Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

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Nội dung chi tiết: Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 grgriy a Hirai phenomenon. Between 1986 and J 99 J, national paver./ rate: declined modestly. almost entire:/ because of a decline in rural poverty Du

ring the same period, urban poverty incrcv’sed Poorer house holds tut | Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

rnópaiion in rt.e ia?x'..' force, and stoinlk a.'Xly higher •jnemp.’o^neri’The World BankPolicy Research DepartmentPoverty and Human Resources Divisio

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

nĐPolicy Research Working Paper 1738Summary findingsDatr and Gunewardcna characterize poverty in Sri Lanka, using data from two recent household surve

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 een.Between 1985 -86 and 1990-91, national poverty declined modestly, almost entirely because of a fall in rural poverty (although poverty in the esta

te sector also declined). Agriculture, forestry, and fishing accounted for about 80 percent of rhe decline in national poverty. Favorable redistributi Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

on arid growth in rural mean consumption accounted about equally for the decline in rural poverty’.During the same period, urban poverty increased.But

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

poverty in Sri Lanka is still largely a rural phenomenon. Nearly half the poor depend on agriculture for livelihood. Another 30 percent depend on Oth

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 y in the urban sector. Poorer households tend to have higher dependency ratios, fewer years of schooling, lower rates of participation in the labor fo

rce, and significantly higher rates of unemployment.Direct transfer benefits from the Food Stamp Program are progressive and have a greater impact on Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

poverty than uniform allocations from the .same budget.Frzmomic growth could reduce poverty considerably.This paper a product of the Poverty and Human

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

Resources Division, Policy Research Department — IS a revised version of a background papci for rhe Sri Lanka Poverty Assessment. Copies of this pape

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 2 473 3902. fax 202 522-1153. Internet address ọsader(<ị?worldbank.orgọr Andrea Ramirez, roumNS 036, telephone 202-458-5734. March 1997. (62 pages)The

Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of uork IB progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An ob Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

jective of the series is to get the findings out ợusMy. even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers cany the names of the autho

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

rs and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and COnciuitOKS expressed m thts paper are entirely those of the authors. They do n

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 ion CenterSome Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90 *Gaurav Datt and Dileni Gunewardena* This is a revised version of a background paper in suppor

t of the Sri Lanka Poverty Assessnent which was written by the authors at die Poverty and Human Resources Division, Policy Research Department, World Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

Bank. We are grateful to the Department of Census and Statistics, Ministry of Policy Planning and Implementation, Colombo. Sri Lanka, who provided US

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

with (he data as well as prompt answers to our subsequent queries. We have benefited from the comments of Hugo Diaz at various stages of die work. We

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 latively poor country with excellent social indicators has held an important place in policy discussions on poverty and human development. Its experie

nce has often been considered an eminent example of "support-led* as distinguished from “growth-mediated" strategy to improvement in basic capabilitie Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

s (Dreze and Sen, 1989), though this view has not gone uncontested. In particular, there has been much debate on the relative importance of growth in

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

average incomes and social sector spending for improvements in basic social indicators such as life expectancy and under-5 mortality.' This debate has

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 rently large poverty-oriented literature, there remain large gaps in what we know about income or consumption poverty in Sri Lanka.For example, povert

y estimates for Sri Lanka have seldom gone beyond the disaggregation for rural, urban and estate sectors, and there does not seem to exist any consist Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

ent regional poverty profile for the country. We also do not know how levels of poverty vary by socio-economic characteristics such as the sector of e

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

mployment, gender of the head of the household, or ethnic groups. Similarly, little is known about the relationship between consumption poverty' and o

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 es in poverty and what the proximate determinants of those changes may have been.This paper attempts to fill some of these holes in our knowledge of c

onsumption poverty in Sri Lanka. The paper is based on an analysis of data from two recent household surveys in Sri Lanka, viz., the Labor Force and S Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

ocio-economic Survey (LFSS) of 1985-86 and the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) of 1990-91 conducted by the Department of Census and Sta

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

tistics (DCS). The DCS surveys have been the basis of several previous estimates of poverty, but have remained under-utilized for a detailed character

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 ns in this debate include Isenman (1980), Sen (1981, 1988). Bhalla and Glewwe (1985, 1986), Ravallion (1987), Bhalla (1988a.b), Anand and Kanbur (1991

), Kakwani (1993), Aturupane, Glewwe and Isenman (1994).1poverty measurement in section 2. Section 3 deals with the construction of spatial and tempor Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

al cost of living indices, an issue which has been largely ignored in the empirical poverty literature on Sri Lanka. The detailed results are presente

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

d in sections 4-6. Section 4 presents our estimates of absolute poverty for 1985-86 and 1990-91 at the national and sectoral level, and examines the r

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90 changes in poverty using some simple decompositions. In section 5, we present a detailed regional and socio-economic poverty profile. In section 6, we

use the data to examine the targeting performance of the Food Stamp Program which has been a key anti-poverty program in the country. We also look at Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

the implications of the poverty profile for targeting resources and development programs, and the potential effect of economic growth on future pover

Some aspects of poverty in sri lanka 1985 90

ty reduction. The final section concludes with a brief summary of the main findings.

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

VPSVTÒSPolicy Research Workinc; Paper 1738Some Aspects of Poverty in Sri Lanka: 1985-90Gatcrav DaỉíDileni GunewardenaPoverty in Sr? l^nkrt fa stril fg

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