Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

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Nội dung chi tiết: Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

• RMITUNIVERSITYAdoption of Social Sustainability Practices in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Vietnamese Handicraft OrganisationsA thesis submi

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations itted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree ofDoctor of PhilosophyTill ĩĩa I'yen TranBachelor of f oreign Trade (University of Economics Ho

('hi Minh city) Bachelor of English (University of Sciences. I lue University)Master of Applied Commerce (International) (University of Melbourne)Scho Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

ol of Accounting, Information Systems, and Supply Chain College of Business and LawRMIT University, Melbourne. Australia44075DeclarationI, Illi Ila Uy

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

en Iran, except where due acknowledgement has been made, hereby certify that:(a)the work is that of the author alone:(b)the work has not been submitte

• RMITUNIVERSITYAdoption of Social Sustainability Practices in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Vietnamese Handicraft OrganisationsA thesis submi

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations ut since the official commencement date of the approved research program;(d)any editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out by a third party is acknow

ledged; and(e)ethics procedures and guidelines have been followed.Thi Ha Uyen Tran25th September 2020i I p a g eAcknowledgementsĨ wish ro welcome this Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

opportunity to extend my sincere appreciation to all organisations and people who have assisted me during my PhD journey. First and foremost. I would

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

like to thank the College of Economics - Hue University, Vietnam International Education Department -Ministry of Education and Training, mid RM1T Uni

• RMITUNIVERSITYAdoption of Social Sustainability Practices in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Vietnamese Handicraft OrganisationsA thesis submi

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations rhe provision of a joint scholarship between RMĨT University and Vietnam International Education Department (RM1T-V1ED).I would like to extend my hea

rtfelt thanks to my amazing supervisors, Dr Kwok Hung T ail and Dr Chin Fang Ong. who have encouraged and guided me throughout this PhD. T cannot expr Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

ess my gratitude in words for then immense academic knowledge, invaluable guidance, dedicated support, and constructive motivation in helping me to ov

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

ercome challenges related to research and writing up the thesis. My life is so blessed to have both of them as my supervisors.My next deep gratitude g

• RMITUNIVERSITYAdoption of Social Sustainability Practices in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Vietnamese Handicraft OrganisationsA thesis submi

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations and pre-test phases. In particular. 1 would like to express my sincere thanks to Professor llepu Deng who provided help, guidance, and support in the

first three years of my doctoral program. My gratitude also goes to Dr Konrad Pcszynski. Di lluan Vo Iran. Di Zahccd Halim. Di David Truong Ton. and A Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

ssociate Professor Abdullahi Ahmed fol then support throughout my candidature.There is a multitude of other individuals who helped me to arrive at thi

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

s point. and 1 would like to express my special appreciation to Dr Phan Thanh Hung - CEO of Fagi Corporation folit I p a g eagreeing to participate an

• RMITUNIVERSITYAdoption of Social Sustainability Practices in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Vietnamese Handicraft OrganisationsA thesis submi

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations IT University for their support, encouragement, and assistance, including Giang Hoang. Ngoc My Hang Le, Alvedi Sabani, Benjamin Wu. and Le Dung just t

o name a few. during my time as a doctoral candidate. I would also like to acknowledge that this thesis was professionally copyedited and proofread by Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

Dr Kate van Door CH rhe professional editing complies with the Guidelines for Editing Research lheses and is restricted to Standards D and L of the A

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

ustralian Standards for Editing Practice.Most importantly, 1 would not have been able to undertake this endeavour without suppolls from my family. Ĩ a

• RMITUNIVERSITYAdoption of Social Sustainability Practices in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Vietnamese Handicraft OrganisationsA thesis submi

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations ugh time with two kids. Ulis journey would not have been possible without his emotional support and encouragement. Ĩ am also extremely gratefill to my

mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, my dearest two kids, and other family members for then unconditional lo\ c and support. 1 want to dedic Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

ate this thesis to my beloved family.iii I p a g eTable of ContentsDeclaration........................................................................

Adoption of social sustainability practices in developing countries a case study of vietnamese handicraft organisations

..iAcknowledgements....................................................................iiTable of Contents............................................

• RMITUNIVERSITYAdoption of Social Sustainability Practices in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Vietnamese Handicraft OrganisationsA thesis submi

• RMITUNIVERSITYAdoption of Social Sustainability Practices in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Vietnamese Handicraft OrganisationsA thesis submi

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