Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh
Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh
https://khothu vien .comMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYÊN THỊ HÒNG THÁICONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN "DẾ MÈN PHIÊU LƯU KÝ” BY TO H Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh HOAI AND ITS ENGLISHVERSION TRANSLATED BY DANG THE BINHFIELD: English LinguisticsCODE: Assoc. Prof. Dr. NGUYEN TAT THANGBỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠNNGUYÊN THỊ HÒNG THÁIẢN DỤ Ý NIỆM TRONG TÁC PHẨM “DÉ MÈN PHIÊU LƯU KÝ” CỦA TÔ HOÀI VÀ BẢN DỊCH TIÉNG ANH CỦA DỊCH Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh GIẢ ĐẶNG THÉ BÍNHNgành: Ngôn Ngữ AnhMã số:ười hướng dẫn: PGS. TS. NGUYEN TAT THANGiSTATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI hereby confirm that the thesConceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh
is entitled CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN “DE MÈN PHIÊU LIT KÝ” BY TO HOAI AND ITS ENGLISH VERSION TRANSLATED BY DANG THE BINH is the result of my own studyhttps://khothu vien .comMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYÊN THỊ HÒNG THÁICONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN "DẾ MÈN PHIÊU LƯU KÝ” BY TO H Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh ther degree or diploma.No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgments in the thesis.This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution.Quy Nhơn, September, 2020Nguyen Thị Hồng TháiiiACKNOWLEDGMENTSI would like to express my d Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh eepest gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor. Assoc. Prof. Nguyễn Tat Thang for his acceptance to be my supervisor, and for providing me with inConceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh
sightful and valuable comments. Thanks to his knowledgeable advice. I was able to narrow down the topic as well as improve the content of my paper.In https://khothu vien .comMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYÊN THỊ HÒNG THÁICONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN "DẾ MÈN PHIÊU LƯU KÝ” BY TO H Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh be able to carry out this research without their guidance, support, and input.Thirdly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who contributed, directly or indirectly, to this study. Particularly. I am thankful to my colleagues of Cat Tien secondary school for their support and encou Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh ragement. Without them, the study would have been impossible.Last but not least. I want to send our special thanks to my family, especially my parentsConceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh
and my husband whose tremendous care and never-ending love lifted me up whenever things got tough. Without their support. I would not have been able https://khothu vien .comMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYÊN THỊ HÒNG THÁICONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN "DẾ MÈN PHIÊU LƯU KÝ” BY TO H Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh sions translated by Dang The Binh. The data for this research were chosen from 188 metaphoric expressions in “De Mèn phiêu lưu ki”. In order to accomplish the objectives of the study, both qualitative approach and quantitative approach were used to identify conceptual metaphors in “De Mèn phiêu hru Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh ký” by To Hoai and their English versions translated by Dang The Binh. Besides that comparative and contrastive analysis, descriptive and inductive teConceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh
chniques were also used. The finding indicated that the three types of conceptual metaphors used in the work were quite different in distribution. In https://khothu vien .comMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYÊN THỊ HÒNG THÁICONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN "DẾ MÈN PHIÊU LƯU KÝ” BY TO H Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh conceptual metaphors analyzed. Ranking the lowest position was the orientational metaphors, with 30.9%. The other metaphors were structural ones. In contrast, in “Diary of a Cricket” by Đặng The Bính, the ontological metaphors took up the lowest position, with only 31.6%. Both structural metaphors a Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh nd orientational metaphors occur 26 times, at a rate of 34.2%. Basing on the results, we found out the loss and gain of the conceptual metaphors in “DConceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh
e Mèn phiêu lưu ký” by To Hoai when they were translated into English by Dang The Đinh. Most of the metaphors found in the Vietnamese version were rephttps://khothu vien .comMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYÊN THỊ HÒNG THÁICONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN "DẾ MÈN PHIÊU LƯU KÝ” BY TO H Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh the results helped US suggest some implications for teaching and learning English metaphorsivTABLE OF CONTENTSSTATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP........................................i Conceptual metaphors in dế mèn phiêu lưu ký by to hoai and its english version translated by dang the binh https://khothu vien .comMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYÊN THỊ HÒNG THÁICONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN "DẾ MÈN PHIÊU LƯU KÝ” BY TO HGọi ngay
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