State management with vietnam securities

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Nội dung chi tiết: State management with vietnam securities

State management with vietnam securities

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

State management with vietnam securities he securities. Today, securities not only plays an important role in developed countries but also has a great position in Capital circulation in devel

oping countries. In Vietnam, since the transition of the economy from a centralized planning mechanism to a socialist mechanism, it is required to for State management with vietnam securities

m and develop each step of the securities and this view has been shown in the Official documents of the Party and the State. The Government has conduc

State management with vietnam securities

ted a series of preparation steps to establish and put into operation the securities. By proactively building a legal framework, building the securiti

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

State management with vietnam securities he first step is to establish Ho Chi Minh City Securities Trading Center, in July 2000, our securities was officially bom and put into operation, open

ing a new channel of medium and long-term Capital mobilization for rhe economy, serving the industrialization and modernization, country. The securiti State management with vietnam securities

es's contribution in Vietnam is also a complete complement to a tinancial market stmcture in the direction of developing a financial foundation in lin

State management with vietnam securities

e with the policy of building a socially oriented market economy and once again affirm the Party's consistent approach in line with the trend of inter

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

State management with vietnam securities and State's guidelines. The State plays a role as the builder and market maker. Therefore, the State is also the subject to manage all activities of t

he securities as required by economic rules, ensure the openness and transparency of the market. That is an objective request, comes from the function State management with vietnam securities

of State1management tasks. After nearly 20 years of operation, due to the positive transformation of the Vietnam securities in recent years, the stat

State management with vietnam securities

e management activities for the securities have made significant strides, including the improvement of the legal framework, Create goods for the marke

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

State management with vietnam securities ed to the state management of the Vietnam securities, I chose the thesis thesis: "State management with Vietnam securities ".2Research objectives and

(asks-Systematizing and clarifying the theoretical basis of State management for the securities.-Analyzing and assessing the status of State managemen State management with vietnam securities

t activities for (he Vietnam securities in the past time, (hereby pointing out the achieved and limited results.-Studying management agency model and

State management with vietnam securities

management experience for securities in some countries to draw lessons for Vietnam-Proposing Solutions to enhance (he role of State management for Vie

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

State management with vietnam securities tents of the securities and State management of the securities; study the status and State management activities for Vietnam securities from 2007 to M

arch 2019: al the same time, the thesis also studies and summarizes the lessons learned from some countries in securities management and propose some State management with vietnam securities

Solutions to enhance the role of State management for Vietnam securities.4Research Methods:Based on the scientific research methodology, the views and

State management with vietnam securities

guidelines of the Party and State to study, evaluate activities on the securities; studying legal2policies and management tools in use as well as the

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

State management with vietnam securities necessary to clarify some basic issues about securities and State management for securities. From the State management situation for the Vietnam secur

ities, the thesis will synthesize and make assessments about the achieved results as well as the limitations to be overcome. The Solutions are derived State management with vietnam securities

from the practical State management work for the Vietnam securities (in recent years, with reference (0 lessons learned from some countries around th

State management with vietnam securities

e world. Together with the associated development strategy Vietnam securities until 2019 to contribute (0 perfecting and improving the quality and eff

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

State management with vietnam securities ppendices, lists of tables and diagrams, the content of the thesis is divided into 3 chapters. Detail:Chapter I: General theoretical basis of the Secu

rities and State management of the securities.Chapter II: Current State management for Vietnam securities.Chapter III: Some Solutions to improve the S State management with vietnam securities


State management with vietnam securities

ral theoretical background on securities market1.1.1.Objective necessity of the formation and development of the stock market in a market economy.In a

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

State management with vietnam securities a place to invest to make a pront; invest in their production and business activities. How to make people with Capital meet people who need Capital is

the process of Capital exchange. This process of Capital exchange is not always encouraged, where development is the foundation for a nation's growth State management with vietnam securities

stimulus. The function of the social exchange process belongs to the intermediary financial institutions with increasingly diversided Capital mobiliz

State management with vietnam securities

ation channels. In general, in the market economy, there are two Capital mobilization channels: indirect Capital channel and direct Capital channel.-

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

State management with vietnam securities of goods production and monetary circulation. It was created to mobilize and focus the temporary idle Capital in society to redistribute to the nation

al economy by credit method. Characteristics of indirect Capital channel is a temporary source of monetary idle formed in society, this source of Capi State management with vietnam securities

tal is mainly short term. Therefore, the appearance of the Bank is an important step in the process of Capital exchange. The bank acts as an intermedi

State management with vietnam securities

ary between people with Capital and those who need Capital by mobilizing deposits and

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

PREFACE1The urgency of the topicThe process of globalization, first of all, globalization of the economy has strongly intluenced the development of th

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