Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology

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Nội dung chi tiết: Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology

Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology

ivTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................... iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................

Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology ... iiABSTRACT........................................................ iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS................................................ ivLIST OF

ABBREVIATIONS........................................... viiLIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES..................................... viiiPARTA:TNTRODUCnON..... Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology

............................................ 1I.Rationale of the study.......................................... 2II.Purposes of the study............

Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology

......................... 2III.Scope of the study....................................... 2IV.Methodology of the study.................................

ivTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................... iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................

Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology iew of Literature................................ 41.1.Computer assisted language learning(CALL).................... 41.1.1What is CALL?..............

................................. 41.1.2.Impacts of CALL on language learning and reaching.......... 41.1.3 Lance Kuowlcs( 20Ơ1 )■ CALL............... Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology

.................. 51.2.Blended Leaming(BL) model.................................. 61.2.1.Definition of BI...........................................

Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology

61.2.2Differences between blended learning and traditional classroom6learn ing(TCL).........................................................1.3.Dyned

ivTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................... iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................

Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology s....................................... 81.4. New Dynam ic Engl ish........................................ 91.5.Attitudes...........................

..............................101.5.1.Definition................................................ 101.5.2Effects of attitudes in language teaching and Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology

studying..... 111.5.3.Learners and teachers' attitudes towaid CALL and Dyned learning.11CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY AND DATA ANALYSIS......................

Teachers and students perception and attitudes to the application of new dynamic english at hanoi university of business and technology

... 132.1.Context of the study...................................... 13V2.2.Subjects..................................................................

ivTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................... iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................

ivTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................... iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................

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