Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

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Nội dung chi tiết: Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors rements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyTri Dinh Minh LEMBA, MEng (La Trobe University, Australia) BSc (Hons) (University of Science, VNU-HCM, V

ietnam)School of Economics Finance and Marketing College of Business RMIT University43191DeclarationI certify that except where due acknowledgement ha Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

s been made, the work is that of the author alone; the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other academic

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

award; the content of the thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research progra

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors h Minh LEMelbourne, April 2018111AcknowledgementsLilis thesis would not have been completed without the encouragement and support oi numerous people.

First and foremost, my heartfelt thanks to my supervisors A/Prof Angela Dobele and Dr Linda Robinson, my thesis angels, for die continuous guidance an Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

d support over almost four years. 1 have been inspired by and benefited greatly from their personalities, leadership skills and encouraging supervisio

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

n. Without their mist, kindness, assistance, patience, and dedication to mv personal and professional development, rhe completion of this PhD journey

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors for funding my research and the administrative support for my study. Without their award, dlls thesis might never have started. I also wish to thank

the board of rectors and managers at International University, VNU-HCM and the rector, A/Prof Ho Thanh Phong for the official reference at the applica Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

tion stages and the encouragement throughout the last four years.Thanks to all HDR coordinators and administrators at the School of Economics, Finance

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

and Marketing, College of Business, Doctoral Training Centre, and School of Graduate Research for the support during my candidature. Acknowledgements

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors nt of Education and Training and principals of high schools in Ho Chi Minh Citv, Vietnam for the warm welcome and support when 1 visited them for data

collection. 1 also wish to thank Prof lames Gaskin for Ills YouTube tutorial videos and the enthusiastic instruction al the data analysis workshop al Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

RMl'l' which we were lucky to attend. Thanks also to Dr Bradley Smith for Ills professional editing assistance.IVI would also like to express my than

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

ks to all friends and colleagues in both Australia and Vietnam for their sharing, support and encouragement in various ways. Thanks for providing inva

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors and my family, for sacrificing all their best for US to pursue education, for encouraging me to follow this path and their complete trust 111 me. Mom

and Dad, your contribution IS impossible to express 111 words. Thank you for your unconditional love and patiently listening to my frustrations. Than Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

ks to my brother Due Le for taking my responsibility during the hard time of the family. I am deeply grateful to my parents-in-law for their endless s

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

upport and always loving me like then own.Finally, a very special thanks to my wife Nguyen Pham, my better half and the most trusted, strictest review

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors est I can be.VPrefaceT1ÚS thesis is presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the College of Busin

ess, RMIT University. It includes five scientific papers which have been submitted and are currently under review or accepted for publication in targe Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

ted journals. These papers comprise one conceptual paper and four empirical papers. The five papers report studies on two related themes: (1) word-of-

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

mouth processing, examined in the higher education context; and (2) higher education choice factors, and the delivery of the choice factor information

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors more than 80% of the content of these papers. The candidate was solely responsible for the initial ideas, research design, execution, and data analyse

s of the studies, and was primarily responsible for the preparation of the manuscripts for publication. The contributions of the co-authors, Associate Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

Professor Angela R Dobele and Dr Linda J. Robinson, include discussions on research design, coding support, the confirmation of data analyses, and re

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

visions of the manuscripts. At the submission date of tills thesis, rhe status of these five papers is listed as follows:•Paper 1 (Chapter 4): This co

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors eness and the development of the WOM Processing Framework. The framework and propositions suggest the avenues for future research. This paper was subm

itted to Journal of Marketing Management (ABDC ranked A) and is currently under review.•Paper 2 (Chapter 5): This empirical paper presents an investig Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

ation on the relationship between source characteristics and message quality within WOM processing, as well as the mediating effects of message qualit

Word of mouth processing and higher education choice factors

y on the effects of each source characteristic. Tills paper has been accepted for publication in Marketing Intelligence anti Planning (ABDC ranked A).

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

https: //k hot h u vien .com• RMITUNIVERSITYWORD-OF-MOUTH PROCESSING AND HIGHER EDUCATION CHOICE FACTORSA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

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