12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book

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Nội dung chi tiết: 12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book

12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book

MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI NATIONALE,ĨParteal. X-K- LhsScan *Express Publishing Uniscan Grup EducationalTeacher's BookJenny Dooley - Virginia EvansPublished

12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book d by Express PublishingLiberty House. Greenham Business Park. Newbury.Berkshire RG19 6HW. United KingdomTel.: (0044) 1635 817 363Fax: (0044) 1635 817

463email:© Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans. 2014Colour llluslrolions: © Express Publishing, 12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book

2014Illustrated by Jim Biggins. Alexandra Lewis, Alan Shephard © Express Publishing. 2014Original music composed by led and laz© Express Publishing.

12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book

2014First published 2014Made in LUAil rights reserved. No part of this publication may bo reproduced. stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in

MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI NATIONALE,ĨParteal. X-K- LhsScan *Express Publishing Uniscan Grup EducationalTeacher's BookJenny Dooley - Virginia EvansPublished

12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book hanged in any way.ISBN 9/8 I 4/15 33600PhotocopyingThe publishers grant permission for the photocopying of those pages marked photocopiabfe for classr

oom use only. School purchasers can make copies for the use of their staff and students only. Individual teachers can make copies for their own use or 12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book

for the use of the students they teach. Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for sale.AcknowledgementsWe would like to tha

12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book

nk all the sfalf at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience arc due in part

MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI NATIONALE,ĨParteal. X-K- LhsScan *Express Publishing Uniscan Grup EducationalTeacher's BookJenny Dooley - Virginia EvansPublished

12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book eam; and Emily Newton, Kevin Harris, Daniel Parker, Frica Thompson and Timothy Forster. We would also like Io thank those institutions and teachers wh

o piloted the manuscript, and whoso comments and feedback wore invaluable in the production of the book Special thanks Io Gina, Chris and Dennis who l 12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book

ook part in the recording.Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers wil

12345 fairyland 2 teacher s book

l be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.Partea I45323Teacher's BookJenny Dooley - Virginia EvansPrograma ạcolară pent

MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI NATIONALE,ĨParteal. X-K- LhsScan *Express Publishing Uniscan Grup EducationalTeacher's BookJenny Dooley - Virginia EvansPublished

MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI NATIONALE,ĨParteal. X-K- LhsScan *Express Publishing Uniscan Grup EducationalTeacher's BookJenny Dooley - Virginia EvansPublished

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