Judith v boettcher, rita marie conrad the online teaching survival

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Nội dung chi tiết: Judith v boettcher, rita marie conrad the online teaching survival

Judith v boettcher, rita marie conrad the online teaching survival

Judith V. Boettcher • Rita-Marie ConradSurvival Guide|{ IOSSEY BASSA VAey B-a-xiSECOND EDITIONhe Online■ 4511. • ĨL iéachindThe Online Teaching Surviv

Judith v boettcher, rita marie conrad the online teaching survival val GuideThe Online Teaching Survival GuideSimple and Practical Pedagogical TipsJudith V. Boettcher Rita-Marie ConradSecond EditionForeword by Pam McQ

uestenJ5 JOSSEY'BASSA Wiley Brandhttps://khothuvien.cori!Copyright tì 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.Published by Jossey-Bass A W Judith v boettcher, rita marie conrad the online teaching survival

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Judith V. Boettcher • Rita-Marie ConradSurvival Guide|{ IOSSEY BASSA VAey B-a-xiSECOND EDITIONhe Online■ 4511. • ĨL iéachindThe Online Teaching Surviv

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Judith V. Boettcher • Rita-Marie ConradSurvival Guide|{ IOSSEY BASSA VAey B-a-xiSECOND EDITIONhe Online■ 4511. • ĨL iéachindThe Online Teaching Surviv

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Judith V. Boettcher • Rita-Marie ConradSurvival Guide|{ IOSSEY BASSA VAey B-a-xiSECOND EDITIONhe Online■ 4511. • ĨL iéachindThe Online Teaching Surviv

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Judith V. Boettcher • Rita-Marie ConradSurvival Guide|{ IOSSEY BASSA VAey B-a-xiSECOND EDITIONhe Online■ 4511. • ĨL iéachindThe Online Teaching Surviv

Judith v boettcher, rita marie conrad the online teaching survival of Congress Cataloging-in-l’ublication DataNames: Boelldier. Judith V., autlior. I Conrad, Rita-Marie, author.Title: Tile online teaclún

g survival guide : simple and practical pedagogicaltips / luditli V. Boettcher. Rita-Marie Conrad.Description: Second edition. San Francisco, CA: lo&a Judith v boettcher, rita marie conrad the online teaching survival

ey-Bass, 2016. IIncludes bibliographical references and index.Identifiers: LCCN 2016022317 (print) I LCCN 2016025298 (ebook) I ISBN97811191176381 pbk.

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) I ISBN 9781119147695 (ePDF) I ISBN 9781119117701 (ePub)Subjects: LCSH: Web-based instruction. I Computer-assisted instruction. I

Judith V. Boettcher • Rita-Marie ConradSurvival Guide|{ IOSSEY BASSA VAey B-a-xiSECOND EDITIONhe Online■ 4511. • ĨL iéachindThe Online Teaching Surviv

Judith V. Boettcher • Rita-Marie ConradSurvival Guide|{ IOSSEY BASSA VAey B-a-xiSECOND EDITIONhe Online■ 4511. • ĨL iéachindThe Online Teaching Surviv

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