The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

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Nội dung chi tiết: The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

I z A Institute of Labor EconomicsInitiated by Deutsche Post FoundationDISCUSSION PAPER SERIESIZA DP No. 12747The Effects of the Vietnam Hunger Eradic

The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling cation and Poverty Reduction Program on SchoolingMarco BertoniQuynh HuynhLorenzo Rocco43770I z A Institute of Labor EconomicsInitiated by Deutsche Pos

t FoundationDISCUSSION PAPER SERIESIZA DP No. 12747The Effects of the Vietnam Hunger Eradication and Poverty Reduction Program on SchoolingMarco Berto The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

niUniversity of Padova, Itaty, IZA and HEDGQuynh HuynhUniversity of PadovaLorenzo RoccoUniversity of Padova and IZA43770Any opinions expressed In this

The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

paper are those of the authorfs) and not those of l/A. Research published m this series may include views on policy, hut 17 A takes no institutional

I z A Institute of Labor EconomicsInitiated by Deutsche Post FoundationDISCUSSION PAPER SERIESIZA DP No. 12747The Effects of the Vietnam Hunger Eradic

The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling independent economic research institute that conducts research in labor economics and offers evidence based policy adnce on Labor market issues. Suppo

rted by the Deutsche Post Foundation, I2A runs the world’s largest network of economists whoso research alms to provide answers to the global labor ma The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

rket challenges of our time. Our key oh|ccttve Is to huiki bridges between academic research, policymakers and society.I7A Discussion Papers often rep

The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

resent preliminary work and are circulated to encourage discussion, citation of such a paper should accomt for its (xonsional character. A revised ver

I z A Institute of Labor EconomicsInitiated by Deutsche Post FoundationDISCUSSION PAPER SERIESIZA DP No. 12747The Effects of the Vietnam Hunger Eradic

The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling .49-228-38944)Email: publkatfons^tza orgwww.iza.orgIZA DP No. 1274743770ABSTRACTThe Effects of the Vietnam Hunger Eradication and Poverty Reduction P

rogram on Schooling*This paper studies the effects of the Vietnam Hunger Eradication and Poverty Reduction (HFPR) program on school enrolment, using l The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

ongitudinal data that span over 15 years and a difference-in-ditferences research design. We find that early treatment (at ago 8) increases children e

The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

nrolment by about 9 percent. This positive effect disappears by age 15. and is more pronounced in urban areas. In sharp contrast, children receiving t

I z A Institute of Labor EconomicsInitiated by Deutsche Post FoundationDISCUSSION PAPER SERIESIZA DP No. 12747The Effects of the Vietnam Hunger Eradic

The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling labor market participation. We interpret these divergent results by age as an unintended effect of another program aimed at fostering vocational train

ing among the 15+ in rural areas. Our findings highlight the importance of integrating different anti-poverty measures to reduce inefficiency and achi The effects of viet nam huger eradication poverty redution program on schooling

eve social goals.JEL Classification:H52, H53,124.132

I z A Institute of Labor EconomicsInitiated by Deutsche Post FoundationDISCUSSION PAPER SERIESIZA DP No. 12747The Effects of the Vietnam Hunger Eradic

I z A Institute of Labor EconomicsInitiated by Deutsche Post FoundationDISCUSSION PAPER SERIESIZA DP No. 12747The Effects of the Vietnam Hunger Eradic

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