Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites
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Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites
NUTRIENT MOBILITY FROM BIOSOLIDSLAND APPLICATION SITESbyMai Anil Vu TranA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the de Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites egreeofDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYinCivil and Environmental EngineeringMichael J. McFarland Major ProfessorWynn R. Walker Committee MemberBruce E. MillerCommittee MemberGilberto E. UrrozCommittee MemberLaurie s. McNeillCommittee MemberByron R. BumhamDean of Graduate StudiesUTAH STATE UNIVERSITYLogan. Utah2 Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites 008iiiABSTRACTNutrient Mobility from Biosolids Land Application SitesbyMai Anh Vu Tran. Doctor of PhilosophyUtah State University, 2008Major ProfessorNutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites
: Dr. Michael J. McFarlandDepartment: Civil and Environmental EngineeringThree types of biosolids (lime-stabilized, aerobically digested, and anaerobiNUTRIENT MOBILITY FROM BIOSOLIDSLAND APPLICATION SITESbyMai Anil Vu TranA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the de Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites d N-based agronomic rate. Soil samples at depths up to 1.5 m were collected and analyzed for nitrogen, phosphorus, regulated metals. pH, and electrical conductivity for up to two years after biosolids application.NH4-N at the soil surface (0.2 m) was primarily lost through ammonia volatilization and Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites nitrification. This observation was consistent with reported increases in nitrate (NOrN) concentrations found within the soil surface on the biosolidNutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites
s-amended sites. A nitrogen mass balance on the surface soil control volume indicated that the nitrogen residual field measurements were significantlyNUTRIENT MOBILITY FROM BIOSOLIDSLAND APPLICATION SITESbyMai Anil Vu TranA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the de Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites rate leaching). Biosolids land application led to increases in vegetative growth and dry matter yield when compared to vegetation grown on controliv plots. Based on the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM), the model predicted NH» and NO3 storage values at biosolids-amended sites were significantly Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites different from the field data, which suggests that the model default and limited measured values were inappropriate for a non-irrigated rangeland lanNutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites
dscape.The majority of total p and plant available p accumulation was found to occur primarily within the soil surface (0.2 m). Phosphorus soil residuNUTRIENT MOBILITY FROM BIOSOLIDSLAND APPLICATION SITESbyMai Anil Vu TranA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the de Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites er at the biosolids-amended treatment sites was low based on the molar ratio of ([P}/([Al]+[Fe])) and the potential formation of calcium phosphate (CajfPOdh). Aerobically digested biosolids appeared to be the optimal biosolids type with regar d to minimizing the adverse environmental effects of phos Nutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites phorus based on the Phosphorus Site Index (PSI).Regulated metal concentrations (.As. Cd. Cu. Pb. Mo. Ni. Se. and Zn) were well below the cumulative poNutrient mobility from biosolids land application sites
llutant loading limits for biosolids-amended soils. Finally, nutrients as well as regulated heavy metals associated with biosolids land application toNUTRIENT MOBILITY FROM BIOSOLIDSLAND APPLICATION SITESbyMai Anil Vu TranA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the deNUTRIENT MOBILITY FROM BIOSOLIDSLAND APPLICATION SITESbyMai Anil Vu TranA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the deGọi ngay
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