North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

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Nội dung chi tiết: North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam ment39261ByAnnette M. K1111Department of Urban Studies and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts AvenueRoom 9-539Cambridge.

MA 02139Email: annette@mit.eduElectron-c copy available fit: corn/abstrastM660750North versus South:the impact of social norms ill the mark North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

et pricing of private property rights in VietnamSumman':Despite a centralized political system, nation-wide legal reforms, and similar high housing de

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

mand pressures, property rights have evolved differently in Vietnam's two leading cities Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City dining the transition period. Usin

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam erent price structures indicate the importance of norms, as socially constructed by local political interests and culture. Ill the efficacy of land ti

tle regular ization programs.Key words: Asia. Vietnam, property rights, housing market, social nonns, land temueElectronic copy aváítóblo et: i- tpy/s North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

smcom/abst'act-1680750AcknowledgementsThis study benefited fiom the financial assistance of the Fulbiight Commission, the Lincoln Institute of Land Po

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

licy, the World Bank, and M.I.T.’s Humanities and Social Sciences giant. Many people assisted the fieldwork, but this study would not have been possib

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam ddition, colleagues Lawrence Susskind. Lynn Fisher, and colleagues in the Comparative Law and Economics Group, in particular Katharina Pistor and Susa

n Rose-Ackerman, gave helpfill comments U1 the development of this article. However, all the views expressed are solely those of the author.Electron!! North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

)s:// 16807511. INTRODUCTION:For decades, international development agencies and governments have pursued land tenure regularization

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

projects 111 hopes of bolstering private property rights enough to unleash wealth generating investment into land and housing markets. Their record of

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam ruff. 2001). However, the support for these programs by many has not flagged but only strengthened in recent years (deSoto. 2000)1.Previous scholarshi

p has tried to accoiuit for the mixed outcomes by debating the relationship between tenure security and legal titles. In some contexts, the impact of North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

title programs may be limited because households invest in property without title in hopes of having stronger claims for tenure later (Razzaz. 1993).

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

Alternatively, it could be that the efficacy of title IS unrealized without also strengthening legal enforcement and financial institutions (McKechnie

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam t choose to participate in the real estate market (Lanjouw & Lexy. 2002). Most developing and transition countries exhibit a range of title formalizat

ion and market development even without fully developed coiuts and financial institutions (Li. 1999; Zhu. 2002). Irregularity of titles appears to be North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

a hindrance in some markets more than others.The classic theory for explaining the evolution of legal private property rights systems counted the cost

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

s and benefits (Demsetz. 1967). The market would create the demand for title if a sufficiently large net economic gain could be generated by such a ch

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam https://ssm.comlfabstract=1680750which society counts the costs and benefits and the form that new property rights take as a result have been left una

nswered (Merrill. 2002).In trying to understand why some societies are more responsive to title reforms. more recent institutional economics scholarsh North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

ip is helpful in indicating that underneath the interestbased enforcement of lilies and laws are micro-foundation institutions such as norms, beliefs,

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

and culture that shape the motivation for following rule-based institutions: that IS the reason the enforcers enforce the rules (Greif. 2006). Inter-

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam ularly in smaller communities (Ellickson, 1991; Levmoie. 2002; Ostrom. 1990).Sociologists have long theorized and debated how politics and culture wor

k together in the process of socially constructing economic institutions. While some institutions are external to the agents, coming 111 the form of l North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

aws and policies that might sen e the interests of the powerfill (Bourdieu. 1977; Buiawoy. 2001) they must also be internalized cognitively by the age

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

nts 111 wider society and habitual tzed into routine practices to the point that they are made normal and embedded into the institutional fabric of so

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam utions are internalized and externalized. There is perennial debate as to how much agency exists within the structures. but agreement that rather than

viewing society as a rational actor that chooses the most efficient institutional design, economic institutions such as property rights are built thr North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

ough this social construction process (Berger & Luckman. 1967).In order to better accoiuit for the institutional outcomes, case studies have been used

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

to detail the social construction process of electricity pricing (Yakubovich. Granovettei. & McGuire. 2005). the high tech-industry in Silicon Valley

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam focus on the evolution of an industry and its structure. While institutional factors like social nouns, culture, and political economy have a lot of

intuitive resonance. It IS usually more difficult to analyze their concrete impacts on market transactions They do not usually lend themselves to stat North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

istical analysis. This study takes advantage of the opportunity to compare whether the housing markets in two cities in Vietnam, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh

North versus south the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in viet nam

City, with purportedly widely different social nouns around profiting from property and legal formalism, price shades of legal tenure differently.

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

North versus South:the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnaman article later published 111 World Developm

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