Stringy instanton corrections to mathcal
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Stringy instanton corrections to mathcal
Preprint typmirt in J HEP .tyl.u ■ PAPER VERSIONDFTT/03/2010ROM2F/2010/02Stringy instanton corrections to jV = 2 gauge couplingsarXiv:1002.4322v2 [hcp Stringy instanton corrections to mathcal p-th] 9 Jun 2010Marco Billò* *. Marialuisa Frau1, Francesco Fucito2, Alberto LcrdaJose F.Morales- and Rubik Pogliossian21*1 Dtparttmento di Fisica Teorica, Universưà di Torinoand l.N.F.N. - sezione. di TorinoVia p. Giuria J. 1-10125 Torino. Italy-l.N.F.N. • sezione di Homa Tor VergataVia della Kicer Stringy instanton corrections to mathcal ca Scientifica, 1-00133 Homa, Italy■*Dtparttmento di Scienze e Tecnologie. Avanzate. Università del Piemonte. Orientale and l.N.F.N. - Gruppo CollegatStringy instanton corrections to mathcal
o di Alessandria - sezione di Torino Viale T. Michel 11. 1-15121 Alessandria, Italy* Yerevan Physios Institute, Alikhanian lỉr. 2, 00.10 Yerevan, ArmePreprint typmirt in J HEP .tyl.u ■ PAPER VERSIONDFTT/03/2010ROM2F/2010/02Stringy instanton corrections to jV = 2 gauge couplingsarXiv:1002.4322v2 [hcp Stringy instanton corrections to mathcal uge theory receives corrections to its gauge kinet ic funct ions from “stringy” instantons. These Contributions arc explicitly evaluated by exploiting the localization properties of the integral over the stringy instanton moduli space. The model we consider corresponds to a setup with D7/D3-brancs i Stringy instanton corrections to mathcal n type r theory compactificd on T1/Z2 x?2. ami possesses a perturbatively computable heterotic dual. In the hctcoric side the corrections to the quadrStringy instanton corrections to mathcal
atic gauge couplings are provided by a 1-loop threshold computation and. under the duality map, match precisely the first few stringy instanton effectPreprint typmirt in J HEP .tyl.u ■ PAPER VERSIONDFTT/03/2010ROM2F/2010/02Stringy instanton corrections to jV = 2 gauge couplingsarXiv:1002.4322v2 [hcp Stringy instanton corrections to mathcal -branes, Gauge Theories, Instantons, Heterotic St ring.Contents1Introduction and motivations22A ,\r — 2 conformal model froman orbifold of type I42.1Tadpole cancellation constraints62.2A conformal set up73Type I' gauge ell'ective action: perturbative pari.103.11-I(H>P contributionsII3.2Holomorphic g Stringy instanton corrections to mathcal auge couplings134D-instantons and their moduli spectrum145D-instanton corrections from localization formula?205.1Localization formula?225.2Non-pcrliirStringy instanton corrections to mathcal
bativc prepotential27G. Heterotic gauge couplings29G.lThe heterotic orbifold296.1.1Partition functionand massless spectrum296.2Threshold corrections31Preprint typmirt in J HEP .tyl.u ■ PAPER VERSIONDFTT/03/2010ROM2F/2010/02Stringy instanton corrections to jV = 2 gauge couplingsarXiv:1002.4322v2 [hcpPreprint typmirt in J HEP .tyl.u ■ PAPER VERSIONDFTT/03/2010ROM2F/2010/02Stringy instanton corrections to jV = 2 gauge couplingsarXiv:1002.4322v2 [hcpGọi ngay
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