Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

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Nội dung chi tiết: Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

Assessing EFL Speaking Skills in Vietnamese Tertiary EducationbyThanh Nam LamBA (EFL Pedagogy). MA (TESOL)A dissertation submitted to the School of Ed

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education ducation.the University of Newcastle. Australia in fulfilment of the requirementsfor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Education)43374STATEMENT OF O

RIGINALITYI hereby certify that the work embodied in the thesis is my own work, conducted under normal supervision. The thesis contains no material wh Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

ich has been accepted, or is being examined, for the award of any other degr ee or diploma in any university or other tertiary institution and. to the

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference has been made. I

Assessing EFL Speaking Skills in Vietnamese Tertiary EducationbyThanh Nam LamBA (EFL Pedagogy). MA (TESOL)A dissertation submitted to the School of Ed

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education ovisions of the Copyright Act 1968 and any approved embargo.Thanh Nam LamSignature:.......................Date:....October. 2018iiACKNOWI JUDGEMENTSAf

ter an intensive period of more than four years, today is the day: writing this note of thanks is the finishing touch on my thesis. Tt has been a peri Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

od of rewarding learning for me. not only in the scientific arena, but also on a personal level. Ĩ would like to reflect on the people who have suppor

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

ted and helped me so much throughout my academic journey.First and foremost. 1 would like to express my sincere gratitude to my wonderful supervisors

Assessing EFL Speaking Skills in Vietnamese Tertiary EducationbyThanh Nam LamBA (EFL Pedagogy). MA (TESOL)A dissertation submitted to the School of Ed

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education nsibility, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. Ĩ am fortunate to have had them as my supervisors. Without their dedicated guidance, this research proje

ct would never have been possible.I acknowledge my debt to die Government of Vietnam through the Ministry of Education and Training and the University Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

of Newcastle. Australia, for awarding me a VIED-TUIT scholarship to support my doctoral studies.1 am very thankful to the University of Newcastle for

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

providing such a rich research resource and excellent student sendees and. in particular, to the friendly and supportive academic staff of the School

Assessing EFL Speaking Skills in Vietnamese Tertiary EducationbyThanh Nam LamBA (EFL Pedagogy). MA (TESOL)A dissertation submitted to the School of Ed

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education itions they can.My profound gratitude goes to Professor Max Smith. Professor Allyson Holbrook, and Associate Professor James J.adwig. who gave me inte

resting lectures and useful research skills in my coursework al the University of Newcastle.I wish also to express my great appreciation to Associate Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

Professor Kylie Shaw. Associate Professor Mitchell O'Toole. Dr. Maura Sellars. Dr. Rachel Burke. Ms. Helen Thursby. Ms. Helen llopcrofl. and Mr. Nicho

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

las Collier for thcứ suggestions, interest, language assistance and constructive feedback on my very first manuscript. My additional thanks goes to Ms

Assessing EFL Speaking Skills in Vietnamese Tertiary EducationbyThanh Nam LamBA (EFL Pedagogy). MA (TESOL)A dissertation submitted to the School of Ed

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education huong. As my former supervisor. she has taught me and motivated me more than I could ever give her credit for here.I would also like to take this oppo

rtunity' to thank my former instructor. Dr Vu Thi Phuong Anh. She inspired me with research ideas about language testing and assessment. She has shown Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

me. by her example, what a good scientist (and person) should be.My deepest respect and appreciation go to Heads of the EFL Departments at the tertia

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

ry institutions in Vietnam for their generosity giving consent to my data collection at their EFL classes. I would like to thank the EFL teacher and s

Assessing EFL Speaking Skills in Vietnamese Tertiary EducationbyThanh Nam LamBA (EFL Pedagogy). MA (TESOL)A dissertation submitted to the School of Ed

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education of their time to provide me with a profound understanding about their experiences and perceptions of oral assessment. The EFL experts’ insights enrich

ed my research results and contributed enormously to the eventual conclusions from the investigation. I am greatly appreciative of their enthusiastic Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

cooperation in my study.I wish to thank my family for their unconditional love and encouragement during my time of studying away from home. They have

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

been and still are ever ready to assist me in my various endeavours.Finally, there are my lovely schoolmates here in Callaghan campus. We were not onl

Assessing EFL Speaking Skills in Vietnamese Tertiary EducationbyThanh Nam LamBA (EFL Pedagogy). MA (TESOL)A dissertation submitted to the School of Ed

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education . I cannot forget my friends from Vietnam and the US. Their messages and emails gave me motivational strength to complete my study.Newcastle. 30 Octob

er 2018TABLE OF CONTENTSSTATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY..........................................iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................... Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

.......iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................VLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..............................................XLIST

Assessing efl speaking skills in vietnamese tertiary education

OF TABLES....................................................xi

Assessing EFL Speaking Skills in Vietnamese Tertiary EducationbyThanh Nam LamBA (EFL Pedagogy). MA (TESOL)A dissertation submitted to the School of Ed

Assessing EFL Speaking Skills in Vietnamese Tertiary EducationbyThanh Nam LamBA (EFL Pedagogy). MA (TESOL)A dissertation submitted to the School of Ed

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