Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

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Nội dung chi tiết: Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy niversity of Agriculture Peshawar Email:- FahadStudent of B.Sc(Hons) Agriculture. Department of Rural Sociology. The University

of Agriculture Peshawar Shah FaisalStudent of B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture. The University of Agriculture Peshawar Mahnoor NaushadStudent of B.Sc (Hons) Ag Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

riculture. The University of Agriculture PeshawarABSTRACTThe Study was carried out since 18th March. 2020. The universe of the study was the whole wor

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

ld. The study major objective was to study quarantine role in the control of corona virus in the world and its impact on the world economy. Secondary

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy quarantine play important role in corona virus control but on the other side disturb the business activities of the world which affect the price leve

l of different commodities of the world, and create unemployment problems in the world which further negatively affected the socioeconomic conditions Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

of the world community. Through this way balance of trades of all the countries of the world negatively affected which further disturb the prosperity

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

of the world. So quarantine on one side control the corona virus in the world, while on the other side affect all business activities of the world and

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy irst instance it was not declared due to unavoidable effect on the China economy while lately it was announced because of this the corona spread into

the whole world now 100 countries have been affected and total 200000 persons were infected by this virus. Out of the whole 70% belong to China and 30 Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

percent belong to other remaining countries of the world. It was the main reason of the poor quarantine of the world countries and delay information

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

of the China which was given to We chat by Dr.Li which latter on died by this virus. The study also explained that the quarantine of the world of all

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy n spread the Corona virus in their countries and make environment unfavorable and multiplied the number ofcopy available at.

355C940affected in the world and crash the economy and spread a huge panic in the world. Now UNO try for solution while WHO on the start not focus on Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

the quarantine and told that no need of the quarantine while latter on the epidemic reached to multiple countries of the world which killed large numb

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

er of people in their countries. So quarantine and social distance are the two factors which reduce the corona virus in the world while on other side

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy of corona virus in China day by day decreasing while in other countries of the world day by day increasing which have closed all department of the wo

rld countries out of China. China has controlled the situation and the number digit came into single while in other countries the digit increase, such Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

as Italy. South Korea. Iran, are the top countries in the world. On the basis of problems the study recommends that to impose strong quarantine in th

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

e whole world and focus on China and when anyone come from Wuhan the corona symptoms are observed or not but social distance should be kept from those

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy people in the country on the basis of emergency, if the sick people are present or not; Boundaries of all countries should be sealed and all departme

nt of the countries should be closed till June July 2020; Social gathering should be baned in each country of the world; Province to province boundari Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

es should be closed and sealed in a proper way while on quarantine places armies personal should be appointed for tight security; Face Mask should be

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

supplied to all people of the world on free price; Honest staff should be appointed for duty of corona virus control; Mobile set should be provided to

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy of corona virus should be reduced; Number of the hospital should be multiplied in all countries of the world for control of corona Virus; Net classes

should be started for school, college and university student; Airport and transport facilities should be closed in the area for control of corona vir Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

us; World Doctor should be tried for vaccine invention; Islamic principle should be applied by people for corona virus control; hl week one day market

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

should be opened for purchasing of daily need commodities in all countries of the world; Information cell center should be opened in each country of

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy elp from Allah. Key Words: - Quarantine. Role. Control. Corona Virus. Impacts , World Economy1INTRODUCTIONIt is reported by UNICEF that the size of co

rona virus is so small which cannot seen with the help of eye. So it does pass from any mask cloth and never spread in the atmosphere and only live on Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

anything in theElectronic copy available at. The life of corona is 12 hours. It will died by soap and water

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

. When it fell on the clothes whose life is 9 hours while by washing clothes and pm in the sun also died after 2 hours while it live for 10 minutes on

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy ll June July 2020 the panic will be finished so now every country' of the world arc waiting to the mentioned dale. Quarantine play great role in coron

a vims control. Il slops spreading of the corona vims from one country to another. Through quarantine sick persons arc diagnosed and then put them in Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

separate places till recovery. Through this process the number of corona sick person infection should be reduced. Corona virus has disturbed the world

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

economy and if time become large then the world economy crashing is possible. UNO and WHO try for corona virus controlling. All doctors of the world

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy There the main reason is the quarantine failure in the world and without good quarantine the controlling of corona virus is impossible. Seeing to its

importance the present study' was arranged for the beneficiaries of the world community, rhe major objectives of the study-are the role of quarantine Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

role in control of corona vims and its impact on the world economy.2METHODS AND MATERIALThe Universe of the study is the world. Corona has disturbed

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

the whole economy of the world and ma jority persons have been killed by corona. Total 13 articles were downloaded from the net and analyzed the situa

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy RATURE ON QUARANTINE ROLE IN CORUNA VIRUS (ON I ROLE AND ITS IMPACTS ON HIE WORLD ECONOMYI. CDC is responding to an outbreak of respiratory’ disease c

aused by a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in China and which has now been detected in more than 100 locations internationally-, inclu Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

ding in the United Stares. The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019" (abbreviated “COV

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

ID-19”).On January 30. 2020, the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a “

Quarantine Role in the Control of Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World EconomyDr.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The Un

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy a public health emergency (PIIE) for the United Statessm.eeto aid the nation's healthcare community ill responding to COVID-19. On March 11. WHO publi

cly external icon characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic. On March 13. the President of the United States declared the COVID-19 outbreak a national emer Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

gency external icon. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, ca

Quaranty role in the control of corona virus and its impact on world economy

ttle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people such as with MERS-CoV. SARS-CoV. and now with this

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