Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

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Nội dung chi tiết: Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator e degree ofDoctor of Engineering (Dr. Eng.) inMechanical EngineeringDepartment of Science and Advanced Technology Graduate School of Science and Engin

eering Saga University. Japan43525ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Akio Miyara. who willingly acc Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

epted me as his doctoral student and kindly me to do this research. 1 am grateful to him for his patient guidance, valuable discussions and enthusiast

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

ic encouragements to this research work. My grateful thanks arc also extended to Associate Professor Kcishi Kariya who has enthusiastically helped and

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator ring with me her valuable experiences of this research.1 am also grateful to the Technical Support Division of Saga University, especially Mr. Masahit

o Kawahira and Mr. Muneharu Matsuoka for their important helps in fabrications the test section.I also would like to extend my sincere thanks to the m Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

embers of my dissertation committee. Professor Yuichi Mitsutake. and Professor Yoichi Kinoue for their time, comments and valuable ideas that helped m

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

e improve this study significantly.1 would like to thank to my home university. Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Vietnam) for allowing me th

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator orts. Science and Technology). Japan to accept me as a Japanese Government sponsored student. Without their grant and support, this work would not hav

e been possible.From my heart. Ĩ am thankful to my parents who give me my life and have devoted their whole lives for nurturing and supporting me and Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

my siblings. 1 also extend my thanks to all my brother, sisters and my brothers-in-law for their tiue love to me.Finally. Ĩ would like to thank all my

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

lab mates for their support. Ĩ would also like to express my gratitude to all my Japanese language teachers. Vietnamese friends and international stu

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator ch principle operation is based on the phase changing processes and the natural motivations such as capillary or gravitational force. Different with c

onventional heat pipe (HP), vapor and liquid phases in LHP flow in separated pipes and the fine pore wick occurring inside evaporator only. Hence. LHP Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

accesses some favor characteristics such as flexibility, compact ability, high heat transfer capacity with low thermal resistance and high-reliabilit

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

y characteristics. LHP has been applied successfully and commonly in the thermal management systems belonging to orbital vehicles or machines like spa

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator nges that the cooling system of modern electronics devices facing such as high heat power and heat flux dissipation, stable and reliable performance a

nd electricity consumption or environmental problem. There are numerous experimental and computational studies conducted to evaluate the performance a Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

s well as the phenomenon happening inside the LHP under the effects of different parameters. However, until now LHP has not approved the commercial si

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

tuation as the normal HP does. One of the reasons can be caused by the complicated structure of evaporator, especially sintered porous wick that incre

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator al performance of this evaporator as well as the whole LHP operating under different conditions including orientations, working fluids, cooling condit

ions. From the experimental results, the assumption above boiling and heat transfer process happening inside this evaporator was withdrawn. This assum Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

ption can be used as one of the factors to improve the design of LHP in the future.The works done in this thesis can be summarized as followsDesigning

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

and fabricating the first pattern of LHP's evaporator. This pattern was accompanied with the sintered stainless-steel wick, and water was the working

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator hat LHP worked in condition advantage in gravity, the condenser was cooled by water at 27.5°c with mass flow rate at 27 kg.h. the LHP could operate st

ably in the range of 50 to 520 w (19.2 w.'cnr) and maintain the temperature on the top surface of the heater not be higher than IO5°C. The total therm Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

al resistance of Ĩ.HP reduced with heating power increment and had the minimum value of 0.149 K/W at the heating power of 520 W. For the target of coo

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

ling, this Ĩ.HP could take the heat at the rate of 350 w (12.9 w.'cnr) from the heater while the temperature on the lop surface of healing block al 85

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator e changing of evaporation heal transfer coefficient on lhe heal flux. Through the results, an assumption about boiling phenomenon happening inside the

evaporator was introduced. This experiment also examined the cooling performance of the Ĩ.HP after turning off the heater.o Within the horizontal con Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

dition, the performance of LHP was investigated when the inlet temperature of cooling water was adjusted at different values including 18.50C, 28.5°c.

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

36.5°c. When cooled by water at 28.5°c, the LHP could operate in the range of heat load from 10 w to 94 w and maintain temperature at the top surface

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator w that the total thermal resistance of LHP. when cooled by water at 28.5°c and 36.5°c. are nearly equal together and smaller than the case that coolin

g water was set at I8.5°c. This result indicates that L11P can function efficiently with natural water without cooled in advance. Resides, the experim Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

ent of horizontal condition also found out the overcharged of working fluid is one of reasons caused the LHP behave different oscillation characterist

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

ics.However, the first pattern of the evaporator behaved some disadvantage in design, especially the vapor chamber and compensation chamber could conn

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator oints such as prevent the connection between the vapor collector and compensation chamber, easy in changing the wick as well as the base of the evapor

ator. Within the second paltem. performance of LHP under gravity assisted condition was investigated when operating with different working fluids incl Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

uding water and ethanol, hl the experiment, the evaporator's LHP was also equipped with stainless-steel wick. The results show that the performance of

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

water LHP was almost liisimilar to one working with the first pattern of evaporator despite of the smaller elevation difference between evaporator an

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator of water LHP. when heating power was changed from 33 to 535 w. the temperature at the top surface of the heating block raised from 38<’C to 110°C. Wi

th the ethanol LHP. this temperature reached the value of 133°c at the heating power of 395 w. If temperature limitation of processors functioning ins Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

ide the DC is recognized at 85°c. the cooling capability of LHP will be 220 w (8.1 w.'cnr) and 350 w (12.9 W'cm*) corresponding to the working fluid w

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

as ethanol and water respectively. In addition, the discussion in the difference in boiling heating transfer characteristics as well as condenser perf

Experimental Study on Loop Heat Pipe with Flat EvaporatorByHuynh Phuoc HienA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator 7 chapters, the chapter outline is listed as followsChapter 1 begins with the introduction of data center (DC) and the challenges cooling systems in t

he DC facing. The end of this chapter presents the background of LHP and the relative studies on LHP with Rat evaporator to cool the electronics devic Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

es.-Chapter 2 describes the parameters of LHP including the specification of the two patterns of the evaporator, the sintered wick, the condenser, the

Experimental study on loop heat pipe with flat evaporator

vapor and liquid line as well as the heating block used in the experiment.Chapter 3 demonstrates the setup and results obtained from the experiment o

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