Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock
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Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock
ASSESSING AND ENHANCING METHANE PRODUCTIVITY FROM ANAEROBIC DIGESTION USING CYANOTHECE BG0011 AS FEEDSTOCKByNGUYET T. M. DOANA DISSERTATION PRESENTED Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYUNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA20171To my beloved parents Luc Huu Doan and Tuyet Thi Bach Tu, my mother in-law Du Thi Tran, husband Tanh Tran Nhan Nguyen and my son Phuc Huu Do Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock an Nguyen3ACKNOWLEDGMENTSIwould like to express the great gratitude to my academic supervisor Dr. Pratap c. Pullammanappallil for advising, supportingAssessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock
, and encouraging me during my PhD study at University of Florida. I admired him by his know'ledge, gentleness, and kindness. The next person I would ASSESSING AND ENHANCING METHANE PRODUCTIVITY FROM ANAEROBIC DIGESTION USING CYANOTHECE BG0011 AS FEEDSTOCKByNGUYET T. M. DOANA DISSERTATION PRESENTED Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock to accomplish my study.I would like to give special thanks to my PhD committee members for helping me to enhance my knowledge and have a good vision for my PhD project. Thanks to Dr. Ray A. Bucklin who supported me all the time for my PhD program. Dr. Edward J. Phlips promoted me to study for Cyano Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock bacteria BG0011 and Dr. Ben Koopman's flexibility advices were useful for my research.I would like to thank Dr. Melanie J. Correll. Dr. Bruce A. Welt,Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock
Dr. Eric McLamore, Dr. Bin Gao from Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, UF for supporting me in using centrifuge, lab space, gas dASSESSING AND ENHANCING METHANE PRODUCTIVITY FROM ANAEROBIC DIGESTION USING CYANOTHECE BG0011 AS FEEDSTOCKByNGUYET T. M. DOANA DISSERTATION PRESENTED Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock ollect soil samples and gave me sediment samples; Dr. Keelnatham T. Shanmugam, Microbiology and Cell science at University of Florida, for helping me for using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) to test volatile fatty acid; Dr. Kien Pham, Biomedical Science at University of Florida, for h Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock elping me in using centrifuge and microscope. I would like to send my thanks to my colleagues and my friends who spent time with me during my study anAssessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock
d research at University of Florida: Yingxiu Zhang, Tung Chen, Caesar Moreira, Ziynet Boz,4Samriddhi Sinha. Sunchang Yang. Wen Ji, Na Wu, Wei Wu. PatrASSESSING AND ENHANCING METHANE PRODUCTIVITY FROM ANAEROBIC DIGESTION USING CYANOTHECE BG0011 AS FEEDSTOCKByNGUYET T. M. DOANA DISSERTATION PRESENTED Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock Paul, and Robin Snyder. I will also never forget the support and comradery of undergraduate students as we worked together in a team: Kavir Maharaj. Kevin Gilroy, Bianca Gouvea. Nicole Giatti, Quan Nguyen, Jennifer Jackson, Logan McCoy, Christian Svetics, Calvin Heimburg, Raquel Bradley, James Clov Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock er, Dylan Wald, and Alexson Joseph. I would like to thank my Gainesville families for supports and treating me as their family member: Dr. Khe Chau’ fAssessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock
amily, Dr. Dolores Krausche and grandma. Mr. Lac’s family. Ms. Lien Duong s family, Mr. Phuoc's family. Mr. Roger Sedlacek’s family, and Mr. Donny DilASSESSING AND ENHANCING METHANE PRODUCTIVITY FROM ANAEROBIC DIGESTION USING CYANOTHECE BG0011 AS FEEDSTOCKByNGUYET T. M. DOANA DISSERTATION PRESENTED Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock e the best environment in the ABE department for study. I am proud to be part of the family of Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida, USA.Many thanks are given to An Giang University. Vietnam: Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock Florida, USA for PhD research assistantship; Office of Energy, Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services, USA; PhD Fellowship ProgramAssessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock
of Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training.Finally, a personal record I would like to exASSESSING AND ENHANCING METHANE PRODUCTIVITY FROM ANAEROBIC DIGESTION USING CYANOTHECE BG0011 AS FEEDSTOCKByNGUYET T. M. DOANA DISSERTATION PRESENTED Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock ge me on all my ways. I would like to appreciate my friends and my relatives in my hometown (An Giang) who supported my parents and my son.5TABLE OF CONTENTSpageACKNOWLEDGMENTS...........................................................4TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................... Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock ..........6LIST OF TABLES........................................................10LIST OF FIGURES....................................................Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock
...11ABSTRACT..............................................................15CHAPTER1INTRODUCTION.....................................................ASSESSING AND ENHANCING METHANE PRODUCTIVITY FROM ANAEROBIC DIGESTION USING CYANOTHECE BG0011 AS FEEDSTOCKByNGUYET T. M. DOANA DISSERTATION PRESENTED Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock 3Objectives............................................................25Research Approach.....................................................252METHODOLOGY...........................................................28Measurement of optical Density of Microalgal CellCulture Suspensions.28 Assessing and enhacing methane productivity from anaerobic digestion using cyanothece bg0011 as feedstock ASSESSING AND ENHANCING METHANE PRODUCTIVITY FROM ANAEROBIC DIGESTION USING CYANOTHECE BG0011 AS FEEDSTOCKByNGUYET T. M. DOANA DISSERTATION PRESENTEDGọi ngay
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