Food Science and Biotechnology

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Nội dung chi tiết: Food Science and Biotechnology

Food Science and Biotechnology

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology nce and Technology Center «605 Yeogsam-Dong. Kangnam-Ku. Seoul 135-703. Korea Tel: 82-2-566-9937. 5412Fax: 82-2-553-8453Web site: http: AvwwJtosfost.o

r.krE-mail: kosỉbst2 ta.kosfost.or krAims and ScopeThe hood Science and Biotechnology (Food Sci. Bio-technol.; FSB) (ISSN: 1226-771)8) is devoted to t Food Science and Biotechnology

he advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning food science, biotechnology, and related academic disciplines. It is an internatio

Food Science and Biotechnology

nal English journal published by the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST), and covers all the scientific and technological aspects

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology nology, bioprocess engineering, and health aspects of foods.Membership and Subscription InformationThe annual subscription fees are US$50.00 (surface

mail) and US$90.00 (air mail) for Food Sci. Biotech-nol. professional members, US$25.00 (surface mail) and US$65.00 (air mail) for student members, an Food Science and Biotechnology

d US$200.0() (air mail) for institutional members. Membership in the Society is on a calendar year basis from January through December.All corresponde

Food Science and Biotechnology

nces regarding membership, subscriptions and changes of address should be sent to the Society addressed as below:Korean Society of Food Science and Te

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology 53-8453Web site: http://www.kosfostor.krE-mail: kosfostiil kosfost.or.krThe change of address is required 6 weeks for all changes to become effective.

All communications should include both old and new addresses with postal code, and should be accompanied by a mailing label from a recent issue.Copyr Food Science and Biotechnology

ight InformationSubmission of a manuscript implies: - that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract of as p

Food Science and Biotechnology

art of a published lecture, review, or thesis); - that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; - that its publication has been approv

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology nuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to the automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher; - that the manuscript will not be

published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders; and -that written permission of the copyright holder is obtained by Food Science and Biotechnology

the authors for material used from other copyrighted sources.All articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers the excl

Food Science and Biotechnology

usive rights to reproduce and distribute the article (e.g. as offprints), as well as all translation rights. No material published in this Journal may

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology e publisher.The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, in this publication, even if not specifically identified, does not imply th

at these names are not protected by the relevant laws and regulations. While the advice anil information in this journal is believed to be true and ac Food Science and Biotechnology

curate at the date of it going to press, neither the authors, the editors, nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omi

Food Science and Biotechnology

ssions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to material contained herein. KoSFoST publishes advertiseme

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology products or services advertised. KoSFoSI and the Editor-in-Chiei are not responsible for claims made in the advertisements published in the journal.

The appearance of advertisements in this publications does not constitute endorsement, implied or intended, of the product advertised or the claims ma Food Science and Biotechnology

de for it by the advertiser.Authorization to photocopy articles for internal or personal use is granted provided that the appropriate fee is paid dire

Food Science and Biotechnology

ctly to Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA (Tel: (508) 750 8400), stating the ISSN 1226-7708, the volume and issue

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology s, or resale. In these cases, specific written permission must first be obtained from the publisher.Printing OfficeThe Journal is printed by Hanrimwon

Publishing Co. located al 206-3 Ojang-dong, Choong-ku, Seoul 100-310, Korea.Information for AuthorsJournal Scope and PolicyI he kjod Science and iiio Food Science and Biotechnology

tedmology (Food Sd. Biotechnol; FSB), an international journal published bimonthly by the Korean Society of Food Science and technology (KoSFoST), pro

Food Science and Biotechnology

vides results of original research on the physical, chemical, biological, and health aspects of food science and technology, and a review related to f

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology FSB operates an on-line submission system. Details of how to submit online and full author instructions can be found at: httpy/ Pap

ers in a series are not accepted.Membership in KoSFoST Is not a prerequisite for submission of manuscript for publication.Editorial Procedures and Fee Food Science and Biotechnology

r Review All manuscripts are subject to peer review for the validity of the experimental design and results, significance, and appropriateness to tire

Food Science and Biotechnology

Journal. Manuscripts failing to meet the standards or poorly written or formatted are rejected by the Editor-in-Chief without further review.The auth

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology under obligation to use the listed individuals. Typically, two reviewers arc selected.'I he author is expected to respond to all reviewers' comments

either by making appropriate revisions or stating why the comments are not reasonable. The Editor will consider the revisions, and recommend to the Ed Food Science and Biotechnology

itor-in-Chlef to either accept or reject the manuscript. The author will then be informed by the Editor-in-Chief of the final decision.During the subm

Food Science and Biotechnology

ission process, the author may track the process of his or her manuscript at any time by logging onto the Web site. For this purpose, the author will

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

Food Science and Biotechnology ponding author is asked to sign it on behalf of all authors. A form is available from the Web site.

Food Science and BiotechnologyKeyword Index & Cumulative AbstractsVolumes 11-12 (2002-2003)0 Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Korea Scien

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