Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

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Nội dung chi tiết: Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models 163'22134468-00002018Patrick Snnen1. Francois Rivest2. Elliot A. Ludvig3, Fuat Balci4 and Peter Killeen5Oberlin College. Department of Neuroscience 11

9 Woodland St.. Oberlin. OH 44074'Royal Military College of Canada. Department of Mathematics & Computer Science PO Box 17000. Station Forces. Kingsto Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

n. Ontario CANADA. K7K 7B4 andCentre for Neuroscience Studies. Queen's University. Kingston. ON. Canada Princeton University, Princeton Neuroscience I

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

nstituteGreen Hall. Washington Rd.. Princeton. NJ 085404Koẹ University. College of Social Science & Hiunamties Riunelifeneri Yolu. 34450. Sariyer - Is

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models en@ober 119 Woodland St.Oberlin. OH 44074Short Title: The PA familyHord Count: 9042Figures: 5Email: 'francois.rivest@nnc.

ca. fiancois.rivest@mail mcgill ca 3ehidvig@princeton edn. 4 5killeen@asu edu1. IntroductionPerhaps the most intuitive model of an an Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

imal's internal clock IS a simple pacemakeraccumulator (PA) system: Discrete units of some physical quantity accumulate at a constant rate over the co

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

urse of an interval. When the total sum reaches a critical level, the animal behaves as if the interval is over The PA approach seems intuitive becaus

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models (1963) PA model (hereafter denoted TPA) is the prototype PA model of timing. It uses a pacemaker, whose pulses are accumulated by a counter and sent t

o a store to encode durations. Critically, in TPA. the inter-pulse durations within trials are correlated, with shorter-than-average durations in some Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

trials, and longer-than-average durations 111 others (Postulate 2. Treisman. 1963). In other words, the pace of the pacemaker varies randomly across

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

trials around a fixed average. As shown in Tieisman. this property of the TPA accounts for the strict form of "Weber's law for timing", a temporal ana

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models hich of two non-temporal stimuli has greater intensity (e.g.. heavier, brighter, etc.). Although Weber investigated perceptual representations by find

ing the just noticeable difference between very similar- stimuli, the law can be restated as holding that accuracy is constant whenever the two compar Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

ison stimuli are proportionally strengthened or weakened 111 intensity. This relationship suggests a level of perceptual imprecision tliat IS intensit

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

y-scale-invariant: specifically, the intensity estimates across repeated trials of a task are distributed so that the standard deviation s of the esti

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models Treisman (1963). the cv of human behavioral response times in timing tasks was indeed found to be roughly constant across different durations in temp

oral production, reproduction, decision and estimation tasks, although a collection factor a was required 111 a generalized form of Weber's law: s = k Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

• (M + a).For durations ranging from 0.25 to 9 seconds. Treisman found k in the range 0.05-0.1. a around 0.5. and M accurate but subject to some bias

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

es toward shorter or longer estimates, depending on3the procedure. One of the main empirical goals of Treisman (1963) was to address the diversity of

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models e was little evidence for any local minimum of (he cv al any particular duration, as had been previously hy pothesized.Since rrcisman (1963), experime

nts with non-human animals, for which verbal and cognitive strategics such as counting would likely be minimized, suggested even stronger support for Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

lire strict form of the law, s k A (c.g.. Gibbon. 1977. among marry subsequent replications, blit see also Rizo et al.. 2006. for some exceptions). Fu

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

rthermore. Gibbon and colleagues frequently observed that the entire distribution of response times, when divided by rhe mean response rime, typically

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models er al., 1997). fins superiinposition property is sometimes dubbed scalar invariance'. for consistency with the general use of the similar phrase scale

invariance across disciplines, we w ill use timescale invariance to refer to the same property.The TPA route to timescale invariance.In the TPA model Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

, a duration T is timed by counting the pulses emitted by a pacemaker. Treisnian (1963) does not specify precisely what kind of pulse train is emitted

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

from the pacemaker, other than to stale that the inter-pulse durations are highly regular witliin trials. The TPA pacemaker has a fixed average rate,

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models hat the inter-pulse times are essentially identical and the pacemaker is essentially periodic (Postulate I), bur with a different period in each trial

(Postulate 2). All inter-pulse durations within any given trial are almost the same. Under this assumption, the standard deviation, across trials, of Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

rhe sum of n inter-pulse times, all of which equal the same random duration A' equals n lunes the sliuidaid deviation of A'. Illis follows from die v

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

ariance formula for a constant, n. and a random variable A; Vai(nA) n~ VarfA). Taking the square root gives Std(nA) n Sld(A). Note the contrast from t

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models s have identical4variances Var(.Y) across trials, then the variance of the stun of M independent pulses is n Var(A); the n in this case is not squared

.For (he nearly-periodic TPA. different durations T are timed by counting different numbers. w. of the fixed-rate pacemaker's pulses, which occur with Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

average inter-pulse duration equal to Mean(A). This process yields an estimate, r. of T. as follows: T' = 2"=1 Xịi- For this estimate. CV(T') = Std(T

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

')/Mean(T') = n Std(A) / ( n Mean(A) ). The n cancels out of the numerator and denominator, and the cv is thus constant for all T. A similar argument

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models Theory (SET: Gibbon. 1977) and its information processing implementation (1PI. (Gibbon. Church. & Meek, 1984; Gibbon & Church. 1984). emphasized pacem

akers with Poisson characteristics, which emit highly irregular pulse trains Inter-pulse durations in such models are independent and exponentially di Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

stributed For such models with independent inter-pulse durations, the variance of the pulse counts is n • Var(A). which implies:CV(n=VHStd(«/(nMean(X)

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker accumulator family of timing models

) = ;^ỆJ•••= Std(X)/(ựMean(X) • Ợn • Mean(X)) = [Std(X)/ựMean(X)] • 1/vT.

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing modelsTo appear in Timing & Time Perception 1 (2013) 159-188 http TO. 11

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