Nông học Agronomy 15
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Nông học Agronomy 15
Agronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 n in Africa by Boosting the Productivity of Understudied CropsZerihun Tadele *•* and Kebebew Assefa 11 Institute of Plant Sciences. University of Beni. Altenbergrain 21. CH-3013 Beni. Switzerland" Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center. P.O. Box 32. Debre Zeit. Ethiopia:E-Mail: kebebew assefa@yahoo Nông học Agronomy 15 .com* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: zerihun.tadele@ips.unibe.ch:Tel.: +41-31-631-4956; Fax: +41-31-631-4942.Received: 28Nông học Agronomy 15
July 2012; in revised form: 10 September 2012/Accepted: 18 September 2012 /Published: 16 October 2012Abstract: The Green Revolution has enabled Asian Agronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 cal, but important crops grown in the continent. In addition to then versatile adaptation to extreme environmental conditions. African indigenous crops provide income for subsistence fanners and serve as staple food for the vast majority of low-income consumers. These crops, which are composed of ce Nông học Agronomy 15 reals, legumes, vegetables and root crops, are commonly known as underutilized or orphan crops. Recently, some of these under-researched crops have reNông học Agronomy 15
ceived the attention of the national and international research community, and modern improvement techniques including diverse genetic and genomic tooAgronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 ts such as low yield and poor nutritional status and environmental factors such as drought, weeds and pests Hence, an agricultural revolution is needed to increase food production of these under-researched crops in order to feed the ever-increasing population in Africa. Here, we present both the ben Nông học Agronomy 15 efits and drawbacks of major African crops, the efforts being made to improve them, and suggestions for some future directions.Keywords: African cropsNông học Agronomy 15
: orphan crops; understudied crops; crop improvement; breeding techniquesAgronomy 2012. 2241Abbreviations and AcronymsAATF: African Agricultural TechnAgronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 t Length Polymorphisms: AGRA: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa: ASARECA: Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa: BecA: Biosciences eastern and central Africa; Blolnnovate: Bio-resource Innovations Network for Eastern Africa Development. CAADP Compr Nông học Agronomy 15 ehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program; CGA Candidate Gene Approach; CGI AR: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research; CIAT:Nông học Agronomy 15
International Center for Tropical Agriculture: CIMMYT: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. CIP International Potato Center; CIRAD AgricAgronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 cal Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation; DZARC Debie Zeit Agricultural Research Center; EIAR Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research: FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; FAOSTAT: FAO statistical database: FARA: Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa; GA: G Nông học Agronomy 15 ibberellic acid: GBS: Genotyping-by-sequencing: GCP: Generation Challenge Programme; GFAR Global Forum on Agricultural Research. GFU: Global FacilitatNông học Agronomy 15
ion Unit for Underutilized Species: IAA: indole acetic acid: IAEA: International Atomic Energy' Agency: IARCs: International agricultural research cenAgronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 s: ICUC: International Centre for Underutilized-Crops: IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development: IFPRI: International Food Policy Research Institute: IITA: International Institute of Tropical Agr iculture. ILRI International Livestock Research Institute: INDEL Insertions and Deletions: Nông học Agronomy 15 IPBO: Institute of Plant Biotechnology for developing Countries; IRD: Institut de recherche porn le développement: ISAAA: International Sen ice for thNông học Agronomy 15
e Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications; MAS: marker-assisted selection: MoA Ministry of Agriculture; NARS National Agricultural Research Systems; Agronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 -.V-Oxalyl-L-Ơ. P-diaminopropanoic acid: PAEPARD: Platform for African-European Partnerships on Agric. Research for Development; PPB: participatory plant breeding; PVS: participatory variety selection: QTL: quantitative trait locus: R1L: recombinant inbred line: RAD: Restriction-site Associated DNA; Nông học Agronomy 15 SADC/FANR: Southern African Development Community Food. Agric. and Natural Resources: SNP Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms; SSR: Simple Sequence RepeaNông học Agronomy 15
ts, also known as microsatellites; TALEN Transcription Activator-like Effector Nuclease: TILLING Targeting Induced Local Lesion IN Genomes: TIP: Tef IAgronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 , underutilized crops [2]. lost crops 13-51, neglected crops 161 01 Cl ops for the fuluie 17|. According lo Naylor Ct ƠÌ. Ill twenty-seven orphan crops within developing countries are annually grown on about 250 million hectares of land. I hese crops belong to the major groups of crops including cer Nông học Agronomy 15 eals, legumes, and root crops. In general, these crops play a key role in lire livelihood of the resource-poor farmers and consumers in Africa becauseNông học Agronomy 15
they perform belter than the major world crops under extreme soil and climate conditions prevalent in the continent, fable 1 shows rhe list of some oAgronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 .Table 1. Major understudied crops of Africa and then desirable and undesirable traits.Type of crop Common Botanical name Desirable property Undesirable property Reference NameFinger miller Fonk) African riceEìeuùne coraccnM Digiratia txilis Onza glaberrimaHigh in iron & protein, low m glycemic inde Nông học Agronomy 15 x Fast mann ing Resistance to diseases & pests Drought & heat toleranceLow productivity Low productivity Lodging & shattering rtf[2.8] [5.8] [5.9]CereNông học Agronomy 15
alsPeail milletPe»i>iicfn>nvl 'VVU Insect pests & diseases[10]Tefgiaucitm Eragrostts rtfAbiotic stresstolerance.Loss productivity &[11.12]BambaraVignaAgronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food Production Nông học Agronomy 15 w productivity &[3]Grass peaLathyrus satmanutritious Extreme di ought toleranceinsects Toxic seeds[13]AmaranthAmaniathus spp.& nutritious last grossing & nutritiousInsect pests & diseases[3]c closia("flow argentMHigh productivitySensitivity to13.81VegetablesDikaĩrũngũìRich in oilnematodes & waler-lo Nông học Agronomy 15 gging Difficulty of kernel|3|Okragabone/isis. 1. ươntbởlti AMmoteliMSTolerance to bioticreruns al Short shelf-life|H|esculentusstresses, fast glowingNông học Agronomy 15
& nutritionsAgronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food ProductionAgronomy 2012. 2. 240-283: doi 10.3390 agronomy2040240OPEN ACCESSagronomyISSN 2073-4395WWW indpi com journal agronomy ReviewIncreasing Food ProductionGọi ngay
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