Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners

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Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners

Discovering SQLA HANDS-ON GUIDE FOR BEGINNERSAlex K riegelWILEYWiley Publishing, Inc.Discovering SQLPublished byWiley Publishing. Inc.10475 Crosspoint

Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners t Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.comCopyright Ồ 2011 by Wiley Publishing, Inc.. Indianapolis, IndianaPublished simultaneously in CanadaISB

N: 978-1-118-00267-4ISBN: 978-1-118-09279-8 (ebk)ISBN: 978-1-118-09277-4 (ebk)ISBN: 978-1-118-09278-1 (ebk)Manufactured in the United States of Americ Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners

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Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners

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Discovering SQLA HANDS-ON GUIDE FOR BEGINNERSAlex K riegelWILEYWiley Publishing, Inc.Discovering SQLPublished byWiley Publishing. Inc.10475 Crosspoint

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Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners

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Discovering SQLA HANDS-ON GUIDE FOR BEGINNERSAlex K riegelWILEYWiley Publishing, Inc.Discovering SQLPublished byWiley Publishing. Inc.10475 Crosspoint

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Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners

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Discovering SQLA HANDS-ON GUIDE FOR BEGINNERSAlex K riegelWILEYWiley Publishing, Inc.Discovering SQLPublished byWiley Publishing. Inc.10475 Crosspoint

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Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners

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Discovering SQLA HANDS-ON GUIDE FOR BEGINNERSAlex K riegelWILEYWiley Publishing, Inc.Discovering SQLPublished byWiley Publishing. Inc.10475 Crosspoint

Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners er trademarks arc the property of their respective owners. Wiley Publishing, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book

.CONTENTSINTRODUCTIONXXVCHAPTER 1: DROWNING IN DATA. DYING OF THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE1Data Deluge and Informational Overload2Database Management Systems Discovering SQL a hands on guide for beginners

(DBMSs)2Storage Capacity2Number of Users2Security2Performance3Scalability3Costs3Recording Data3Oral Records3

Discovering SQLA HANDS-ON GUIDE FOR BEGINNERSAlex K riegelWILEYWiley Publishing, Inc.Discovering SQLPublished byWiley Publishing. Inc.10475 Crosspoint

Discovering SQLA HANDS-ON GUIDE FOR BEGINNERSAlex K riegelWILEYWiley Publishing, Inc.Discovering SQLPublished byWiley Publishing. Inc.10475 Crosspoint

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