NASA live television broadcast of capsto

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Nội dung chi tiết: NASA live television broadcast of capsto

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto / SERVIR Capstone Event celebrates a global program carried out over the past two years, with representative student-led projects highlighting how you

th around the world are using remote sensing, GIS, GPS, and geospatial data to address climate change issues in their regions. Several outstanding MyC NASA live television broadcast of capsto

OE Ị SERVỈR Fellows were selected to showcase their work to demonstrate the power of spatial data and geographic thinking. They were nominated by inst

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

ructors and staff of the MyCOE Program and SERVIR Hubs and chosen by USAID and NASA from among the 120 participants of the 2012-2014 MyCOE / SERVIR Pr

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto imalayas, West Africa, and Southeast Asia. In early April of 2014, Fellows meet with USAID and NASA staff, scientists, and others in Washington, DC th

rough symposia and exhibits convened at agency headquarters. They then travel to Tampa, Florida to present their work at a featured illustrated paper NASA live television broadcast of capsto

session during the Association of American Geographer's Annual Meeting, which draws nearly eight thousand attendees from over sixty countries.Through

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

their stories and their projects, we are inspired by the power of geographic data and technologies and by the spirit and determination of young people

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto ound rhe world for application to development objectives, opportunities to access and learn to use them in innovative ways remain rare, especially for

emerging scholars in developing regions, and even more so for female students. In particular, we are compelled by the incredible potential for geospa NASA live television broadcast of capsto

tial technologies and the sciences underpinning them to lend innovative frameworks for conceptualizing complex problems and integrating diverse contri

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

butions across a wide range of strategic needs. Yet capacity building and research opportunities are lacking for students to learn to use GỈS, remote

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto ny programs feature only short-term training in workshops without also providing rhe long-term mentorship, networking, communication skills, and profe

ssional development necessary to transform these young entrepreneurs into scholars who can connect their scientific results to rhe public and to decis NASA live television broadcast of capsto

ion makers.The MyCOE / SERVIR Global Fellowship Program builds long-term local capacity of young, emerging scholars and practitioners to use geography

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

and geographic technologies for addressing climate change issues across developing regions of the world. More than a scries of workshops, the program

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto user communities, particularly future users in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.Over the past two years, from 2012-2014, four regional rounds of rhe fellow

ship program have been conducted, with a focus on using geographic technologies to address climate change and key subthemes pertinent to realities in NASA live television broadcast of capsto

select USAID Mission countries in these regions. Hundreds of applicants were received, and participants were competitively selected on the basis of th

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

e potential of their proposed work to use NASA and SERVIR data to conduct a research project, and then reach our to local stakeholders, including comm

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto ate and graduate students and their mentors are provided small research stipends, travel support, expert instruction, mentoring, and SERVIR resources

to develop and improve their projects. A launch workshop is held at SERVIR Hubs and collaborator sites in each region. Each workshop includes technica NASA live television broadcast of capsto

l training, fieldwork methods, professional development sessions on topics such as research design and communicating scientific results, and scientifi

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

c knowledge about climate change, food security, and related themes. Fellows revise their projects and conduct research over a 3 to 6 month period, th

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto countries and MyCOE and AAG mentors, including strong representation of women. One hundred and twenty Fellow and mentor participants in all have take

n part and remain active in the MyCOE / SERVIR virtual knowledge community.My co E / SER VIR Projects by Region1REGIONAL ROUNDSin collaboration withKE NASA live television broadcast of capsto

Y THEMESPARTICIPANTSCOUNTRIES4 RegionsSERVIR HUBS/OĨHERS54 Research and Outreach Projects on Climate change120 lotal: 68 Fellows (56% female) and 52 M

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

entors (23% female)24 countriesEast AfricaRegional Center for Ma ppingof Resources for Development (RCMRD), KenyaClimate Change, Agriculture, and Food

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto Tan2ania, UgandaHimalayasInternational Center lor Integrated Mountain Development (RCMRD), NepalClimate Change in Mountain Regions12 teams of 27 indiv

iduals; 7 male and 8 female Fellows (12 mentors)5 countries: Bangladesh. Bhutan. India. Nepal, PakistanWest AfricaCenter for Remote Sensingand Geograp NASA live television broadcast of capsto

hic Information Services (CCRSCIS) GhanaThree Generations ol Women in Climate Change and rood Security14 teams of 32 individuals; 8 male audio female

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

Fellows (14 mentors)5 countries: Benin, Cameroon,Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, NigeriaSoutheast AsiaUSAID's Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA), Bang

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto yanmar, Thailand. VietnamSignificant Outcomes■builds long-term capacity in developing regions using Geography/GIS for sustainable development goals■in

creases promotion and retention of women in science and innovation■supports young innovators and scientists building capacity in science based fields■ NASA live television broadcast of capsto

builds communities of practice including cohorts of young future leaders and current practitioners■fosters communication among students in different c

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

ountries, including relationships among US and international colleagues and South-South collaborations■raises awareness of Geography/GIS contributions

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto l efforts, indicators, and programs■leads to specific local level results emanating from the actual ream projects, insights, results and innovations■e

nables collection examples of excellence showcasing and demonstrating the value of existing programs (including SERVIR) offering geographic data and t NASA live television broadcast of capsto

ools for sustainable development, climate change, food security, and other highly relevant challenges in developing regions■grows institutional capaci

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

ty and enhances strategic partnerships among universities, government entities, and NGOs within and among rhe countries engaged.A Public-Private Partn

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto t initiatives and facilitates ways in which existing geographic data and tools may be applied to critical regional needs across developing regions of

the world. The partnership strengthens the linkages among MyCOE, the SERVIR system, and user communities, particularly new and future users in Sub-Sah NASA live television broadcast of capsto

aran Africa and Asia.SERVIR is a joint venture between NASA and rhe U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) that provides satellite-based Ea

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

rth observation data and science applications to help developing nations in Central America, East Africa, and the Himalayas improve their environmenta

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) SERVIR Global Fellowship ProgramCapstone Events—April 2014Washington, District of Columbia ■ Tampa, FloridaThe MyCOE /

NASA live television broadcast of capsto nd respond to and assess damage from natural disasters. To further advance SERVIR’s commitment to operate “from space to village,” NASA and USAID sign

ed a joint MOU in 2011. This agreement expanded their joint efforts to overcome international development challenges such as food security, climate ch NASA live television broadcast of capsto

ange, and energy and environmental management.MyCOE (My Community Our Earth: Geographic Learning for Sustainable Development) is a U.S. Type II Public

NASA live television broadcast of capsto

-Private Partnership established in 2001 in conjunction with the United Nations World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. It provides

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