Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

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Nội dung chi tiết: Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime WirtschaftsforschungMichael R. Ward, University of Texas at ArlingtonCorresponding Author:Michael R. WardAssociate ProfessorDepartment of EconomicsUn

iversity of Texas at ArlingtonArlington. TX 76019 (tel) 817-272-3090 (fax) 817-272-3145 mikewardfZt uta.eduABSTRACT: Video games are an increasingly p Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

opular leisure activity. As many of best-selling games contain hyper-realistic violence, many researchers and policymakers have concluded that violent

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

games cause violent behaviors. Evidence on a causal effect of violent games on violence is usually based on laboratory experiments finding violent ga

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime subjected to tests of external validity. Our study uses a quasi-experimental methodology to identify the short and medium run effects of violent game

sales on violent crime using time variation in retail unit sales data of the top 50 selling video games and violent criminal offenses from the Nationa Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

l Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) for each week of 2005 to 2008. We instrument for game sales with game characteristics, game quality and time

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

on the market, and estimate that, while a one percent increase in violent games is associated with up to a 0.03% decrease in violent crime, non-viole

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime /ssrrr.corn/atistracts 1834353I. IntroductionViolence in video games is a growing policy concern. The issue has generated six reports to the US Congre

ss by rhe Federal Trade Commission (FTC. 2009) and was the subject of a 2011 US Supreme Court decision.2 Policymaker concern has been motivated byr th Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

e connection between violent video game imagery and psychological aggression in video game players, particularly adolescents. While researchers have d

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

ocumented an effect on aggression in the laboratory, some have suggested that violent video games are responsible for violent crime such as school sho

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime ile and Buckley. 2007). These experiments generally conclude that media violence is self-reinforcing rather than cathartic. This link has not been fou

nd with crime data however. A recent study by Ward (2011) found a negative association between county-level video game store groxMh and the growth in Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

crime rates. Dahl and Della Vigna (2009) find that popular violent movies caused crime to decrease in the evening and weekend hours of a movie's relea

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

se lasting into the following week, with evidence that violent movies were drawing men into theaters and away from alcohol consumption. These two stud

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime te the reduced form effect of violent video games on violent crime using a strategy similar to Dahl and Della Vigna (2009). We proxy for video game pl

ay using video game sales information harvested from VGChartz. an industry source tracking the weekly top 50 bestselling video game titles from 2005 t Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

o 2008.4 The violent content for each video game was matched using information provided by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).5 Our 2■Elec

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

tronic copy aveilabte et: ‘r *p-/ ssm com/abst-acb 1804959measure of crime is from the National Incident Based Reporting System (N1BRS) which we use t

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime served determinants of crime, such as the coincident release of non-gaming violent media, we instillment for weekly game sales with game characteristi

cs, such as lime a game has been on the market and experts' reviews of each game in our sample using Gamespot, a video game review aggregation website Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

.6 Our identification strategy requires game quality to be uncorrelated with the unobservable determinants ofcrime.Our main finding is that we do not

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

find evidence for a positive effect on crime. Our most robust evidence supports the opposite conclusion for a negative effect of violent games on crim

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime iolent video game sales. These results are not consistent with games causing aggression but are consistent with either violent games having a catharti

c or an incapacitation effect. We estimate the elasticity of violent crime with respect to violent game sales to be small, on an order of-0.01 to -0.0 Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

3.The rest of our paper is organized as follows: Section II provides background: Section III describes our data and empirical strategy; Section IV des

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

cribes our empirical findings; and Section V concludes.11. Backgroundfrom the sensational crime stories of the 19” century (Comstock and Buckley 1883)

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime 1804959violent games. Americans have always been concerned about rhe harmful effects of violent media on children. Unlike comic books and pulp “true c

rime" stories, violence in media, including video games, have received substantial attention by psychologists and media specialists.Anderson and Bushm Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

an (2001) and Anderson et al. (2007) discuss hundreds of controlled studies on the effects of violence in media, whereas the number of studies on viol

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

ence in print media is particularly smaller in comparison.The impact of violent media on crime has three possible theoretical mechanisms, which we lab

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime or GAM GAM posits that violent video games increase aggressive tendencies. This model generalizes from social learning theory (Bandura. 1973). script

theory' (Huesmann. 1998). and semantic priming (Anderson et al.. 1998; Berkowitz & LePage, 1967) through a process of social learning whereby the gam Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

er develops mental scripts to interpret social situations both before they occur as well as afterwards. This effect creates reasoning biases, a tenden

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

cy to jump to conclusions and may even cause personality disorders (Bushman and Anderson 2002)." While GAM suggests that aggression increases with rep

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime the economic theory of time use (Becker 1965). Many modern video games are time-intensive forms of entertainment involving intense narratives with co

mplex plots and characterization taking dozens, and sometimes several hundreds, of hours to complete.8 Insofar as video game play draws adolescents fr Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

om other activities, the time use explanation implies a short-run decrease in violence as individuals substitute away from outdoor leisure to indoor l

Understanding the effect of voilent video games on voilent crime

eisure, but allow for a possible long-run increase4Electronic copy available at.

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

UNDERSTANDING THE EFECTS OFVIOLENT VIDEO GAMES ON VIOLENT CRIMEA. Scott Cunningham. Baylor UniversityBenjamin Engelstatter, Zentrtimfiir Ettropăische

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