ever)' step anti without whom it was riot possitke to complete Illis research.•Ms iwashita et al irr 21 4

t-iona Wiebusch (Director, teacher Development Specialist al the Queensland Institute Ply I Id) who shared her contacts with English teachers in .Ja(>

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an.•teachers arid students who f»arlici|>aled in the questionnaire survey and further participated in the interviews to elaborate upon their views.How

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

iwashita et al irr 21 4 nd their Impact on Communication and Achievement. If-I TS Research Reports Online Series, No. 4. British Council, Cambridge Assessment English and IDP

: IELTS Australia.Available at hnpsAVAVAuclts.orgtoaching and rcscarchTcscarch reportsvAvw.ielts.orgIELTS Research Reports Online Series 2021/42Introd iwashita et al irr 21 4

uctionThis study by Iwashita, Sasaki, Stell and Yucel was conducted with support from the IELTS partners (British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Ca

iwashita et al irr 21 4

mbridge Assessment English), as part of the IELTS joint-funded research program. Research funded by the British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia under

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

iwashita et al irr 21 4 f IELTS.A significant body of research has been produced since the joint funded research program started in 1&95. with over 130 empirical studies rece

iving grant funding. After undergoing a process ol peer review and revision, many of the studies have been published in academic journals, in several iwashita et al irr 21 4

lELTS-locused volumes in the Studies in Language Testing series (, and in tho ILLTS Research Reports. Since 2012, to fac

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ilitate timely access, individual research reports have been made available on the IELTS website immediately after completing the peer review and revi

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

iwashita et al irr 21 4 he Japanese educational system. In particular, views on IELTS acting as a bridge between high school English language education and communication for

university study are explored. with a particular focus on speaking and writing skills. As the use of IELTS as a university entrance test is expected t iwashita et al irr 21 4

o grow in Japan, rt >s imperative that stakeholders understand what the test involves, and what part it can play in the educational transition for stu

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dents (from school to subsequent study). Exploring what teachers and students know about IELTS - and how they perceive the test - forms a key part of

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

iwashita et al irr 21 4 g questionnaires and interviews with each group of informants.So what did the research find? There appeared to be a discrepancy between teachers and s

tudents in terms ol IFLIS knowledge, with the former group found to be more informed than the latter overall. Illis was perhaps to be expected, fwrtic iwashita et al irr 21 4

ularly as many teachers will have taught courses as preparation for multiple high stakes entrance tests, and will be more familiar with major tests as

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a result. Participants bdiewd that IELTS assessed both speaking and writing adequately-a positive indictment ol its use as a university entrance lest

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

iwashita et al irr 21 4 .Furthermore, various perspectives on the use of IH IS as a university entrance lest were discussed, with existing gaps between the current high schoo

l curriculum and English skills for university noted. The potential for positive wash back was also observed by some participants, who viewed the IH I iwashita et al irr 21 4

S lesl as being cafWille of acting as a conduit for .lapanese high school curriculum modernisation and change. 1 his would include updated language sk

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ills of particular relevance for contemporary loaming and English communication, for example a move that may be overdue.www.ielts.orgIELTS Research Re

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

2021/4IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesJapanese Stakeholders’ Perceptions of IELTS Writing and Speaking Tests and their Impact on Communication and

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